Best & Worsts Thread

Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character:queen of cards
Favorite Weapon: revolver
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: doomtrain
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Auroa
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Favorite Random Monster: tri face
Favorite Boss: ultimecia
Favorite Sorceress: ultimecia
Favorite Area: island closest to hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb Garden
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene::neomon:
Favorite Music: Compression of time
Favorite FMV: Intro

Worst Character: Irvine
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Rinona
Worst NPC character: biggs
Worst Weapon: twin lance
Worst Limit Break: rinoas dog
Worst GF: Tonberry
Worst Garden: tribia
Worst Magic: fire
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):mad rush
Worst Random Monster:bite bug
Worst Boss: biggs and wedge
Worst Sorceress: edea
Worst Area: sea
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Delling city
Worst Method of Transportation: car
Worst Cutscene: can't think
Worst Music: Dollet
Worst FMV: ending movie
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Mrs. Dinct
Favorite Weapon: The Revolver
Favorite Limit Break: Irvines with fast ammo
Favorite GF: Doom Train
Favorite Garden: Trabia
Favorite Magic: Death
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Revive or restore
Favorite Random Monster: none
Favorite Boss: NORG
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa
Favorite Area: Island Closest to hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb):
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnorak
Favorite Cutscene: ...
Favorite Music: Liberi Fatali
Favorite FMV: Opening - classic!

Worst Character: er Fuijin ....
Worst Male Character: none
Worst Female Character: Selphie (she was just my least fav)
Worst NPC character:
Worst Weapon: Quistis whips
Worst Limit Break: Quistis
Worst GF: Chocobo
Worst Garden: Galbadia
Worst Magic: cure
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): GF
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Seifer - any time (not hard)
Worst Sorceress: Edea
Worst Area: Island closest to heaven
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): F.H
Worst Method of Transportation: chocobo ... me anoa like for some reason
Worst Cutscene: ...
Worst Music: Balamb Garden
Worst FMV: Dance scene ... I had already seen it from a demo disc (came with FFVII) in black and white. And quite frankly I thought it looked better in black and white
Favorite Character: Irvine Kinneas
Favorite Male Character: Irvine Kinneas
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa Heartilly
Favorite NPC character: Wedge
Favorite Weapon: Gunblade (Punishment)
Favorite Limit Break: Duel
Favorite GF: Cerberus
Favorite Garden: Balamb Garden
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Doom
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon
Favorite Boss: Griever
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa Heartilly
Favorite Area: Balamb Garden Quad
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Shumi Village
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: The fighting of the two Gardens
Favorite Music: SeeD
Favorite FMV: Squall getting impaled by the ice shards

Worst Character: Quistis Trepe
Worst Male Character: Master NORG
Worst Female Character: Quistis Trepe
Worst NPC character: Sorceress Adel
Worst Weapon: Chain Whip
Worst Limit Break: Blue Magic
Worst GF: Carbuncle
Worst Garden: Galbadia Garden (Too Militiarialistic)
Worst Magic: Shell
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):Treatment
Worst Random Monster: Tonberries
Worst Boss: Sorceress Adel
Worst Sorceress: Sorceress Adel
Worst Area: Deling City Sewers
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Deling City
Worst Method of Transportation: Cars
Worst Cutscene: MD level activation
Worst Music: Cactus Jack
Worst FMV: 2nd floor deck view
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Edea(that one time doesnt count)
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Squalls Lionheart
Favorite GF: Gilgamesh or Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balmb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Draw
Favorite Random Monster:---------
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa
Favorite Area: Island of Heaven/Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Deep Sea Research Center or Ultemicias castle
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Balmb vs Galbadia
Favorite Music: Legendary Beast
Favorite FMV: Attack of Dollet or opening

Worst Character: Fujin or Rajin
Worst Male Character: Fujin
Worst Female Character: Rajin
Worst NPC character: Fujin or Rajin
Worst Weapon: Quistis's
Worst Limit Break: Quistis
Worst GF: Tonberry King
Worst Garden: Selphies old one, cant remember the name
Worst Magic:--------
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):----------
Worst Random Monster:------------
Worst Boss: Guy on train in Timber
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: ----------
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balmb
Worst Method of Transportation: car
Worst Cutscene:--------
Worst Music: liked it all
Worst FMV: liked them all
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Fujin, Raijin
Favorite Weapon: Revolver
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Galbadia
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Defend
Favorite Random Monster: Ruby Dragon (yeah! meteor, flare! stock up)
Favorite Boss: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa
Favorite Area: Island Closest to Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Dollet
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Music: When battling against Ultima..
Favorite FMV: Dance between Squall and Rinoa

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: Ward
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: Dr. Odine
Worst Weapon: Selphie's
Worst Limit Break: Selphie's
Worst GF: Pandemona
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: low-level fire, thunder...
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Darkside
Worst Random Monster: Marlboro
Worst Boss: The Zombie on the train
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: Balamb Garden
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Ellone
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Quezacotl
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Meltdown
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Darkside
Favorite Random Monster: T-Rexaur
Favorite Boss: Diablos, does he count?
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa
Favorite Area: Island of Heaven/Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Shumi Village
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Balmb vs Galbadia
Favorite Music: Opening Theme!!!
Favorite FMV: Opening

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: Fuijin
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: President Delling
Worst Weapon: Rinoa
Worst Limit Break: Rinoa
Worst GF: Carbuncle
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Scan
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour lol
Worst Random Monster: cactuar (mini ones)
Worst Boss: Adel
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Prison
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber
Worst Method of Transportation: Foot
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: Game Over music :sad2:
Worst FMV: liked them all
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Seifer
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: Fuijin
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Diablos
Favorite Garden: Galbadia
Favorite Magic: Meltdown
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Darkside.
Favorite Random Monster: Blue Dragon.
Favorite Boss: Ultima Weapon.
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Fisherman's Horizon
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar.
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Ragnarok busting into Lunatic Pandora
Favorite Music: The Oath (Squall's theme)
Favorite FMV: Shoreside gatling gun for the fucking win.

Worst Character: Rinoa
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: Cid
Worst Weapon: Guns
Worst Limit Break: Rinoa's.
Worst GF: Quezacotl
Worst Garden: Trabia, rofl
Worst Magic: sleep.
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Card.
Worst Random Monster: Geezard.
Worst Boss: Seifer in Galbadia garden. that fight was a pisstake.
Worst Sorceress: Adel. Bitch got me stuck on the game and I had to start over.
Worst Area: Desert Prison
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): N/A
Worst Method of Transportation: Driving.
Worst Cutscene: N/A
Worst Music: N/A
Worst FMV: N/A
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC Character: Cid
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Quezacotl
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command: (Devour,Devour) Draw
Favorite Random Monster: --
Favorite Boss: Ultima Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa
Favorite Area: Island Closest to Heaven
Favorite Place: Balamb Garden
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: The Dance Scene
Favorite Music: Dance Scene Music
Favorite FMV: Opening

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC Character: Edea
Worst Weapon: Guns (as usual)
Worst Limit Break: Selphie's
Worst GF: Carbuncle
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Shell
Worst Command: --
Worst Random Monster: --
Worst Boss: Sorceress Adel
Worst Area: --
Worst Place: Timber
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene: Liked every one
Worst Music: Liked it all
Worst FMV: Liked every one
Favorite Character: Seifer Almasy
Favorite Male Character: Seifer Almasy
Favorite Female Character: Selphie Tilmitt
Favorite NPC character: Fujin
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart Gunblade
Favorite Limit Break: Wishing Star
Favorite GF: Shiva
Favorite Garden: Galbadia
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Recover
Favorite Random Monster: T-Rexaur
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Ultimecia
Favorite Area: Forests around Trabia
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: When they are all standing around talking about Seifer being executed
Favorite Music: Time Compression theme
Favorite FMV: The Home-Video in the Ending Scene

Worst Character: Rinoa
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Rinoa
Worst NPC character: Dr Odine
Worst Weapon: Whatever it was that Rinoa fought with (pinwheel?)
Worst Limit Break: Selphie (because I never got The End/Rapture)
Worst GF: Doomtrain
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Zombie
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Devour
Worst Random Monster: Marlboro
Worst Boss: Tiamat
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: Galbadian Continent
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Deling City
Worst Method of Transportation: On foot
Worst Cutscene: When they are getting breathed by Rinoa and the Timber faction on their first mission
Worst Music: World map theme
Worst FMV: Hmmm...i think they were all decent
Favorite Character: Seifer
Favorite Male Character: Seifer
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Julia
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Cactuar
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Recover
Favorite Random Monster: T-Rex
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Island Closest to Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Rinoa kicking Irvine down the stairs
Favorite Music: Maybe I'm a Lion
Favorite FMV: The Ending

Worst Character: Quistis
Worst Male Character: Zell
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: Cid Kramer
Worst Weapon: None
Worst Limit Break: Slot
Worst GF: Eden (Too long)
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Sleep
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Mad Rush
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: Ultimecia
Worst Sorceress: Ultimecia
Worst Area: Trabia
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Trabia
Worst Method of Transportation: Walking
Worst Cutscene: None
Worst Music: Heresy
Worst FMV: Love them all
Favorite Charater:Seifer
Favorite weapons:squalls revolver gunblade.

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Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character:Zell
Favorite Female Character:Rinoa
Favorite NPC character:Elleone
Favorite Weapon:Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break:Dual
Favorite GF:Cactuar
Favorite Garden:Balamb
Favorite Magic:Aura
Favorite Command:Mug
Favorite Random Monster:T-rexaur
Favorite Boss:Fuujin&Raijin
Favorite Sorceress:Rinoa
Favorite Area:Shumi Village entrance(ultima draw point)
Favorite Place:
Favorite Method of Transportation:Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene:Disc 1 near the end of the disc where squall smashes the car on the gate.
Favorite Music:Eyes on me
Favorite FMV:None

Worst Character:selphie
Worst Male Character:Irvine
Worst Female Character:Selphie
Worst NPC character:Zone
Worst Weapon:Chain whip
Worst Limit Break:Blue magic
Worst GF:Carbuncle
Worst Garden:Galbadia
Worst Magic:Slow
Worst Command:Card
Worst Random Monster:Belhelmel
Worst Boss:Odin
Worst Sorceress:Ultimecia
Worst Area:World map(disc 4)
Worst Place:Timber
Worst Method of Transportation:Car
Worst Cutscene:Irvine's intro
Worst Music:Anything the badn perform in disc 2
Worst FMV:None
Favorite Character: Laguna
Favorite Male Character: Laguna
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Raijin
Favorite Weapon: Lion Heart
Favorite Limit Break: Lion Heart
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Pain
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Mug
Favorite Random Monster: Geezard
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Island Closest to Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Shumi Village
Favorite Method of Transportation: Airship
Favorite Cutscene: N/A
Favorite Music: The Extreme
Favorite FMV: N/A

Worst Character: Quistis
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Quistis
Worst NPC character: Zell's Mom
Worst Weapon: Whip
Worst Limit Break: Blue Magic
Worst GF: Siren
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Scan (it wouldn't let me look up Selphie's dress :(:(:()
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Treatment
Worst Random Monster: Marlboro
Worst Boss: Fake President
Worst Sorceress: Ultimecia
Worst Area: ...
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): White SeeD Ship
Worst Method of Transportation: Foot
Worst Cutscene: ...
Worst Music: Balamb Garden's music got really annoying
Worst FMV: ...
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character:Zell
Favorite Female Character:Edea
Favorite NPC character:Ellone
Favorite Weapon:Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break:Lionheart
Favorite GF: Siren
Favorite Garden:Balamb
Favorite Magic:Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw):Recover
Favorite Random Monster:T-Rex
Favorite Boss: Omega Weapon
Favorite Sorceress:Edea
Favorite Area: Dont have one
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb):Esthar
Favorite Method of Transportation:Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Dont have one
Favorite Music:Maybe Im A Lion
Favorite FMV:The Ending

Worst Character:Selphie
Worst Male Character:Ivrine
Worst Female Character:Selphie
Worst NPC character:Cid
Worst Weapon:Guns -.-'
Worst Limit Break:Hmm Selphies first one
Worst GF: Dont have one
Worst Garden: Dont have one
Worst Magic:Scan
Worst Command (Devour, Draw):Sleep
Worst Random Monster:Tonberry
Worst Boss:Guy On The Train
Worst Sorceress:Adel
Worst Area: Dont have one
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb):Balamb Garden =/
Worst Method of Transportation:Car
Worst Cutscene:Have to think about this one
Worst Music:None
Worst FMV:Quists Intro
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Edea
Favorite NPC character: Nida (He graduates as a SeeD then does nothing until he becomes the pilot of Garden - poor boy)
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Diablos (looks amazing) & Quezacotl (better design than Ramuh)
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura
Favorite Command: Recover/Restore/Revive (Too useful)
Favorite Random Monster: Cactuar/Tonberry (so cute)
Favorite Boss: Ultimecia (I like her different forms)
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Battleship Island
Favorite Place
Lunatic Pandora (had great music and looked ace)
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Sorceress Edea's announcement to Galbadia
Favorite Music: Lunatic Pandora
Favorite FMV: The Ending

Worst Character: Irvine
Worst Male Character: Ivrine
Worst Female Character: Rinoa (Yeah, we all fire dogs as ballistic weapons. Getting a matching ring of someone you aren't even official with is just plain creepy. Starting off with Seifer and then going for his arch-rival Squall... that's Springer right there betch!)
Worst NPC character: Mayor Dobe and Flo (We're pacifists but we're not above using antagonistic dialogue)
Worst Weapon: Rinoa's (It takes far too long for the lack of use it is)
Worst Limit Break: They're all equally bad if not equally good...
Worst GF: Carbuncle (for his actual Ruby Light ability. His stat junctions are good)
Worst Garden: Trabia (it's not like it's any use to anyone now)
Worst Magic: Float & Scan (Scan is useless for junctioning. Float isn't fit for purpose but is okay for some stats)
Worst Command (Devour, Draw etc): Card (takes a long time and you can accidentally kill the MOB whilst weakening it)
Worst Random Monster: Malboro, Adamantoise (Malboro causes annoying stat effects and adamantoise can be a protracted battle)
Worst Boss: Jumbo Cactuar, Diablos (Cactuar is repetitive, attack, heal, revive - Diablos can just be a pain to beat if he wants to)
Worst Sorceress: Rinoa (Adel may look like a blokey Anne Robinson with a bit of height and muscle but I just plain don't like Rinoa)
Worst Area: Galbadia Plains
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Desert Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene: Squall carrying comatose Rinoa/talking to Rinoa, anything with Rinoa
Worst Music: Eyes On Me (It was totally out of context before its use in the ending)
Worst FMV: Rinoa falling down the shattered Quad in the battle of the gardens (Because she didn't fall to her death ^_^)
Favorite Character: Zell
Favorite Male Character: Zell
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Moombas. I love these little guys.
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart, I guess. I hated the weapons in this game though.
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Galbadia because I hated Balamb
Favorite Magic: Aura (can't go wrong with instant Limit Break)
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Kamikaze!!!
Favorite Random Monster: NONE
Favorite Boss: Last boss in her entirety, Ultimecia just because of the music
Favorite Sorceress: I really didn't like the idea of sorceresses as the main baddies
Favorite Area: Islands of Heaven and Hell
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Fisherman's Horizon
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Squall, Seifer, and Zell's bickering scenes
Favorite Music: The Extreme during Ultimecia's final form
Favorite FMV: The Opening where Squall and Seifer fight

Worst Character: Irvine
Worst Male Character: Irvine
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: Headmaster Cid was pretty dumb
Worst Weapon: Basically all of em...I hated how there were very few weapons to choose from.
Worst Limit Break: Not sure
Worst GF: Cerberus pissed me off....Triple??? are you serious? You'd think some badass monster like that would attack the monsters.
Worst Garden: Balamb
Worst Magic: I didn't really use magic because I had it junctioned.
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): I don't remember.
Worst Random Monster: Malboro...of course
Worst Boss: That NORG guy in Balamb garden was really stupid.
Worst Sorceress: Edea
Worst Area: The open ocean....
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Esthar was too advanced for my taste and that prison was awful too.
Worst Method of Transportation: GARDEN!!! OMG!! That thing was sooo slow...I still remember looking for that damn white SeeD ship! ARGG!!
Worst Cutscene: That horrible plot twist about the orphanage in Trabia Garden
Worst Music: Eyes on Me
Worst FMV: The ending (not the one during the credits)
Favorite Character: Quistis
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Quistis
Favorite NPC character: -
Favorite Weapon: Whip (Quistis)
Favorite Limit Break: The End (Selphie)
Favorite GF: Carbuncle or Cerberus
Favorite Garden: Galbadia
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): GF
Favorite Random Monster: -
Favorite Boss: Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Ultimecia
Favorite Area: -
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Galbadia
Favorite Method of Transportation: Walking
Favorite Cutscene: Opening Cinema
Favorite Music: When you fight Edea in Galbadia
Favorite FMV:

Worst Character:
Worst Male Character: Zell
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: Balemb Faculty
Worst Weapon: Gloves (Zell)
Worst Limit Break: -
Worst GF: Siren
Worst Garden: -
Worst Magic: Any of the first level ones
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Doom
Worst Random Monster: -
Worst Boss: -
Worst Sorceress: -
Worst Area: -
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): -
Worst Method of Transportation: Car
Worst Cutscene: -
Worst Music: -
Worst FMV:
Favorite Character: Squall
Favorite Male Character: Squall
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Dunno.
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Apocaylpse
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Revive
Favorite Random Monster: Dunno.
Favorite Boss: Griever
Favorite Sorceress: Edea
Favorite Area: Dunno
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Ragnarok scene.
Favorite Music: Eyes on Me
Favorite FMV: Squall and Rinoa hugging

Worst Character: Selphie
Worst Male Character: Zell
Worst Female Character: Selphie
Worst NPC character: Dunno.
Worst Weapon: Save the Queen (or was it King?)
Worst Limit Break: Selphie's slot thingy
Worst GF: Eden
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Dunno.
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Dunno
Worst Random Monster: Malboro
Worst Boss: That thing at the Missile Base
Worst Sorceress: Ultimecia
Worst Area: Dunno.
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Timber
Worst Method of Transportation: Dunno. Train?
Worst Cutscene: Dunno.
Worst Music: Dunno.
Worst FMV: Zell's introduction.
Favorite Character: Irvine
Favorite Male Character: Irvine
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa
Favorite NPC character: Wedge and Biggs
Favorite Weapon: Lionheart
Favorite Limit Break: Lionheart
Favorite GF: Diablos
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Flare
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Limit
Favorite Random Monster: Dual claw
Favorite Boss: Diablos
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa
Favorite Area: Balamb
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Island closest to hell
Favorite Method of Transportation: Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: On the way to the Dollet mission, or wedge and biggs at the tower
Favorite Music: Force your way, or Blue fields
Favorite FMV: Quistis on the machine gun

Worst Character: Cid
Worst Male Character: Cid
Worst Female Character: Sorceress B
Worst NPC character: Martine
Worst Weapon: Shinbou
Worst Limit Break: Kiros' limit break
Worst GF: Cerberus
Worst Garden: Trabia
Worst Magic: Demi
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): Darkside
Worst Random Monster: Malboro or Imp
Worst Boss: Mobile type 8
Worst Sorceress: Sorceress A
Worst Area: Some random island
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Tears point
Worst Method of Transportation: Car, dont think I ever used it
Worst Cutscene: In Trabia Garden basketball court, so long and boring after I've seen it a million times
Worst Music: Dunno
Worst FMV: Dunno
Favorite Character: Rinoa
Favorite Male Character: Squall, Laguna
Favorite Female Character: Rinoa, Edea
Favorite NPC character: Ultimecia
Favorite Weapon: Gunblade
Favorite Limit Break: Renzokuken
Favorite GF: Shiva, Bahamut
Favorite Garden: Balamb
Favorite Magic: Blizzaga, Ultima, Aura
Favorite Command (Devour, Draw): Recover, Revive
Favorite Random Monster: Malboro, Enolye, T-rex
Favorite Boss: Seifer, Edea
Favorite Sorceress: Rinoa, Edea
Favorite Area: Balamb, Island Closest to Hell & Heaven
Favorite Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): Balamb Town, FH, Deling City, Timber
Favorite Method of Transportation: Balamb Garden, Ragnarok
Favorite Cutscene: Dance Scene, Reunite in FH
Favorite Music: Breezy, Balamb Garden, Under her control(Deling city), Martial Law(Timber), Roses and Wine, Junction, Waltz for the Moon, Premonition, Eyes On Me, The Extreme
Favorite FMV: Ending, Ballroom Dance,

Worst Character: Umm, no
Worst Male Character: No either
Worst Female Character: Even No
Worst NPC character: Adel
Worst Weapon: Nunchaku
Worst Limit Break: No
Worst GF: Siren, Carbuncle
Worst Garden: No
Worst Magic: No
Worst Command (Devour, Draw): No
Worst Random Monster: Can't Remember
Worst Boss: No
Worst Sorceress: Adel
Worst Area: D-District Area
Worst Place (As in "actual" places like Balamb): District Prison
Worst Method of Transportation: No
Worst Cutscene: No
Worst Music: No
Worst FMV: No