Search results

  1. B

    Tifa, Yuffie, or Aerith?

    If I had to choose between the three of them, the vote would go to Tifa. The reason for this goes into the fact that Aerith just goes and dies in the game, leaving you hanging and practically forcing the vote onto the other two. Yuffie has so much spunk that anyone would like her, to play...
  2. B

    Last Movie You've Seen

    Kill Bill vol 1 & 2 I watched both of them yesterday again just to watch something different. Still love the action scenes with all the sword fighting, the tempo changing along with both the music and going from color to black and white. Two great movies with revenge running the entire show...
  3. B

    Getting Sick of Me Yet?

    I would have to go with Gilgamesh from FF V. Had a couple of laughs with him as well as watched him go from a fierce foe to a cowardly ally. Oh and I loved how he would just give away the Genji set to me free of charge :D
  4. B

    which version are you getting?

    The problem with me saying whether I'm going to play it with PS3 or Xbox 360 is that I can not really say that I will still be using those consoles at that time. Think about it. PS came out in 1995, PS2 in 2000, and PS3 in 2006. Xbox came out in 2001 and Xbox 360 in 2005. What's to say that a...
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    Who will have the last word.

    Is there any real way to win this other than for everyone else to just forget about it and not care? If that happens then there would be no real point in winning and the entire thread would be useless! Oh noes!
  6. B

    where would you like to live in ff9

    The only place for me would have to be Daguerro. Lots of calm running water flowing around to soothe the soul as well as all the books that would take a lifetime to read. The only downside is also an upside. Dragons. Right out the front door. Anytime I want to go see real live dragons I could...
  7. B

    Best & Worsts Discussion

    The name that I liked the least would have to go to Quina mostly because I could not figure out if Quina was male or female. The 'a' at the end really made it sound feminine where as an 'o' at the end would make it feel as a male, but in the end it still messed with me. My favorite name on the...
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    How do you play?

    When fighting in FF battles I'm always in one of two mindsets: conserve your mana or go all out to get to the goal as fast as possible. Usually my setups are half melee/half casters to keep a good balance and be able to take out any type of monsters (in case the enemies have high physical or...
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    What FF game are you currently playing

    I just finished playing FF I. Tried to get every single chest along the way and ended up with level 27 when killing Chaos at the end. I'm going to have my first play through of FF XII tomorrow.
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    Best & Worsts Thread

    Favorite Character: Fighter Favorite Male Character: Dr. Unne (So full of himself) Favorite Female Character: Kary (Chicks with swords...) Favorite NPC character: All the Lefeinish people (look like early moogle versions) Favorite Weapon: Xcalber Favorite Magic: EXIT Favorite Random Monster: Eye...
  11. B


    The very first time I played FF1 I chose: Fighter (named him FIGH), Thief (THIE), Black Mage (BLAC), White Mage (WHIT). I figured it would be a decent setup since it had an even mix between casters and melee.