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  1. M

    Zodiac Escutcheon & Danjuro

    Well I don't think you HAVE to chain necros, but I think it really improves your chances. I chained them and the Larva eater spawned randomly at one of the way points. It really is just random... kinda like the weather at Giza Plains.
  2. M

    Stupid Bottles

    You'll need to beat the Mysterious Man/Gilgamesh Hunt first and then the bottles will appear. Sorry for all the wasted time you spent :(
  3. M

    Zodiac Escutcheon & Danjuro

    Oh I think you'll have to chain about 20 to 30 of those Necrophoba (spelling?) and hope you have the correct way point area. It doesn't always spawn in the same place so it's up to luck if it shows or not.
  4. M

    Zodiac Escutcheon & Danjuro

    The Zodiac Escutcheon is found in either a treasure chest in the Great Crystal upper layer or in a treasure chest in Barheim Passage. You'll just have to keep rezoning if they don't show up. As for the Danjuro, the Larva Eater in the Crystal Grande drops it. Good luck.
  5. M

    Rare Monsters

    Yeah don't worry Vizunary... not every rare monster drops a trophy. Like ckracer said there should only be 30 trophy's in total.
  6. M

    All characters level up

    Oh as for the guests, they count as another member and reduce the experience further. I noticed that early on when Larsa was in my party. In other words, don't grind when you have guests!
  7. M

    Who are your main guys?

    I heard the game was relatively easy before I started it so I decided to only level 3 characters. I have 3 (Vaan, Fran, Basch) at 60, Penello at 26, Balthier at 9, and Ashe at 13. Not being able to switch out has gotten me killed a few times, but the game still seems easy, although still...
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    I thought he was a girl as well... and also said I'd hit it. :mellow:
  9. M

    Bubble Belt

    Once you reach a certain Hunt rank level the Clan Centurio bazaar shop will have bubble belts available to buy.
  10. M

    All characters level up

    no he means that if your active party is 2 people as opposed to 3, the experience from fallen enemies will only go to those 2 people and therefore they will be rewarded with more experience. Any inactive party member (members in reserve) will never receive experience.
  11. M

    Late game problem with Gil Snapper hunt and season change

    im not at a point where the plot won't move on, but I'm fairly late in the game (beat giruvegan) and I've done about 30 hunts. I finally got the weather to change and Giza is raining... except once again I'm running around the tracks of the beast and the gil snapper won't appear. I did this...