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  1. B

    Hey! It's Bbtufty!

    That's...a lot of people saying hi to me...
  2. B


    Hey! I'm, ummm, new too!
  3. B

    Why aren't dinosaurs in the bible?

    I'm getting lost here... I'm pretty sure if someone decidided to read the bible cover to cover, there would be something that fits the dinsaur description...
  4. B

    Voice acting improved

    I wouldn't b able to understand Fran if there weren't subtitles... I guess that was supposed to happen
  5. B

    What is the point in French if you never intend to go to France?

    I just learn it because I have to... An hour of german before going home is NOT my idea of a good time though....
  6. B

    FFXII: Love It or Hate It?

    I love it... Just cos I hate random battles...
  7. B

    Hey! It's Bbtufty!

    I'm new here, so I'm saying HI!!!