what a sad ending


You know, I didn't think the end to X was sad at all. I loved seeing Tidus high five his dad, and Auron was there too. It actually left me feeling quite happy, so he didn't get the girl, so what? The end sequence with him swimming was perfect.... it really kept you thinking but you knew he was happy.
I thought the ending to FFX was pretty much perfect. i would have been totally satisfied without a FFX-2 and a Happy ending.
I don´t think it was a sad ending...and like it was already stated that´s how it should have stayed bringing FFX-2 ruinned everything.
I do not think FFx-2 ruined anything..for some people prefere to see that happy ending visually...if you follow me, so it is there, wanna see it really happen, and enoyed that kind of finish then play X-2 and enjoy it :)

When it comes to actual FFX, I think it is one and only time where SE finally got it right. The ending is perfect...happy and tragic...it is a happy ending for good wins over evil, world is saved, bladi bladi blah..so on. It is tragic for the lovers are separated, ...but like Romeo and Juliet some love stories never ment to have a happy ending, and that is why they stand out and are special.

I do not dislike FFX-2 like many people do, but sad as it is, FFX ending is what I consider a proper, and what is ment to be.
I really liked the ending of Final Fantasy X, I didn't think it was incredibly sad that I cried my eyes out for days.

I remember crying, but maybe it was because Auron left us. ;___;

But other than that, it was sad that Yuna lost Tidus (I don't care much that Tidus left, he definitely was NOT my favorite character =/), and her speech made me a little sad but it had some happiness too it. :3 (I guess)

But going slightly off topic, FFX-2's perfect ending was totally not worth getting 100%; though I rejoice silently that Yuna and Tidus are back together. :3
The ending to FFX was perfect, it really show'd that Tidus had changed in his time on Spira.
He didn't get the girl but he Got to be with his dad and Auron. Seeing him High Five Jecht brought a tear to my eye.

Great Ending, FFX2 was only made becuase of idiots yelling "I WANT t1DUS BACKz"

You know, I didn't think the end to X was sad at all. I loved seeing Tidus high five his dad, and Auron was there too. It actually left me feeling quite happy, so he didn't get the girl, so what? The end sequence with him swimming was perfect.... it really kept you thinking but you knew he was happy.

Actually he did get the girl! He's had Yuna's heart since before they kissed in the spring ^_^ Hence why Yuna continued to look for him once she saw that sphere that reminded her of him.

The ending did make me sad, I nearly cried when he jumped off the ship, but when Yuna gave her speech and the words she spoke "The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded, never forget them" omg I just cried. I seriously did. I'm such a sap, but I can't help it. I loved the game either way, but I just put myself in Yuna's position and wondered how I'd feel if my husband disappeared like Tidus did from her. I guess that's what got me. xD
I never found this game to be that sad, sure a little bit sad only. I mean, Tidus leaves and dissappears and Yuna is alone with no partner in life. Its like the real world to me...ese.
Hell no. If anything it was the best ending possible. For Tidus to be in purgatory away from every one forever. Even though it was responsible for a the spinnoff of the charlies angels game 10-2.

supposivly you just need to speak to the bartender aboard the celcius each time you get back on board (should be a total of 5 times) and you get to have the perfect ending at the end... true!?

You have to sleep in the bar in every chapter, you have to talk to a guy in Chapter 3 (I dunno who since I missed that...), and in the scene where Yuna gets cast into the farplane (before the FMV with Shuyin) you have to press X several times to prompt 4 whistles. Oh, and at the end, after the final boss, you have to do the same. I did all of that, minus talking to the guy. And I ended up with the Sad Ending.

They only made X-2 'cause fans complained and said X wasn't complete. :lol:

I myself thought that the end was sad, but also beautiful. I enjoy sad endings the most 'cause they make me think and reflect. Happy endings I just tend to forget 'cause they're often so samey...
i liked the ending i thought it was cool how they played aurons scene when yuna sent him ( sorrry for the spoiler but if you didnt want to know you shouldnt be here anyway lol)
The ending to this game was great I loved how Auron left the game it was great and the most upsetting part was how true love was broken when Tidus left to join Braska, jecht and Auron

though I still confused (not shown for spoiler purposes)

why tidus returned on FFX-2
video game endings don't get much sadder than FFX...i watch it from time to time on youtube because, its simply my favorite video game ending of all time. not that i liked the fact that tidus disappeared, but just because it strikes up emotion in you whether you'd like to admit it or not. then x-2 had to just simply ruin any of that.
The ending made me cry the first time I saw it and when ever I see it now, it makes me want to. =/

As you can see by my signature and avatar, I am a very big TidusxYuna fan, so it tore my heart apart to watch Tidus disappear...
im a huge fan of tidus and yuna as well, i'd agree that it sucked when they got seperated. im a fan of every FF couple, and i mean EVERY couple. cloudxaerith (yes, thats right) squallxrinoa, zidanexgarnet, and tidusxyuna.
I think it was one of the saddest but best endings of a video game of all times. First time I beat the game, I was almost crying, but when I saw Tidus High-5-ing Jecht, I turned happy again. But it was absolutely the most emotional ending of a video game for me.
the ending kinda shocked me

but whit this end it become sooooooooo

romance ^^
but tidus oh he so cooool in the pic win he say good bye to yuna
i think the best part was when auron left i think it was the best moment in all endings ever... also i love how all the girls on this site (or at least i hope the y are all girls lol) are fans of final fantasy couples lol
the best part of the ending must of been how yuna actually shows her love to tidus before he leaves and the final hug ^_^ i watch that bit over and over again