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  1. D

    Too Short?

    I strongly disagree. I also played for 70 hours and still was missing some rare weapons and had a few rare games and hunts left to discover.
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    Blitzball question(FFX-2)

    Would deadset be in tears if I have to start my team over. Cheers for the fast replies.
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    Blitzball question(FFX-2)

    Will I be the same level Blitzball team?
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    Blitzball question(FFX-2)

    If i access New game +, Will i be able to keep playing blitzball? or will i have to get to chapter 5 again? or just go to Luca?
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    The music during the opening cutscene

    Thanks mate. This is definitely my favourite song from the game.
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    The music during the opening cutscene

    It starts at the start of the Blitz game and it is playing when Auron first appears. What is the name of the song? Or is it made for the game? Anywhere to LEGALLY download it?
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    Playstation Who were your best Mortal Kombat fighters?

    Mainly Sub-Zero(Freezing people was gun) and ocaisonally Baraka(Blades...that is all).
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    Favorite Magic

    Cure - Great for early game in FXII versing wolves. Haste - I like increasing the speed of the battles. Fire/Fira = <3 Fire spells.
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    magic bubble

    You get it from the clan shop in Rabanastre IIRC.
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    How do I get?

    Cheers. Sorry, I'm a bit new to these things.
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    How do I get?

    Sagittarius? Fomalhaut? Strong Ammo and Arrows for them? Are they worth getting?
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    Favourite playable character?

    I like to use Vaan, as he is gun with a dagger and makes for a good theif/ninja.
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    Cutest Monster

    Happy Bunny's. I find it hard to kill, they are always running around with their floppy ears. Only killed them for the beastary.
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    What FF game are you currently playing

    I am playing FFXII. My playing time is 55 hours and im up to Silkawood.