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  1. K

    FF7, the most overrated game ever made

    I agree that it is over hyped, though it's still a good game.
  2. K

    Serious High School (Tips and Tricks)

    Don't ruin your future life for High School life, that's the most important.
  3. K 2009?

    Privacy is an abstract concept, like freedom. Ideally, pure freedom is anarchy, and would then cause people to abuse their freedom. As such, privacy can be raised and lowered to allow people to claim privacy and commit illegal acts. I think these people have shown they cannot be trusted with...
  4. K

    Final Fantasy VIII vs Final Fantasy IX

    I agree. That is the biggest flaw with Final Fantasy games, they always have to come up with some new way for the game to function, and half the time it's just awful. I don't see why they can't keep the same basic game and just improve graphics and have a new storyline, like the first three...
  5. K

    Top ten arguments for the existence of God

    Are you suggesting that the calendar is the natural occurrence? You can't answer an unknown with anything and declare it as truth, consider math, as existence, like a variable, is already a defined singularity that simply isn't known. The word of any man is not proof. They want to, and...
  6. K

    Do you believe in God?

    No, I tend to look at things in reality rather than emotion. The human, the desired, philosophic, and cosmic creature in an otherwise cold world causes great distress, to look and see the silent world around him, he has a voice, he has goals, the idea for a greater cause, in a world that...
  7. K

    Girls are better than Boys

    With one small evolutionary step, men could be eliminated. In fact, men are a detour in the reproduction process.
  8. K

    What did you think about Zidane?

    How does having a healthy sex drive make you a pervert? That being said, I don't like him or hate him anymore than most people. He's pretty typical.