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  1. Nero_the_Sable

    Do you listen to Final Fantasy music outside gaming?

    Yeah I listen to a bit of Final Fantasy music, Stumbled across a pretty cool set of remixes to the VII soundtrack a while ago...Not sure if it's already been mentioned here:
  2. Nero_the_Sable

    What Else Could "WTF" Stand For?

    Same thing happened to me when I started using computers - quite a few years ago now, except it was with "brb". I felt kinda stupid when they got back! WTF: Waking the Fallen (The name of an album I like)
  3. Nero_the_Sable

    Hangover Cures.....

    I've actually not tried Lucozade as a hangover cure...But after reading the first few posts in the thread I'm starting to realise why there's more Lucozade than other drinks in the vending machines at the University I go to :)
  4. Nero_the_Sable

    Favourite FF quotes

    Barret: I can't...go on...any farther. Marlene, Daddy wanted to...see your more time... Tifa: Will you stop acting like a retard and climb? While climbing all the stairs in the Shinra building. Made me laugh :)
  5. Nero_the_Sable

    Where did you get your username from?

    One of the cool bad guys from Dirge of Cerberus :P Wanted to have it as just "Nero" but it was already taken!
  6. Nero_the_Sable

    where would you like to live in ff9

    I'd probably like to live in Burmecia...Rainy darkness is pretty cool.
  7. Nero_the_Sable

    system requirements

    Yeah, was like that for me too, I'm using an ATI card.
  8. Nero_the_Sable

    system requirements

    I think the reqirements are just saying that your card needs to be as good as or better than a GeForce or ATI 9000, its not saying it has to be one of the two brands. And what do you mean by the characters not looking right? I did notice a lack of antialiasing when I played the game...
  9. Nero_the_Sable

    What's your mood?

    Mood: Nostalgic Reason: Just started a new game on FF7! :)
  10. Nero_the_Sable

    Newcomer to the series

    Your characters have a set of statistics (strength, speed etc), and when you level up these stats increase. Levelling up makes the fights easier, but its not necessary to be a certain level at a certain point in the game. Some people level their characters up to level 99 (the max) by the end of...
  11. Nero_the_Sable

    Worst Final Fantasy Game

    I was tempted to vote for VIII because of my dislike of the junctioning system...or for X-2 because I've heard so many people complain about it (but I haven't played it so can't really vote for it), but ended voting for XI. It's an MMO, so is hugely different to the other final fantasy games. I...
  12. Nero_the_Sable

    Newcomer to the series

    Hmm, do you actually have to get the bios from your PS2 though? Is it still illegal to download one even if you own a PS2? But I think you need a pretty powerful PC for PS2 emulation anyway though...Haven't tried. I haven't played Final Fantasy 1-6 before, only 7 onwards, but I'd say 7 is...
  13. Nero_the_Sable

    Your First FFVII?

    I played the playstation game first...My friend told me about it back in 1998 or 1999 and it sounded pretty cool, so I bought a copy. Been a fan ever since :)
  14. Nero_the_Sable

    Newcomer to the series

    They have also been released on the ps1, as Final Fantasy Origins
  15. Nero_the_Sable

    Favourite FF quotes

    "You don't need a reason to help people" - Zidane
  16. Nero_the_Sable

    The Three to BE

    Cloud, Vincent, and Tifa...I mostly used Cloud, Barret, and Tifa before I found Vincent.