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  1. X

    Last game you finished?

    The last game that I defeated is probably Dissidia Duodecim. It was boring to finish the stories of the old characters again, but I managed to do it and finish the game.
  2. X

    Crisis Core Which is your favorite turk?

    Reno or Vincent would be my favorite turks.
  3. X

    What Chocobo games do you own?

    The only game i have is Chocobo Tales for NDS. I'm gonna get Chocobo's Dungeon for the WII though.
  4. X

    Who Was Stronger: Seifer or Squall?

    Plot-wise, I'm gonna go with Seifer. Seifer was beaten one on one at Disk 1 but after that, it was 3 on 1.
  5. X

    What did you do when Aeris died?

    I didn't cry or laugh or anything. I didn't use her much and she was only useful for her limit breaks.
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    Hardest GF To Obtain

    The hardest would be Eden. Took me a week to get him. Aside from him, it would be Doomtrain.
  7. X

    SOTW 48 Voting Thread

    I voted for one. I liked the mix of green and orange. I also liked how the two stocks were used.
  8. X

    Crisis Core battle system love it or hate it??

    I liked the battle system of FF7 Crisis Core. It was fast and strategic. It made you think fast. The only bad thing was you could mash X the whole time and you would win.
  9. X

    Favorite Aeon?

    My favorite Aeon would be Yojimbo. I liked it when he could kill almost/every fiend. The only bad thing is that I use up all my Gil.
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    International FFX

    I hated the Dark Aeons since they keep killing me in one turn. Right now i'm trying to train to kill Dark Valefor. On my first save I killed Dark Valefor by wasting all my Gil for Zanmato.
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    Playstation Suikoden Series

    Suikoden 5 was better than 4. It's battle system went back to 1 and 2. The best Suikoden Games though were 1, 2 and 5. 3 was okay but 4 was really bad.
  12. X

    [V1] What are you currently playing?

    I'm currently playing: FF Tactics A2, FFX Int. (again) Suikoden 2 (again) and guitar hero 3 on the PS2
  13. X

    Hardest organization XIII member?

    Demyx was really hard to beat on my first playthrough but after that Demyx was easy. Xaldin's the only org member who i had to use mickey to help kill him.
  14. X

    Effective Diablos Strategy

    i just used my GF's and demi. Blind's a cheap magic. Admin Edit: Please put more effort into your posts. Do NOT post one liners. Thanks.
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    Hardest GF To Obtain

    Eden's the hardest GF to get if you don't get him from Tiamat
  16. X

    Who won the festival of the Hunt?

    I usually let Zidane or Freya win. Never saw Vivi win yet.
  17. X

    Who was always in your party?

    I usually use Vaan, Basch and Balthier.
  18. X

    Dependant On Your GF's?

    I rarely used GF's since I usually just kill enemies with my normal attacks.