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  1. sumusiko

    HELP! windows vista blue screen error!!!

    so what if it says the file , ic ant erase it cant even get into the4 system
  2. sumusiko

    HELP! windows vista blue screen error!!!

    help guys please , my windows vista today when i turned on it had a blue screen error and it keeps saying the same.... i tryed safe mode and stuff and cant do anything , also i cant even get into computer when its loading it shows up that thing... plz help!
  3. sumusiko

    Help Help plz

    until what lvl should i stay in stilshrine lvling?? btw i find hunts boring cuz igotta walk so much to do them u.u also i got 230k points so i could get rank 6 or near that.
  4. sumusiko

    Help Help plz

    Ok first , im a power house guy (only trains the main guys) ok what i need is a good lvling place to lvl from 30-50 with good drops . Vaan-Lvl33 Fran-lvl30 Basch-lvl32 they all got a warhammer , ice shield and shielded armor , etc. i only did like 4 hunts tought xD. while waiting ur awnser...
  5. sumusiko

    [FFXII] YEAA passed tiamat :D ... :( (new problem xD)

    rly? :o anyways ill try only once more :D
  6. sumusiko

    [FFXII] YEAA passed tiamat :D ... :( (new problem xD)

    forget it i got a strategy but i need help.. is there a item to confuse or something the boss for like 10 seconds? to kill the other 2?~
  7. sumusiko

    [FFXII] YEAA passed tiamat :D ... :( (new problem xD)

    i tryied doing it and is very hard..... i get easy until the point he makes the atk that give sme oil and sap.. i lose there..
  8. sumusiko

    [FFXII] YEAA passed tiamat :D ... :( (new problem xD)

    YEAAAA i passed tiamat :D now ig ot decoy and curaga. but now... i got a problem even higher than tiamat..................... Elder Wyrm...... any strategy to kill him? since hes not alone is lot harder..... and my puppets only atk the boss T.T.....
  9. sumusiko

    Help with FFXII

    aaaaaaa thats why what gambit* u recommend me? i got van at 28 , fran at 25 and basch at 25 fran as got the more mp.150 or so i think.. and what bufs to use before battle
  10. sumusiko

    Help with FFXII

    i got few questions : 1-i saw a few videos and i saw some guys when press x to open the menu the game freezes and he chooses like phoenix down to revive and when he does it the game goe sback to normal its like pause but to choose things... in mine it doesnt happen how to do?.. 2-where to...
  11. sumusiko

    Giving up on FF XII

    T.T cant fking beat it isnt there a way to acess clan store without 7 hunts more?
  12. sumusiko

    Giving up on FF XII

    well since i suck balls so much ill just give up on FF XII the game that costed me 60$ -.-' . i just cant beat tiamat . what can i say? is ee guys lvl 3 kiling him -.- and me with guys almost in 30 cant? well i just suck asses. and i just dont feel like making 7 hunts to get decoy and bubble so...
  13. sumusiko

    Need Help in FF XII

    only 1 more question i saw some videos and when they pressed x (to open the menu) the mosnters stopped moving and didnt atk its like freezing , it happened until he closes the menu to give potions or spells etc in mine it doesnt work i press x and they keep fighting..
  14. sumusiko

    Need Help in FF XII

    i need shinryu believe .. belias only takes like 10-15% of his hp.. Edit: unless i keep curing him :O good idea but not playing right now got tired xD
  15. sumusiko

    Need Help in FF XII

    kk ty guys right now im at rabanastre making hunts to be able to buyt things from clan seller :D after that ill get bubble and decoy btw how many quests i need to be able to buy?
  16. sumusiko

    Need Help in FF XII

    no1 awnsers??
  17. sumusiko

    Need Help in FF XII

    by the way why every1 uses ashe and not vaan? this pages shows already what i know .. i think i just need decoy and reverse combo.. where to egt them and how to leave tiamat?
  18. sumusiko

    Need Help in FF XII

    i dont got curaga i only got cura and only van can do it.... i dont got reverse combo neither decoy.... and can u guys put me a good gambit for fran vaan and basch for tiamat??
  19. sumusiko

    Need Help in FF XII

    Damn sry to say this but im fking getting tired of this... i shearched on the net how to kill tiamat (in henne mines) i see plp that beated him with lvl 18 and 19 character and i got basch at 25 , fran at 23 and vaan at 28.... and cant even put im in 30% life.... i already bought the best...