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  1. K

    FFXIII: Love It or Hate It?

    I've not finished the game and I'm really not sure I'm going to. I got the game for Christmas and I can honestly say that, at least so far, I hate the game. I'll admit the graphics are amazing and the storyline, although not that good compared to older Final Fantasies, is okay so far, but it...
  2. K

    Does the path stay linear?

    I have been playing Final Fantasy XIII and I think the main thing that bugs me is how the path is pretty much... a line. Is it true it opens up later on and stops being such a straight path? I guess a lack of a world map isn't that big of a deal to me, but I was expecting something more like...
  3. K

    Would you like to see a remake/spinoff to this game?

    I really do wish they would do a remake on the ps3 or some other popular game system. It is my favorite game of the series even though I have played VII - X. I think a lot of people won't play it just because of the graphics, which is unfortunate because they are missing out on a great game...
  4. K

    Favourite tunes from the game

    My favorites would have to be Cyan's Theme, song played during the Opera, and Celes's theme. I also enjoyed Terra's theme and numerous others, though.
  5. K

    FFIV: Love it or Hate it?

    I loved it, especially the main character Cecil - he was just such an interesting character in many ways, especially how he changed as the story went on. I would rank it as my second or third favorite of the series.
  6. K

    Using all characters?

    I tend to use only the characters I like, which I think made me end up with a level 78 Cloud and a level 48 (or something like that) Tifa in FFVII. XD In VI I tend to use Terra, Shadow, Celes, Locke, Cyan, and Sabin the most.
  7. K


    Hiya, I'm new to the forums as you all probably know.:x3: Well, I have played Final Fantasy IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X. My first Final Fantasy that I played was Final Fantasy X and after that I played Final Fantasy VII. I like X and VII both, but my favorite would have to be Final Fantasy VI...