Hardest GF To Obtain

I kinda have a few that I found the hardest to get a hold of

1: Doomtrain (didn't have a clue how to get him at first)
2: Eden well he is kind of easy if you realise that if you miss any of the drawn GF they are all going to be at the end
3: Cactuar pain in the ass to kill
4: Tonberry because the abuse of killing about 20+ tonberries
I believe it was Eden, I had troubles getting him and killing the boss to get him, and after all of that Eden wasn't much of a great help I was so pissed off. -__-
*well there are just two GF's that was a pain to get but really worth the effort :)

*Toberry-because you gotta kill 20 tonberry's and a tonberry boss :)

*Eden-you gotta defeat 20 ruby dragons and ultima weapon :)

*but when i first played FFVIII i had trouble acquiring "the brothers" GF,took me a while to get through the maze :)
Well.. I would normally go with Eden, but there is one that is muuch worse. Diablos. If you don't get him early on, it is damn near impossible to defeat him later in the game.
Well.. I would normally go with Eden, but there is one that is muuch worse. Diablos. If you don't get him early on, it is damn near impossible to defeat him later in the game.

*thats why you should get Diablos early on, right!? its optional, where as with tonberry and Eden there is no other choice but to fight hordes of minions before getting em :cool: its such a nuisance and a pain but its worth it!?
Tis still a gf you can obtain, and thats the idea of this threadz, so BLEH :p

Forgot it took me forever to figure out where the fack Alexander was. And ANY GF you have to draw from a boss can be a bitch if you don't check, no other way to get the damn thing if ya miss it.
Well.. I would normally go with Eden, but there is one that is muuch worse. Diablos. If you don't get him early on, it is damn near impossible to defeat him later in the game.

I was one of the unfortunate people who waited until disc three.
(I know. :gasp:) And so I would definitely put him with Tonberry at the top of the list.

I didn't feel the need to have Eden. So I didn't pursue that difficult feat.

I had cursed one too many times while trying to get Tonberry, so he would be my number one. :neomon:
Forgot it took me forever to figure out where the fack Alexander was. And ANY GF you have to draw from a boss can be a bitch if you don't check, no other way to get the damn thing if ya miss it.

Every boss in Ultimecia's Castle possesses each of the GF's from the game that you may have missed, if you haven't drawn it from the appropriate boss. For example, if you miss Eden from Ultima Weapon, then you can draw him from Tiamat in Ultimecia's Castle.

Anyhow, it's a toss-up between Tonberry and Doomtrain for me, purely because they're shites to get; Tonberry, with the 3285oy63iu45692386523i45 fights and Doomtrain with all of the running around the world. :gasp:
The most annoying GFs to get were Tonberry, Diablo, and Doomtrain. Diablo mostly because i fought him almost as soon as i got the magical lamp(or something close). The other two were just annoying in general, with the things you had to do and the items you had to get.
Eden's the hardest GF to get if you don't get him from Tiamat
Hmmm, I wouldn't say it was the hardest, but Tonberry is an absolute bitch to get. I just don't have the patience for it. I sit there gritting my teeth while I slowly work myway thru tonberries

yes I agree with you, that tornberry is hardest bf to obtain
Cerberus was hard for me with his doubles and triples. =/. Ah, and Bahamut was a piece of cake for me, really. lol.

If you get diablos later in the game his level is still the same as if you acquired him earlier on. Which suckkkssss. lol. Plus he's harder. Sooo, yah.

But, I still think getting Eden was hard due to facing Ultima Weapon. Also, Doomtrain because of the crap you had to go through to get the items.
Difficulty? It's Eden - you draw him from the second most powerful monster in the game and it takes a hell of a lot of work to get there in the first place - even more so if you don't find the hidden save point directly before him.

For me, though, that wasn't particularly difficult, just tedius. A frustrating GF would be a different story - Doomtrain and Tonberry spring to mind. Why on Earth you need to fight 20 of those useless Tonberries before you can actually get him? Malboro's are essentially invincible without the help of an immediate Degenerator, Zantetsuken or enough Abilityx4 abilities to make you 100% immunte to all statuses, so those tentacles are bitches to get.

I suppose if you're not adept at junctioning really powerful magic at an early stage in the game, the Brothers might pose a bit of a threat. Them, or Diablos. Having said that, I always obtain them first go.
Bahamut for me. The place you had to fly to to get him, then fight him, it was hard as crap for me.

Besides him, I would say Doomtrain. He wasn't really hard, but it took time to get him, but it paid off, he helped a lot against Seifer!
Omg- Doom train. It took ages to get all the equipment plus i nearly kept dying coz i couldn't be assed stocking remedies with the malboros
id say Diablos. only because i didnt want to fight the monster at first waiting until i was stronger... then i found out that the monster gets stronger too
wish i could answer but unfortunately i never beat ff8 one of the few games i never saw through