Just the ladies

HEY! i'm a random, evil person. I blow stuff up and steal birds from people. Its what i do. -.-
*Judo flips Carrier Of Hope* Sorry, but being a hostage really isn't my thing. Now....my chocobo, kittens, puppies, and pigeons are gone, so I have no more hostages.....unless.......*Points gun at own head* Now I'm my hostage!
hay what i wanna know is how can someone steal the kittens off of the guv'na when he has already given them to me for a birthday preasent???? i dont get it!!!
ok so we have several murderers, a few animal rights extreamists, a dead guy and a canabal...... What a good mix!!
*Comes out of bathroom* Oh, man, Shadow_The_Hedgehog shot my twin brother, no matter, for I now have a new hostage, my twin brother's dead body!
i'll give you something to eat here we go hope you like it.


Are you and your Baby happy now?
Listen to your pimp! :huh:

*Judo flips Carrier Of Hope* Sorry, but being a hostage really isn't my thing. Now....my chocobo, kittens, puppies, and pigeons are gone, so I have no more hostages.....unless.......*Points gun at own head* Now I'm my hostage!

YOU AIN'T GETTING RID OF ME THAT EASILY!!! *holds Guv'na in a chokehold and grabs gun, pointing it at his head* LIKE I SAID, YOU ARE MY HOSTAGE!!! LET WHATEVER YOU'RE HOLDING HOSTAGE GO, AD NO ONE GETS HURT!!!