Search results

  1. K

    The strangest dream I've ever had (Really funny)

    Yep the other nite i dreamt i was the easter bunny who made poo chocolates
  2. K

    Just the ladies

    Think of the Kitten!! Won't somebody please think of the kitten!!!
  3. K

    The strangest dream I've ever had (Really funny)

    I pee in peoples drink bottles SHHHH!!! ITs funny watching them say it's the funkiest drink they have ever had.
  4. K

    Whats the ultimate party using all the FF characters

    Choose the ultimate party Rules 1) Can only include a maximum of 2 main characters (eg cloud, squall, tidus, zidane) 2) Must include min 1 character of each sex (we can't have a homosexual relationship for main love story) 3) A single Aeon, GF or summon creature used as support. 4) Consider...
  5. K

    I forgot about this website...

    Yo, welcome fellow Newbie
  6. K

    Your favourite summon and why?

    Diablos or Anima, cause Dark magic has always been the best throughout the FF. They are capable of doing lots of damage at low levels.
  7. K

    Best Story in FF

    Its X hands down.
  8. K

    Most Useless Character?

    Beatrix/Marcus/Cinna/Blank are original characters so how can people vote for them when they are like the guest on FFXII (worst game ever check out thread). Worst character Amarant, didn't worry about leveling him up cause he sucked.
  9. K

    FFXII is the worst FF made

    People keep commenting on how awsome the battle system is, what system, where. The character individualism is gone, how does one seperate the characters apart, especially when the only moves that seperate the characters is their charge abilities which suck when compared to the Trinity moves in...
  10. K


    Name: Cain Group: Evil Supernatural Sex: Male Age: Unknown Appearance: Long black hair made up into ponytail. Only half his face can be seen the other half is covered by a black ninja mask (hides his mutant other side). Wears long trench coat and big black bikey boots with flickout knives. 6'6"...
  11. K

    FFXII is the worst FF made

    Basically I think FFXII sucks the most. It has a pretty weak story line and its gameplay is extremely similar to that of Monster Hunt 2. The cut scenes are pretty weak. It's been a battle to stay interested unlike other FF. Considering when I passed FF VIII I virtually didn't sleep for 2 weeks...
  12. K

    Sign if you agree that there should be a new Final Fantasy movie that isn't related to 7

    Agreed just don't do a movie on FFXII, it the worst of the series. To similar to monster hunt:mad:
  13. K

    Would you play

    Probably, except squall out of FFVIII would kick ass, with his Lionheart so it wouldn't be that great
  14. K

    I'm a newbie

    Hey Newbie, I'm a Newbie too:cool: