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  1. N

    Battle System [Scan]

    dammit not live action again like XII what a turn off now for this game.
  2. N

    Is this game " TOo typical"

    I don't look for that in the game though, I look at the gameplay. FFX was awesome in it's gameplay and grid system design and FF7 for it's Materia system.
  3. N

    Is this game " TOo typical"

    Is this the typical "Main character is a female, with short-shorts and revealing clothing" game. Honestly with Final Fantasy you do not have to use sex to sell the game. Final Fantasy sells itself. Everything is sex appeal these days with games and commercials, there was a car commercial for...
  4. N

    New Screenshots....

    New screenshots at Gamespot:;dropdown NICE! (I am happy they didn't make Lightning's boobs HUGE, like some characters.)
  5. N

    I was just watching the end of FF7...

    Good observation about that. It's the music that gets you in to the game, and sets the mood.
  6. N

    I was just watching the end of FF7...

    The final music theme in Final Fantasy X was horrible when you were fighting Jecht. Sorry a guy SCREAMING in the background did not get me in the mood fight.
  7. N

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    They don't realize how many copies of FF7 remake would sell. New movies? Maybe Voice acting? Ridiculously good graphics? New Particle effects? The old fashioned Fighting System? Knight of the Round? BAHAMUT??? HOLY MACAROLE! Chocobo Racing? I just can't get over what a Remake would be...
  8. N

    Knights of the Round! PLEASE!

    But Knights of the Round was just... ridiculous lol
  9. N

    Do you want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive?

    I agree wholeheardtly the WII is dominated by the PS3 and 360. However, I am a avid fan of the FF series. But I am not going to buy a 400 dollar system just to play one game. When they ported FF7 it was obviously a rush job. I wish they do make this game to PC. It would be well worth it.
  10. N

    Damage output.

    I mean Zordiak's limit break in FXIII was like WOAH. And it only does 9999 um.... The developers went through all that trouble to make an amazing sequence,
  11. N

    Damage output.

    I have a question. Will we be able to do more then 9999 damage? Because let's face it FFX was the only one to break that limit and it only made sense. When you see a summon do a RIDICULOUSLY long, and vigorous, AMAZING attack and it only does 9999 your like, UM? Especially some of the long ones...
  12. N

    FFXIII Rumor Thread

    I have a question. Will we be able to do more then 9999 damage? Because let's face it FFX was the only one to break that limit and it only made sense. When you see a summon do a RIDICULOUSLY long, and vigorous, AMAZING attack and it only does 9999 your like, UM? Especially some of the long...
  13. N

    I was just watching the end of FF7...

    You know I was just watching the final battle on when you fight One Winged Angel. Just the quality of the music and the atmosphere and the fight it just amazing. The music gets you so into it. I really hope they have some type of climatic battle ending music that NOT HARD ROCK...
  14. N

    Do you want FFXIII to be PS3 exclusive?

    I don't know why Square won't get through their heads, just to make this for the PC as well, most PC's out there blow away the PS3's graphics engine as well as stats. Don't tell me PC is dieing, because there are plenty of game being made for it. They should release it on PC as well. I am not...
  15. N

    Knights of the Round! PLEASE!

    Check out the Rumor thread it's the last few posts.
  16. N

    Knights of the Round! PLEASE!

    Yeah LOL. Having 12 Knights behind you.
  17. N

    Knights of the Round! PLEASE!

    They need to bring this summon back, imagine in on the PS3 system?? HOLY CRAP. Please for the love of Final Fantasy BRING IT BACK!