Hardest GF To Obtain

I'd have to go with what a lot of people have been saying. Diablos was HARD to get, but mainly because I tried to do it really early in the game (when you JUST get the lamp). I failed miserably of course... but soon afterwards (after you've gotten Rinoa) I tried AGAIN and barely scraped by.

It's kinda sad that when you DO get Diablos... He's not all that worth it XD
The hardest would be Eden. Took me a week to get him. Aside from him, it would be Doomtrain.
I fought Diablos as soon as I got the lamp. Just draw Demi from him and cast it back. Also use darkness on him. After a while you can keep using Limit breaks. Then it is as easy as pie.
Ok, the hardest GF to obtain is Tonberry King, Diablos isn't very difficult you just need the right strategy, other then that the rest of the GF's were relatively easy for me to get. Yep Tonberry King is the hardest I'd say...