Was anyone disappointed with Seymour?

He didn't want to end suffering at all, he just said that so as to try and win Yuna over.

Although it never worked.

Input like this is hardly worth reading...

Tifa_TRUE_Lockheart said:
I'm dissapointed on him because he's gay :|
What, just because he doesn't dress like everyone else, and had a slightly high-pitched voice in areas means he's gay? Please. :dry:

FFGuy said:
that was for power or so people thought he was straight and the christian supremists did not try to kill him
He married Yuna to bind them in a forced love, making him subject to becoming the next Final Aeon; aka Sin. Although Yunalesca does state it requires "true" love.

Hell_Razer said:
but i loved Sephy way better it would be cool if it was sephy then seymour
I'd have been disappointed if there was another Sephiroth-esqué character in place of Seymour. One Sephiroth is more than enough for a non-fanboy.
i thought he was going to be harder than that, he seems to be not a hard as it would seem i took him out with ease
Don't blame Seymour! It's his mother's foult that he is acting like that for all I know....
i was very disapponted with him because on all the other games there has been a quite good 2nd end boss but he was rubbish comparded to others.
Seymour was an awesome bad guy. I hated that bastard with a passion. So I think he was pretty good. Sephiroth was good, too, though, as a bad guy. But I think Seymour was a bit better as an antagonist. HE should have been the main bad guy, I think, not Sin/Yu Yevon.