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  1. Jacks-over


    I think Spin-offs can work if done correctly sadly for FF 7........:wtf: Oh and one big rule that should be followed don't try and rewrite things to try and mke them more intresting because they'll end up failing. ie Zack Dies in the fight with Sephiroth sorry to all thoes Crisis Core only fans...
  2. Jacks-over

    Cloud's personality

    Cloud actually resembles Sephiroth more than Zack with his cold nature but at no time did he ever have diffrent / multiple personalitys. He just had regressed memmories with a few altered from his own twisted psyche. Compairing Cloud to Zack is like compairing Batman to Superman. Yes there...
  3. Jacks-over

    final fantasy 8 is under rated

    I hated FF 8 FF 8 had Terrible characters, crap story and the magic drawing/junctioning system is the worst thing ever invented by man Next to the Gunblade that if actually ever used would blow off your hand. :sick:
  4. Jacks-over

    Cloud's personality

    There similarities but I don't think it's from imitating Zack. Remember he had Jenova cells which was more than likely boosting his ego which would account for his cockyiness. Since they were using the same weapon there bound to be similarities in moves. He never even seen the Buster Sword in...
  5. Jacks-over

    Final Fantasy 7 Instead of game remake movie remake

    Square has enough problems getting the movie making idea out of there head as it is. They need to let go of the dumb movie ideas and games that are like movies and focus on what they do best making games.
  6. Jacks-over

    Zack vs. Cloud: Who's Stronger?

    Cloud farpasses Zack long before the end off FF 7 I'd say evn before FF 7 or around level 10. Besides Zack has a "Mullet" and only complete Tools have mullets.
  7. Jacks-over

    Cloud's personality

    Agreed and to be honest he probably would of done what he did reguardless of Zacks little speach at the end of CC. It's not like he had too many options.
  8. Jacks-over

    Square-Enix asks fans about Remake of VII

    SQUARE ENIX has stated that the reason there will be no FF 7 remake and that there were no towns in FF 13 was because of the "difficulty of working in such a demanding graphical environment & Considering the amount of work to make graphics that deserve HD, it is hard to make towns in the...
  9. Jacks-over

    Cloud's personality

    Cloud as far as I can recall doesn't use any of Zack's personality. Cloud at the beginning of FF 7 was cold, calculating, antisocial and selfish. Zack was outgoing overconfident, nice and a flirt. Cloud never took anything from Zack except his sword which really wasn't even his. Cloud just took...
  10. Jacks-over

    Cloud's personality

    It seems Cloud only "steals" the notion he's 1st Class Soldier. Nothing more, nothing less. He's messed in the head don't get me wrong and recreates the time he went home to suite his own messed up reality but personality wise him and Zack were nothing alike.
  11. Jacks-over

    Cloud's personality

    Clouds personality is nothing like Zacks even at the beginning off FF 7. The only thing they have in common is the weapon they use which wasn't even originally Zacks.
  12. Jacks-over

    Cloud's personality

    Cloud knew Zack well enough from Crisis Core to know he wasn't a Cold Hearted Rock. I agree he probably made a persona for what he thought a mercenary Soldier should be but that really had nothing to do with Zack. Even at the end of FF 7 although Cloud was a bit diffrent he still was a Rock...
  13. Jacks-over

    Cloud's personality

    When does Cloud ever act like Zack? Cloud supposedly takes up Zacks persona and acts like him at the beginning of FF 7 (according to winki and message boards) In the begging of FF 7 Cloud acts like a tough coldblooded unscrupulous mercenary who’s a bit of an ass that only care about himself...