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  1. nyuu911

    [FFXII] Where would you like to live?

    Rabanastre. Then me and Penelo would hook up. And make many many babies. :)
  2. nyuu911

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    I really really really want an FFVIII remake for PS3. That would make me......well....I won't go there. Rinoa in hi def. MHM!
  3. nyuu911

    Nintendo I just got a DS. What games should i get?

    BEFORE I START! NO OFFENCE TO ANYONE WHO LIKES THE DS! I hate that piece of shit. It's horrible. p.s Brain Age is fun however.
  4. nyuu911

    FFX or FFX-2

    FF X-2 was horrible. It was in PTOM top 10 rpg's of all time. And i was like..."wtf?".
  5. nyuu911

    Favorite Aeon?

    Shiva. Not becuz she was freakin at all...........
  6. nyuu911

    FFVIII's Bad Reputation.

    I'm with galaxyflair. FF8 was an AMAZING game. The customizing weapons, the monsters, the characters, the GF's, the love story, the humor. It was just straight up awesome. Zell was the shit. The only FF thats better then 8 is 10. I don't agree with telling people to go to hell however.
  7. nyuu911

    Who was always in your party?

    I kept rotating throughout the whole game. All my characters were always the same level.
  8. nyuu911


    Anorexia is pretty sad. The people that suffer from it are told thats the way their suppose to look. Which is FUBAR!