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  1. griever of life

    Galbadia Garden

    yes Galbadia garden is more militant than balamb garden but balamb SeeDs are trained for everything squall even admits this point when he says to rinoa "approach your target inconspicuously at a dance party, missions may require this sort of subterfuge" As regards to that monetary question about...
  2. griever of life

    Best & Worsts Thread

    Favorite Character: Irvine Kinneas Favorite Male Character: Irvine Kinneas Favorite Female Character: Rinoa Heartilly Favorite NPC character: Wedge Favorite Weapon: Gunblade (Punishment) Favorite Limit Break: Duel Favorite GF: Cerberus Favorite Garden: Balamb Garden Favorite Magic: Aura Favorite...
  3. griever of life

    What if it never happend?

    then rinoa would be all nice and then seed would come along and rinoa woulkd blow the crap out of them and seifer and squall would team and help rinoa destroy the earth adel gets forgotten heh what if selphie was adel and there was a third squall\seifer person sorry i was confused with the page...
  4. griever of life

    Rinoa to Ultimecia?

    another way rinoa loves squall ultimecia hates him even if they were related like ultimecia is rinoa's great repeated granddaughter there would still be no relation, and put it this way if that bitch adel hadnt been looking for a successor none of that would have happened think about it
  5. griever of life

    who thinks zell and selphie might be brother and sister?

    let's see, zell and selphie are both very hyper-active and both are loud think of some more factors that might link them and choose for yourself whether you think they are related.
  6. griever of life

    Should they remake for PS3?

    They should definitely remake ff8 its one of the best on the series if they remade the top 3 then eveyone would be happy (top 3 as in top 3 in the ff series:) )
  7. griever of life

    Should they remake for PS3?

    yes, why didnt they make one on ps2 it would have sent business booming. but you'd think that remembering four characters in the kingdom hearts would make them consider something remotely related to ff8. heh i've got an idea for square-enix, they could make a final fantasy 8 legends series like...
  8. griever of life

    The Music

    you are right i forget myself sometimes, also which one is your favorite music track?
  9. griever of life

    The Music

    remember this is a thread about what music you think was the deepest and i agree, eyes on me was quite touching and can anyone answer me this: how can people forget about ff8 its one of the best love stories of its time, how?
  10. griever of life

    The Music

    The Music: i am a very emotionally deep person usually falling into depressed silences which generally makes final fantasy 8 quite a spectacle for me. The music on final fantasy 8 has a lot of feel to it one of the strongest examples of this is the track Love Grows ever listened to it a really...