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  1. T

    favorite FF female storyline wise?

    Oh, definitely Quistis, but her story was never developed beyond a failed foster family and a crush on Squall. I suppose that there is a kind of mysterious part of her character that makes me say...hmm. What's up with this chick? Square should have given her more screen time. Since that...
  2. T

    Characters you wish were developed more.

    Once again, I think Quistis could have been developed more. I'm not trying to dismiss Selphie, Irvine, and Zell, but Squall, Seifer, Quistis, and Rinoa seemed like they were going to have this nice, twisted love story, then they were both just dropped. I could go on and on about how they...
  3. T

    most unlucky final fantasy character

    At least you show some measure of sympathy for her, even though she wasn't your favorite character. I've seen several posts on other threads that basically scream that she was a nag and a bore, saying that she constantly harped about game mechanics, always explaining stuff that Squall would...
  4. T

    most unlucky final fantasy character Unlucky characters in Final Fantasy games are pretty common. I've always felt a tremendous sense of pity for Barrett, since almost everyone he knew and loved was killed. Poor guy. Yuna gets to me too, since her entire existence as a summoner is basically a lie and she goes on...
  5. T

    Poor Quistis!

    I was also very disappointed in the ending. Not so much that Quistis didn't end up with anyone, but simply because her character had so little closure. Squall and Rinoa have their sweet little love story, Cid and Edea are together and happy, Selphie and Irvine, Zell gets the girl and those...