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  1. U

    High School Musical I & II

    Okay, so the music is kind of catchy but the movie makes me kind of sick. It's not incredibly horrible that I start to bleed from my eyes or anything, it's just that I want it to be over and posted just so the hype will stop. I won't have to hear about HSM2 on Disney Channel commercials every...
  2. U

    Do you think FF13 will better than FF12?

    It looks like a really serious game, though, which makes me kind of disappointed. But the graphics look pretty promising... xD I really hope there is some kind of character that has some kind of hyperness... they usually end up to be my favorite character. :P
  3. U

    Worst mission

    That massage sidequest/mini-game/whatever, left me scarred and I cringed the whole time. =( I truly had no favorite mission, they all were incredibly boring (as so many people said before me)... But if Sphere Break counts as a mission, it totally made me want to punch someone. (Especially vs...
  4. U

    what a sad ending

    I really liked the ending of Final Fantasy X, I didn't think it was incredibly sad that I cried my eyes out for days. I remember crying, but maybe it was because Auron left us. ;___; But other than that, it was sad that Yuna lost Tidus (I don't care much that Tidus left, he definitely was NOT...
  5. U


    Thank you. :) And yes, Ultima does rock. ^-^ xD Exodus was pretty cool. xD
  6. U


    Er, hello. I'm ultimetica... and I'm new here. :3 So, hi. :D Er, from my name, I'm not a fan of 'Ultimecia', I'm a fan of the spell (and esper, mind you) 'Ultima'... then I... really don't know how I came up with the 'etica' part... xD