Aerith Overrated?

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Wrong I just rewatched the clip it first turns white when Cloud rejected Sephiroth's control. This means that Cloud rejecting the wrong path showed the world that there was good that should be saved.
what Kuhn is saying it's true, Aerith's death was an unfortunate event not a sacrifice,however it was also thanks to her death that she could use the Lifestream it was a matter of luck.
She activated Holy before she died,This ddidn't require a sacrifice! then Sephiroth killed her(why to kill her if her sacrifice was needed?,Sephiroth wanted meteor to succed) however what Sephiroth didn't know was that if Aerith was killed she could aid with the lifestream,that pushed metor further from earth so holy could act.
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Wrong I just rewatched the clip it first turns white when Cloud rejected Sephiroth's control. This means that Cloud rejecting the wrong path showed the world that there was good that should be saved.


And I know, Cloti, but he's trying to say Aerith didn't have a huge part and what not. Aerith's death was APART of saving the world--it was gonna happen, we didn't know it, but it had to be done. The game wouldn't be the game if Aerith wasn't killed.
Her death was not needed it just happened because she was stupid. Now as for her gaining control of the lifestream that I am not going to take a side on because it is hinted at in the movie.
She wasn't stupid! She couldn't of moved out of the way from Sephiroth in time. Her death was needed, you're just being thick headed.
What are you talking about Kuhn? did you honestly played the same game as I did?

Just one question... if wasn't for Holy the world would have been destroyed. And in order for Holy to be casted Aerirh had to die (dying=become part of the Lifestream) so that she could become one with the planet and use her full power to protect it.

And Holy was ONLY released when Aerith died.

I don't think Aerith is overrated at all, excessive fanboys tend to make characters look overrated. Aerith had a very crucial point in the game, but she had so few time on every single game she entered/appeared.
Even if Aerith didn't die the Holy itself couldn't beat Meteor because it was too late.So Aerith's death had a meaning.In the end you see that Lifestream also helps to destroy the Meteor which in(the lifestream) is Aerith and so she helps(the power of the Cetra lets her do so),without her the Meteor would've destroyed the planet.

You can read it here:
Not entirely. Meteor was cast once before according to the series, that was that big crater in the north. Holy was slowed down the same way then yet it prevented the world from being destroyed. But the thing is the thing slowing it down never died.
It was in the place you get the black materia at.
Even if Aerith didn't die the Holy itself couldn't beat Meteor because it was too late.So Aerith's death had a meaning.In the end you see that Lifestream also helps to destroy the Meteor which in(the lifestream) is Aerith and so she helps(the power of the Cetra lets her do so),without her the Meteor would've destroyed the planet.

You can read it here: This FF wikia states that Aerith succeeded in casting it before she died thus her death was just her being dumb.
Wikipedia is known for faults while the FF wikia is known for being right on all old FFs.
Only on the new games on the old ones like 12 and below it has had a 99% correct rate while wikipedia has only a 65% correct rate. Also you might want to add more stuff into your posts the staff will fuss about it.
I never said she didn't casted successfuly I just stated the reason she had to die.And before coming into conclusion next time you should consider what both sources say.
it just happened because she was stupid.

Oh yes! It was totally stupid of her not to move out of the way when a massive sword was coming at her behind her back. She was totally aware he was there and she could have moved at any time.

I think not.

Holy was ineffective against Meteor - it didn't work, as shown in the final FMV. Aerith was there guiding the lifestream to attack Meteor, and in the end, it was the lifestream - not Holy - which destroyed Meteor. The lifestream wouldn't have been able to destroy Meteor if Aerith wasn't directing it. So therefore, her death was necessary.

To answer the question, no, I don't think Aerith is an over-rated character. There are other characters that are far more over-rated than she is. Balthier, for example.

Also you might want to add more stuff into your posts the staff will fuss about it.

Also, don't pseudo-mod in the future. That sort of stuff is my job, not yours.
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I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or not, as i'm pretty tired and have just skimmed through the thread, but I saw something about "Aerith could have just dodged the attack, Sephiroth was obvious, etc"

Well, the scene was slowed down in the game, whether to be more dramatic or to show the events more clearly, so if you take that into account then it gives less possibility for Aerith to dodge the attack. Also, no-one else on the team seems to notice him either, hence why no warnings are shouted. Just a thought.
A lot of Aerith hate in here.

I don't think she's at all "overrated". I think she has the perfect flaws and the perfect perfectness. She was a very important character to the story.

I don't think FFVII would be what it is today without her.
FFVII is about life and death and life after death. So, she is a HUGE part of the story.

I don't think she's glorified either, nor do I think she is "shallow".
How can she even be shallow??

BTW, soldjavii, you are correct with everything you have said.

Selvaria Bles
Very good post!!
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Thanks Cali.

And Aerith's death was needed--whether Kuhn thinks she was stupid. Sorry, but if a 60 foot long sword was coming at me from behind without even a sound--i'm pretty sure i'd be dead, too. She didn't have eyes in the back of her head, thank you very much.
Oh yes! It was totally stupid of her not to move out of the way when a massive sword was coming at her behind her back. She was totally aware he was there and she could have moved at any time.

I think not.

Holy was ineffective against Meteor - it didn't work, as shown in the final FMV. Aerith was there guiding the lifestream to attack Meteor, and in the end, it was the lifestream - not Holy - which destroyed Meteor. The lifestream wouldn't have been able to destroy Meteor if Aerith wasn't directing it. So therefore, her death was necessary.

To answer the question, no, I don't think Aerith is an over-rated character. There are other characters that are far more over-rated than she is. Balthier, for example.
Wikipedia said:
While Holy clashes with Meteor, attempting to prevent its impact, the gravity of both Meteor and the Planet pulling on the spell in opposite directions weakens it, leaving it with too little room to take effect.[14] The Planet's Lifestream then flows forth from within the planet, acting as a battering ram to push Meteor back, giving Holy enough room to properly destroy it. This scene is followed by a vision of Aeris within the Lifestream's energy, an indication of her final efforts to save the planet, as are detailed in Hoshi o Meguru Otome.
I think this both senteces are correct and make perfectly sense. Aerith needed to die in order to the planet to be saved..

soldjavii said:
And Aerith's death was needed--whether Kuhn thinks she was stupid. Sorry, but if a 60 foot long sword was coming at me from behind without even a sound--i'm pretty sure i'd be dead, too. She didn't have eyes in the back of her head, thank you very much.
She went to the temple to the ancients and didn't do a thing, because it was all too obvious, otherwise she wouldn't be standing there or enter that place in the first place.

Also don't bother too much, SoldjaVII, its his opinion I doubt he will back down from it too much.
Blah de freaking blah.

Aerith was not stupid for having died. Or for a better term, sacrificed herself in order to initiate Holy. She wasn't fast enough, sure, and as Mark stated, her death WAS necessary in order to save the planet.

Yes, the scene was slowed down to give it atmosphere. You were supposed to feel the full force of that scene, from Aerith's look at Cloud and his to her. You were meant to feel the unspoken words between them and the pain Cloud felt when Sephiroth killed her. THAT is why it was slowed down in my opinion. If it had been at normal speed, it'd have easily have been a throwaway death. And Aerith was far too freaking important for that.

Being of the Cetra, Aerith was vital to the Planet. Her consciousness was able to remain awake once she died and she kept a close eye on Cloud and the others. When Holy was not able to prevent Meteor (it did try, bless its little heart) she awoke the others within the lifestream and led them against it, forcing it back and saving the planet. No one but Aerith could have accomplished this.

I don't see how in any way she is overated. Sephiroth is overated. Aerith is always underrated as a character in my opinion. "Oh, she died, so she's not important." ....... That's what makes her so damn important. Any character that dies in Final Fantasy, dies for a reason. Aerith's was just the most needed. She was a fantastic character. She made Cloud feel like he had a reason to fight and a reason to survive.

Yes, I feel like I'm repeating myself and countless others, but it seems some people are just so thick skulled that they don't understand it the first time.

And FYI, I don't think Aerith would have moved even if she could have. The look on her face to me was one that told me she knew her death was necessary. It was almost as though she knew it was going to happen.

Aerith rules. <3 Peace Out.

uh.... I haven't read all the posts sorry, so I dunno what's up with the current debate that seems to be going on D:

No, Aeris isn't overrated. She is quite popular, but not nearly as characters like Cloud or Sephiroth to state the obvious. I think if anything, she's highly misunderstood and fans tend to like her for reasons that aren't really part of her character.

Some things I'll point out...

1) Aeris' death wasn't a sacrafice, she is not some holy angel or messiah figure. Her death was tragic, and was supposed to symbolise the death of any hope for humanity. Aeris showed many traits pertaining to what was lost to humanity, and her death was the symbolism of the los of those good traits. She didn't know she was going to die, and that's what makes the situation all the more sad.

But of course, in the end, her death wasn;t for nothing. From beyond the grave, she gathers the souls of the lifestream to fight off Meteor when they realized that Holy was too late :)

2) Despite was I say above, Aeris =/= all that is holy and good in the world. What annoys me most is when fans make it seem like characters have the sun shining out thier asses. Aeris was probably the most bright, optimistic in the game, but she wasn't without her faults. Namely, she isn't very tactful (eg. she didn't know how to handle Barret at GoldSaucer, and it made her come off a little insensitive, which isn't quite the case... but she could've handled the situation a bit better) and some of her actions can be quite brash (eg. running out alone to summon Holy). I'm not saying this to bash her character, I'm just saying she isn't the epitome of perfection many make her out to be. She has her flaws, and if she didn't have those afformentioned negative traits, she'd pretty much be a Mary-Sue. Flaws make people interesting, and flaws make characters seem that more relatable.
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