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  1. J

    cant make my esper show there deathblow

    do you guys know the exact procedure on how to make ultima and exodus show ther deathblow?
  2. J

    Your Favourite Character?

    i vote fo penelo coz shes cute
  3. J

    cant make my esper show there deathblow

    cant make my esper do there deathblow i already did anything i already put there hp to critical, put there time till it last and still they are not showing it plss help me coz i wanted to see each of there utimate attacks so far the only thing i saw is belias, addramellech, mateus, zeromus...
  4. J

    Zodiac spear in the henne mines??

    its very hard to encounter they
  5. J

    How many Espers can each character have?

    how can i make my espers do there ultimate blow anyway? some of them does it but some dont. is there a counting or whatso ever to do there ultimate cause i already summon zodiark 5 times and still not showing his damn ultimate. plsss u gotta help me. i already did everything like putting the...
  6. J


    just kill everything then wait for 10 minutes after that you can go to the part where theres a lot of sunlight. go there and marilith will appear