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  1. cloudxtifa4ever

    Favorite ff x character and why?

    Tidus everyone one else was kinda blahhh yuna she was to weak she kinda needed other ppl to decide things for her
  2. cloudxtifa4ever

    Is Tidus or Shuyin better?

    i love tidus becuz hes soooo cute i love shuyin too but not as much as tidus i like how they both treat the one they love :) very sweat
  3. cloudxtifa4ever

    Which is the best girl?

    Lulu :) becuz she strong an laid back
  4. cloudxtifa4ever

    Yuffie vs. Aerith

    i choose yuffie i never liked aerith she seemed fake she KNEW that tifa had a thing forCloud (any girl would know) && instead of stepping back from him she tried to get closer yuffie can get annoyin but shes not in ur face like aerith
  5. cloudxtifa4ever


    i luv her thers like nothin wrong with her
  6. cloudxtifa4ever

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    when she died i was like "sephiroth your my hero"
  7. cloudxtifa4ever

    Aeris or Tifa?

    ummm aerith did not die for cloud she died for the planet.
  8. cloudxtifa4ever

    Aeris or Tifa?

    I pick tifa, becuz shes emotionaly strong an physicaly strong & an shes not in ur face like aerith. aerith is still huntin him after she is dead she never once told him to move on all she said was "are you okay now"
  9. cloudxtifa4ever

    Favorite Character?

    <3 tifa all the way shes my idol