Hardest GF To Obtain

I never had any problem with getting doomtrian really, I just relied on Odin to kill the marlboros, money wasn't an issue either. Theres just no real need for it at all which is abit stupid and I played alot of cards so I always had an abundance of items

Wish Id thought of the kamikaze thing on the tonberries tho. How annoying. I used micro missles and renzokuken which killed them off quickish....not quick enough though it was such a pain in the arse >_<
But what if Odin is off having a ciggy eh? Would have to take them on the hard way >_<
True money wasn't a problem but still more than necessary. Why couldn't Doomtrain just settle for regular Remedies instead of the '+' variaty?, fussy git.
Eden is pain in the ass cause you have to fight all those forced battles before you reach Ultima weapon
I kinda think Jumbo Cactuar was very long! Lol. Felt like I was fighting that thing forever. =/. Even with Leviathan.
Weirdly I had fun fighting jumbo cactuar. Maybe it was because he didn't want to run on me...meh, I didn't really get infuriated with him (maybe on my second play through I will :P).

Tonberries always make me laugh. Can't remember if its this game or not, (I think its either this or 10) where they slowly walk towards you. I had one of those funny moments where its like, "Don't you dare take another step!". Though yeah, for Tonberry King, I did the Kamikaze route. Trouble was, I had Kamikaze on Squall for it (silly me), and I had Rinoa and Selphie as my backup, partially because I was training Selphie. Well, that was a long fight for those two.

Eden was fun when I tried to get it early on by going straight to the end of the game. Forgot to junction properly, and just tried drawing it from Tiamat, which worked. Till Tiamat did Dark Flare. Maybe I shoulda run beforehand. Came out with 2 party members dead and the other looking almost dead :P

Oh well, thems the breaks.

[EDIT] So you guys know, this has made me start playing FF8 again! :D
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I thought that doomtrain was hardest but eden was pretty hard aswell especially because i missed it on tiamat and had to get it from either ultima/omega weapon instead
Can you still fight ultima on disc 4? Can't say Iv ever tried o_O
Can you still fight ultima on disc 4? Can't say Iv ever tried o_O

Yep, you sure still can.

Hmm, everyone keeps saying Doomtrain...I honestly don't remember much about that particular GF. =/ So I'm gonna have to say Eden since you have to face Ultima Weapon. I kinda had a hard time with him...

Cactuar was quite annoying too.
lol, i never knew that :wacky:

Eden was a bitch tho, even if just for having to face those ruby dragons and bahamut before you can even start missioning down to the excavation site...

Last time I played it tho i was rather dissapointed at quickly Ultima went downafew well placed slaps and a lion heart and he was dust =/

I still think Tonberry was like the worst ever tho -_-
I don't think any of them are very hard to obtain... but considering where you are in the game when you get the item that summons Diablo, and how you ahve to defeat him... I'd say he would likely be the most difficult to obtain... unless you know how to junction yourself well from the start, which makes him just a simple boss fight.

That said, the most complicated to obtain would probably be the Brothers, if only becasue of all the things you have to do to get to fight them... but even that isn't too hard.

If you have been utilizing junctions properly, and have allowed yourself to level up a lot, then Eden can be pretty damn hard to get, becasue Ultima Weapon would be more difficult to defeat... but yeah... if you know how to play the game, none of them are really hard to get.
The hardest GF, for me to obtain, was Tonberry King. I swear to God, I hated it, mainly because I fought through 3423423 Tonberries, to get to the little idiot! and then I am, alas, KO'ed by the monster. And so, after swearing alot, I had to restart and fight through another batch to get the chance to own the little booger. xD
Wow... you should run into him after only 20 or so tonberries... or are you just exaggerating? Cause I've told you a million times not to exaggerate.
You have? :neomon: Opps! Yeah, I was. But seriously, yes, I had the worst time imaginable with the little green devils. But you know what? The next go around I owned them all, even the king. Ha ha, don't piss me off. I'll have revenge. Humm, I'd say the second hardest GF, for me, was the big D. Diablos, that is. I think it was because I tried to fight him way too early. My levels were low and my junctioning was terrible.
It's best to fight Diablos as soon as you get him or he only gets harder :neomon: I made that mistake once and he was an absolute arse :dry:
I don't think there is an harder GF to obtain, but perhaps Doomtrain because i need to spend some time getting the items.
I didn't get Doomtrain and that was the only one I missed. I just didn't want to be asses trying to gather up sticks, pencils, and wheat bread in order to make the ring to summon Doomtrain or whatever you had to do. Therefore, that was my hardest one to obtain because it was the only one I don't have.