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    Final Fantasy XIII's: Wish List.

    Everythings pretty much been said, but of course HOOKERS, LOTS AND LOTS OF HOOKERS!!! But seriously, I'd like to see a good story line, think some of the others have been kinda bland since 7 and 8. I want to see another rebel group like avalanche. I would also love to see the armor and weapons...
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    Where for art thou spam?! D;

    i still say kill the childeren and hell I'll eat there soul. Meh what can I say it's a racial skill, that and drinking to much.
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    Where for art thou spam?! D;

    Come now god wouldnt kill a kittin for spamming that would be a waste of a kitten. The truth is that god kills babies for spamming. AND THE DAMN THINGS DESERVE IT FOR CRYING SO MUCH!!!!!
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    The Penis Game

    Daddy's little penis----Daddy's little girl In love with a penis---In love with a girl My Penis-------------NoFX - My Vagina The Penis Pistols----------The Sex Pistols
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    Hating the Gas Prices -- I'm Taking The Train!

    my insurance company is fucking me over right now with a $830 every 6 months cost so im being analy raped. Then adding about 3.65 to 4.25 gas change constantly its getting pretty annoying especially since i have to drive 20 miles to school for one class. I think we should blame george w bush...
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    7 Things I hate about HER!

    I agree with all which has been said against her. She's fake, can't sing (and we all know she doesn't write her own music). Yeah, she's cute but doesn't mean she shouldn't get hit by a car.
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    The Penis Game

    The City of Lost Penises Penis and Friends penis sucks lets party Party Penis
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    The Penis Game

    THE GREATEST ONE IVE SEEN AWESOME Penis for a Dream or Requiem for a Penis
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    Which Final Fantasy 7 was the best installment

    Gotta agree with you, the original was the greatest out of all the VII titles. I'll agree again Crisis core was best after that. DoC was pretty cool it gave a great prespective, but it was way to short. Crisis core is awsome tho I haven't finished it yet, I'm working on finishing all the...
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    New images of FFXIII & Versus

    Oh come on now, Tidus doesn't look that faggie in that pic. He looks kinda erh well... Ok yeah faggies the word. On the bright side I'm sure he could pic up some 'gals' pretty easy at the club lqtm. Anyway, in disidia did I happen to spot Edea, excuse me from the lack of knowledge that I may...
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    New images of FFXIII & Versus

    Wow those images made me almost as excited as pron, i emphisize almost cuz no image is that exciting ;-) hahaha. I don't think that many of these images are suppose to be action, well besides the Shiva ones, which by the way if you take the gian wheel off her head she'd look cool but no that...
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    Coming for 360?

    TBH I'm slightly pissed that it's comming out for 360. Don't get me wrong I'm not a PS3 fanboy I just hate how Micro$^%& is trying to rule the world. Don't try to prove me wrong I know it's true look at Vista and how it tried to make everyone go to it, complete and utter failure since W7 is...
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    Sig help im not really on there much tho i use it mainly to link things.
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    Sig help

    No, I'm using renders and textures thats pretty much it. Idk if you can see my sig cuz I can't for some reason. EDIT like 5 min later: It seems like my sig shows up on this post hmm? anyway if you don't see it let me know I'll upload it on imeem or something and link it.
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    Sig help

    sry I didn't have m sig up when I posted and I love FFVII I just cant figure out what to put on the other side of Cloud and it's irritating the spagharamenetti out of me. I know it's a very basic and simple sig but I'm just starting out so I figured start with a crawl and then start running and...
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    Sig help

    Hey I was wondering if anyone had an idea of what i should for my sig. I'm hitting a mental road block here and can't figure out what i should do next. Any ideas?
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    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    I think it would be awesome to have a remake. I mean FFVII is awesome in itself but I'd like to see it with graphics of today. Maybe make it real time like in crisis core. They say there wont be another installment, but I think they should actually make another one. Maybe one after like based on...
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    Whats up every I'm new to the forums. Just wanted to say hi to all.