is it just me or does the idea of agito not seem to fit very well together with xiii and versus xiii. the other two seem like a mix of ff7 and star ocean, but agito seems like a mix of ff8 and harry potter
basically sora cant remember anything from CoM because SE didnt expect it to sell very well i mean the only reason he cant remember it is so that not only the two people who finnished CoM would know what is going on
ok heres a random idea i just had reading this but what if meteor brought harmful microbes with it to the planet from space? or withdrawals from the mako energy that had everyone had grown used to from being near it? ok so maybe the second one isnt as likely
fenrir is supposedly a wolf that is still growing and will one day eat the world. maybe thats a reference to cloud being the only remaining part of jenova?
i hadnt finished the game when i first watched the movie so i assumed that he came in later on but well as you know he didnt, anyway i dont like him because he wasnt in the game yet had way more screen time than most of the games main characters
the only person i can remember from the top of my head to refer to it as jenovas head was reno and he isnt the smartest/ most well informed character really is he?
i would definitely watch it out of curiosity but it would be terrible unless they maybe reused the story from the whole compilation and turned into one series that would be pretty cool.
i lost count
Haha genius, you can just imagine some chavs in the park with £2.99 vodka speaking about how they 'brapped up' some monsters with 'that goth guy'
any way i got it in the christmas sales last year for £27, i remember because it was a weird price, i suppose i got ripped off for a sale but it...
i think i read somewhere it was out in the uk around the summer school holidays, if anyones checked the prerelease does that come with any cool extras, and will the uk get that too?
this is officially the hardest question ever! i really want to replay ff7 with advent children like graphics but i really want to play ffxiii and if both were made at the same time they both end up being rubbish because SE didnt focus on either enough
i like the way it looked like the start of a new story, i thought the nerf fight things (clash or something it was called i think) was genius i wish we had that in real life, and i liked the idea of playing day to day like in persona 3
riku never became a heartless unlike sora and kairi but something else, namine was kairis nobody yet theres no x in namine and it isnt an anagram of kairi, how come? my guess is because she wasnt really in the organization but werent all bodies named like that?
haha, i seriously doubt he's gay seeing as it was disney and 12+ (which was probably a first for disney) and anyway, if axel and roxas were gay, does that make axel a pedophile?
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