1,000,000 Post Thread #1

it'll take quite a long time, theres a MPT on Gaia and we are at 4829489 posts after 3 years. tomorrow is actually the 3 year anniversary of the thread :P
I'm not sure if i can wait three years... but I'll keep posting anyway
My fav is :dry: because i'm suspicious of everyone, thats right! Even you! Or am i? :dry:
*Is now highly suspicious of STL*:dry: :dry: :dry:

And i'm not kidding...
joke :P
So that's how this is going to work eh?

*Is even more suspicious of STL* :dry: :dry: :dry: :dry: :dry: :dry: :dry: :dry:


*continues to think really, really hard*


wait, who am i suspicious of again? :confused: