where would you like to live in ff9

Black Mage Villiage <3
I love black mages tbh.
Or maybe Qu's marsh
I actually dont know why, but I would love to talk to the moogles there ^_^
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I would like to live in Lindblum because it has a big market and it's cosy and it's never deserted.
I'd have to say Treno for me

Mod Edit

Please put more effort in your post, say WHY you would like to live in Treno, thank you ^^
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Black mage village... sooo much magic! if only there was a red mage village... *Gets doodle book and designs it*
Multiple choices I have.
  • Ipsen's Castle, as a sanctuary for research, training, and the like.
  • Daguerro - a place blessed by the water, a place more peaceful than any other place. A library for those interested in pure research. A perfect place.
  • Desert Palace - same as Ipsen's - a place where I can think and I can gather all my research into making something, well, useful.
And I shall reside* in I. Castle or D. Palace, but I would be spending most of my time in Daguerro.
*Own it and make it my home
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Well definately NOT burmecia, i mean i live in Scotland so i've had plenty rain. Id choose Linbulm because i could go see a play, then go to the bar and chat up a rat woman, after which relax in the theatre district and watch the airships fly over. :)
Either Treno or Lindblum i can't decide >.< I like both of them. Treno because of the atmosphere you get when you walk into town and there is a good side and a bad side of town. Lindblum because it is a nice little bustling town and the city it'self seems like it would be a beautiful place to live.
hmm tricky question as there are so many different areas, i guess id prefer lindblum as it is a vast city with lots of different districts plus loads of airships.

dont really know what else to say really, good pubs, good shops, festival of the hunt, theatre district, home of zidane, whats not to like
Clytra, Daguerro, and Black Mage Villiage would be the places I would ultimately choose between for a static home.

However if the world of FFIX truely existed, I think I would obtain an airship that could run without mist and travel around the world. Then my true living place would be my airship =)
The Castle with the Sword

I would go anywhere Zidane would go, but if I had to pick a place, it would have to be Alexandria. I love the castle there, which I think it's the sword part of it that I like the best. I also like it because it's usually ruled by women, and me being a girl myself, I like it. :D Plus, Dagger gets to rule this kingdom? It seems hard, but it's awesome! :D :D Of course, just the thought of seeing this beautiful town and castle... I guess it's just too good to be true.

The only place for me would have to be Daguerro. Lots of calm running water flowing around to soothe the soul as well as all the books that would take a lifetime to read. The only downside is also an upside. Dragons. Right out the front door. Anytime I want to go see real live dragons I could just walk outside and enjoy a nice relaxing breeze while I'm at it. About the downside...I would not be able to stray two feet away from the front door because of the dragons :D
My vote will possible change here kinda soon. I haven't played the full game recently enough to remember the locations very well, so I'm going to vote based on how far I have progressed in the game on my current play-through.

Treno. Hands down. I hate the sun (hence my being a lifeguard for 4 years, I guess) and a city that is in eternal darkness is just badass. The structural design looks awesome, people spend their time playing a card game or going to the auction house, it has a giant observatory, and even Kuja goes there just because. What more could you want?
Burmecia. Sure it's always raining and it seems doom and gloom but the place has an awesome atmosphere. Rain isn't always sad, especially if it's a warm rain. I think it'd be nice to live in a place where you could wear open clothes and just always feel clean because it was constantly raining. I think it'd be cool to run the cobble streets of Burmecia in the downpour with the other inhabitants.