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  1. Renga

    GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

    Really Great JOB! thanks :)
  2. Renga

    Need this render Please

    here you go bro:
  3. Renga

    Can someone render this for me please?

    cool cool, I hope you can make something nice with it! good luck..
  4. Renga

    Can someone render this for me please?

    here you go:
  5. Renga

    What photoshop

    I Really love CS3.. but if you don't have the budged and don't want any illegal software installed on you computer.. I would recommend the Gimp: it's pretty good and it's free!
  6. Renga

    GFX Shop Mitsuki's Graphic Shop

    Heej Mitsuki, nice photoshop work.. I'm curious what you could do with this picture.. (except rotate it of course..:)) Arigato.. Renga
  7. Renga


    1. i would only trust a remake or a sequel if Hironobu Sakaguchi would produce it.. 2. given the fact that the sales of IX where disappointing, I don't think SquareEnix would go for it..
  8. Renga


    don't give it up.. these are great!