
1. Red Mage/ Red Wizard
2. Thief / Ninja
3. Warrior / Knight
4. Black Mage / Black Wizard
I'm using the default GBA party:
Fighter - OMG
Thief - LOL
White Mage - WTF
Black Mage - BBQ

I don't know, I thought it'd be funny for them to be named after famous abbreviations...
Thief, Thief, Red Mage, Red Mage. By the time they both advance in class, all of them will have some good magic and great attack power.
Mine is always Fighter, Black Mage, Red Mage, White Mage.
I like mages they're just awesome and Fighter dishes out most damage, Red Mage supports, Black Mage goes ape shit and White Mages nicely heals everyone.
The very first time I played FF1 I chose: Fighter (named him FIGH), Thief (THIE), Black Mage (BLAC), White Mage (WHIT). I figured it would be a decent setup since it had an even mix between casters and melee.
1. Fighter
2. Thief
3. White Mage
4. Black Mage

I usually just had my Fighter and Thief wipe out the harder enemies, first, then my Black Mage cleaned up the easier ones.

My second play through is:
1. Fighter
2. Monk
3. White Mage
4. Black Mage
My team on GBA Version;

Warrior - Light (short of Lightbringer)
White Mage - Rya (random name)
Black Mage- Vivi (he does looks like Vivi in Wizard form)
Thief - Leon (random name)

I remember when doing the 'White Mages only challenge' and naming each member Inmates (Inmate #1,2,3 and 4) for the lack on ideas on naming each character.
Red Mage
Black Mage
When I first played the game I choose a knight, a ninja, white mage, black mage. I think that's pretty standard actually to start off the game. Then on my second play through I chose 2 knights one black mage and one white mage. I've never had the urge to be a monk mostly because i like people who can do a lot of damage with swords. If anyone has used a monk let me know cause I can always go back and add one to the party. :highfive:
I don't think you can change your party mid-game. You can get a "class change", but it just upgrades each party member to the higher level of that class (Warrior -> Knight, White Mage -> White Wizard, etc.). You can't change a warrior into a mage, for instance.
In most games i generally like to have a healer, 2 warriors and a mage. So in the first time playing this i had a White Mage, Black Mage, a Monk, and a Fighter. In my second attempt i took a Red Mage instead of a White Mage so it could be good in both effects, and then i took the same things, Black Mage, a Monk, and a Fighter.
Mind you, I've only had one playthrough thus far, but i thought the party I used was well balanced and fun to use:

White Mage
Black Mage

N.B. Good choices all especially warrior who gets a noticeable improvement with the class change (becomes knight and is pretty much like Cecil from FFIV), I'm still not sure, however, how much the monk class gained with the class change (not much I assume) I enjoyed the Monk class however because of the fact that you needn't spend money on equipment for him. White and Black mage were standard choices and have good healing/nuking power respectively along with a good spell album.
Has anyone done the 4 theif challange? I've heard its really hard. But never attempeted it myself.

Let's keep this thread on what parties you used please, we have other threads for the various challenges ^^
My first time through I used the standard warrior, monk, white mage and black mage combo. Tends to be the main combo I use in the old FFs.
Black Mage
White Mage

Thief got great after class change, and I could not stomach the thought of not having access to certain magics