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  1. Neonspec

    PS1 vs PS2 quality

    I just tried it out and it runs a BIT faster. Nowhere near as much as in the videos i mentioned but it is slightly faster. Thanks for your help. If anyone else knows if the quality is better on PS1, please let me know.
  2. Neonspec

    PS1 vs PS2 quality

    Hmm. Ok. Can you tell me what you do on the PS2 Menu Plz? I have heard from a few people that it runs faster on ps1 but i'm not sure.
  3. Neonspec

    PS1 vs PS2 quality

    Hey everyone. I'm making this thread because this question has been on my mind since i started to replay FF7. Does Final Fantasy 7 run better on the PS1 than the PS2? I've only ever played the game on PS2 and i'm noticing videos where the quality of the graphics is smoother and faster. I...
  4. Neonspec

    New FF players

    I keep trying to get my cousin into it. He HAS played 7 before but he was only like 9 and probably didnt understand how it works. (This was in 1997 btw) Now when i try to get him to give 1 of the games another chance but he just calls me the G word :( Anyone know what i could do? LOL. :P
  5. Neonspec

    My feelings on final fantasy 7 in this day and age

    As you guys may have noticed i havent posted for quite a while. That's because i've been enjoying the hell out of FF7!!! That's right. I am starting to enjoy this game again and here's why. The graphics still bug the living hell out of me but here's why i like it again. Playing it again (BTW i...
  6. Neonspec

    My feelings on final fantasy 7 in this day and age

    Ok i'm back. (had to get a nap LMAO) The storyline is still good. If i remember correctly, last night before i turned it off i was at the part where you meet tseng, rude and elena in the cave. Maybe it's due to me playing more and more rpg's over the years with better graphics and faster...
  7. Neonspec

    My feelings on final fantasy 7 in this day and age

    Sup guys. I first played this game when it came out in 1997 and it absolutely blew my mind away. It had a great story, great characters and an awesome battle system. I had the same experience with 8, 9 and 10. (10 imo was the last great final fantasy :)) So 2 weeks ago i decided i would...
  8. Neonspec

    Final Fantasy Retrospective

    It will be here soon...must be patient. :D
  9. Neonspec

    Which one would you rather play...

    Definately VIII. I HATED XII! VIII was really underated. As was IX. Alot of people were jerking off so much over VII that they did'nt give the two sequels a chance. Fortunately on these forums people can give good reasons as to why they did'nt like VIII or IX. :D
  10. Neonspec

    Best Final Fantasy Game

    !!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!! FFVIII HAS THE MOST VOTES BY FAR!!!??? YES!!!! YES YES!!!! My god i don't believe it! FFVIII is my favorite aswell! But the thing is...i really expected 7 or 10 to get the most votes...hmm. Well i guess this proves once and for all that 8 has one of the strongest...
  11. Neonspec

    ATB System

    I like the ATB system better because X's system pretty much forces you to use all of the characters since the game is so strategic. In some of the other games e.g. VII and VIII you can pretty much use the characters you like the most.
  12. Neonspec

    New FF movie

    I've said it before and i'll say it again...A FF8 MOVIE MUST BE MADE! Sure it's fanbase isnt as big as 7's but the people who love it and consider it the best in the series (Myself included) want to see a movie so badly.
  13. Neonspec

    VII Gaia or IX Gaia?

    IX- If i was still a normal guy who goes to college. VII- If i was an uber 1337 badass who could save the planet.
  14. Neonspec

    All-time Favorite cutscene

    My 2 favorites are the opera house from ff 6 and when cloud puts aeris in the water in ff 7.
  15. Neonspec

    Creating a fantasy

    Thanks for responding guys. I'm adding something else so i will put it in my 1st post. Type of villain. E.g. Cold or missunderstood.
  16. Neonspec

    Creating a fantasy

    Hey guys. I'm making this topic because i want to see what kind of FF game you would create if you got the chance. Here are the things you need to include if you respond: 1. Theme of the game. E.g love or revenge. 2. Sci Fi or Fantasy. 3. Unique gameplay features. 4. Type of battle system...