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  1. K

    Pickpocket? Quick Pockets? Mug? Argh.

    I'm having a tiny problem. I can't seem to find the ability Pickpocket on the sphere grid. Where is it?? I'm using the PAL version of the game, does this mean the ability goes by a different name, or does it even exist? If it has a different name, what is it? I've looked in various walkthroughs...
  2. K

    Playstation 2 vs. Media Center

    Ok, so this isn't exactly related to any PS game, but it does have to do with the console. I'm not sure where else to put this thread, and I do apologise if it has been discussed before (although I've not seen it). Here goes: My sister recently bought a new laptop which has got Windows XP...
  3. K

    Cost of Final Fantasy 13

    Surely the PS3 rate will go up once XIII is released though?
  4. K

    What weapons have you equipped your characters?

    Since I got my hands on 6 Golden Axes I've used them ever since, and not looked back. That together with Maximillian/Circlet/Golden Skullcap/Demon Shield/Ribbon makes me feel almost invincible. :D ... That is, Yiazmat being an exception. >_< Just entered the fight. Wish I hadn't. :blink:
  5. K

    XII Play Time!?

    Play time so far : 231:28:16 Character levels at this point: Vaan - 70 Balthier - 70 Basch - 70 Fran - 94 Ashe - 94 Penelo - 94 ... Girl power! :D
  6. K

    Auto levelling

    When I did it I started at level 79. Penelo got wiped out several times during the time that I spent doing it. However, I think it's got to do with timing rather than what level you're at. On another note, I found that the "special charter dig" area of the Henne mines were a lot better than...
  7. K

    Balthier & Fran

    Yeah, I know a lot of them do. My sister is no exception. To her, the story and characters is everything, so when she's not pleased with those, she dismisses the entire game. I admit it's a big portion of what makes Final Fantasy mean so much to me, however one must not overlook all the other...
  8. K

    Balthier & Fran

    I think you misunderstood me. I didn't hate it, I thought it was one of the best titles in the series. However, I also think it could've become so much more had it not lacked a very important element. Sadly enough, sequels hardly ever turn out as good as the originals ... Just look at Final...
  9. K

    Balthier & Fran

    This is exactly what I dislike about Final Fantasy XII. Lack of story. Interesting characters but with no proper backgrounds given which leads to so many loose ends. They really should've put more effort into this. :mad:
  10. K

    Auto levelling

    If your party leader gets taken out though (I saw my Penelo get cursed with Doom even with both Ashe and Fran using Decoy) you might still have to change party leader, if the other party members are too slow to revive him/her. If you've gone to sleep when that happens, you'll wake up after a...
  11. K

    Do you train?

    I agree, when you're at a higher level it seems like it's taking forever between each level. I know the case is the same in other FF games as well, it's just that I (too) noticed it more in this one. Being at a high level always makes me feel good about myself, as I sit back and look at what...
  12. K

    Do you train?

    I always aim for level 99. Levelling up can be tedious, but also very satisfying when you slash through enemies that are a lot weaker than yourself. All the reward goodies often make up for the time spent doing it as well. :) Plus, it is close to impossible to beat all the optional super...
  13. K

    [FF XII] Best Guest

    I found Larsa to be the most helpful, thanks to his unlimited amount of health items that came in handy, especially when you're levelling up. Plus I found his death cry to be incredibly amusing, in a naughty sort of way. (Which is just wrong, since he's just 12 years old.) Other than him, I...
  14. K

    Reks ... in ... a modern-looking hospital?

    I haven't seen this covered in any other thread, so here I go. You may call me daft, but what was that whole scene about? I found it all very surrealistic. :huh:
  15. K

    No Over-Hyper Character?

    I think most of the people who've played through the series thought Penelo would be the type, and so did I. I thought she would be exactly the same as Rikku, because she's got that "look" about her. Fortunately I was proved wrong. Penelo's probably one of the most sensible characters throughout...
  16. K

    Black orbs, last hunts (?) and levelling up.

    Okay, thank you. :) I will try your strategy. Unfortunately I don't have Reddas in my party anymore as I am at the very end storywise (Bahamut has been unlocked) so I can't get any extra help from any "guests", but I've mastered all my characters' license boards and since I just got to level...
  17. K

    Black orbs, last hunts (?) and levelling up.

    Eep, but I am completely clueless when it comes to gambits. You wouldn't happen to know how to set them up, would you? :D Thank you so much for the help. :)
  18. K

    Black orbs, last hunts (?) and levelling up.

    I did, and I am most likely to try it out. Although I still do like a good challenge, and was wondering if there are any good places to do it all on your own. Thank you for pointing it out again though. :)
  19. K

    Black orbs, last hunts (?) and levelling up.

    So, I've looked through all the threads I can find on this installment, and none of them discuss the matters that I am now about to bring up. However, if any of it has been discussed before I do apologise and hope this thread is to be removed. :) I have a few questions I've been meaning to find...