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  1. RedMage

    Just Wow

    Hahaha oh well nothing lost then.
  2. RedMage

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    I umm...I well.....I stood up and I.....I GOT A BRAND NEW GIRL FRIEND!
  3. RedMage

    Help Help: Stilshrine of Miriam

    My god that sounds like one hell of a boss. Although, the thing that stunned me is that there is a side quest monster that has 15 million HP!. I was like :wacko:
  4. RedMage

    Nomura on Kingdom Hearts III

    I think kingdom Hearts III won't be coming out for many years. Also I think that it will have two stories. One story is the story before the first Kingdom hearts and the 2nd story is the story after Kingdom Hearts II. I also think that the secret video at the end of the game was aclip of the...
  5. RedMage

    Favorite Game Music

    I voted for cosmo Canyon since it sounds awesome. I also voted for other. The other song i like is the Shinra Theme, and oppessed people. Another good song is the song called "On the day 5 years ago". I think that is what it is called. To sum everything up......I love many songs from this...
  6. RedMage

    Worth it??

    Well Crisis Core probably won't come out for a while so I;d say get FF3 Ds. Then after Crisis cor eis about to come out go buy A Psp and Crisis core. Cause I think by then you could have enough money to buy both. Besides your getting FF3 for christmas right? then well your money is still saved.
  7. RedMage

    Just Wow

    Hahaha I meant to say bring out kain in stead of "Bring own Kain". Sorry for the typo.
  8. RedMage


    Omg dude, that would be so awesome. The graphics fit the Ds graphics pretty good too. I just wonder what will you do with the touch screen?
  9. RedMage

    Fav Job Combos?

    Wow that sounds kick *** man. I still have to buy the game for GBA.
  10. RedMage

    Favorite FF4 character

    You had to make the poll hard. I hard to choose between Kain and edge..I choose Kain. Hard choice since both characters are awesome.
  11. RedMage

    can you survive the early part of the game w/ just a potion?

    I survived except when I went into the training area. There, I encounter a big Tyranosarous Rex. I tried for at least an hour to beat it down. Then when it finally attacked. It killed me in 2 hits -_-....I shut the game off and didn't play it for 2 days lol.
  12. RedMage

    Favorite Midi

    None of those are my favorite. My favorite midi is called Don't Be Affraid. I actually have the real song though. That song was also featured in Chocobo Racing. Great Song.
  13. RedMage

    Has anyone ever seen this?

    Wow I actually want to go out and look for this movie. To me it seems like a good movie. do they have enemys from Final Fantasy in it like tonberry, Malburoh, and any of those?
  14. RedMage

    Just Wow

    I'd bring own Kain the bad*** and own those noobish monsters! WOOT!
  15. RedMage


    The first tim ei saw the game I loved it just because it told the story about the Turks and the past of FF7.
  16. RedMage

    What city or town would you wanna live in?

    I'd live in cosmo canyon and i'd also live in Calm. Those two places are my home.
  17. RedMage

    Final Fantasy III: NDS Version

    My god Castlevania games own. The Final Fantasy III game i'll be getting for Christmas. I saw the one job called viking and I was like "My god that says ownage all over it.". I mean that guy looks beastly! Anyway it looks like a fun game.
  18. RedMage

    Naming Characters

    Hmm I like to name the main character after myself and then the rest of them keep the defualt name. Although sometimes I feel like having my friends in there so I put thier names in for fun.
  19. RedMage

    Fav Job Combos?

    I would have to go with Red Mage, Geomancer, dragoon/Lancer, and maybe Samurai or Ninja.
  20. RedMage

    Hey i'm new!

    Hey i'm new but i have been on forums before. I'm just introducing myself just for hte heck of it lol. Well this looks like fun!