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    Dirge of Cerberus Havn't bought the game yet? need some help.

    It's not bad. I got it the other day, and while I'm not a big fan of FPS games, the story seems good so far. But I'm not that far into it, either. But so far it's not bad other than being a FPS.
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    Favourite Summoner

    Braska was cool. Isaaru would be second. Seymour was a scumbag, not a summoner :P
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    Best & Worsts Thread

    Favorite Character: Auron Favorite Male Character: Auron Favorite Female Character: Yuna - Lulu was a close second Favorite Boss: Jecht Favorite Villain: Seymour Favorite Race: None, really Favorite Temple: Djose Favorite Area: Omega Ruins Favorite Place: Besaid Favorite Song/Music: Battle song...
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    Your Favorite Line

    One of my favorites that sticks out when Lulu throws a fire spell in battle: "Need a light?" The macarena temple line was another. And the one where Tidus tells Lulu she's more his type. "Good luck, little boy." Classic.
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    Was anyone disappointed with Seymour?

    Seymour was an awesome bad guy. I hated that bastard with a passion. So I think he was pretty good. Sephiroth was good, too, though, as a bad guy. But I think Seymour was a bit better as an antagonist. HE should have been the main bad guy, I think, not Sin/Yu Yevon.
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    Whats in aurons bottle?

    I vote for sake. I tried that stuff once, tasted like kerosene. So definately flammable :cool: also, since his overdrive was bushido, and that's the samurai code/way of life *shrugs* Btw, the ex-samurai/wandering samurai type is called a ronin. A samurai without a master. Basically a mercenary.
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    Just came across these forums. Been years since I played any of the FF series - just got a PS2 the other day - and ran across a link to one of the posts here on a Google search. Recently finished FFX/X-2, although still have a ways to go on X-2 to get 100%. Nice to meet everyone.