A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

Kaleta said:

IMO, those guys who like cloti because tifa is more sexual is actually picturing themselves as Cloud as he is the object of her affection. So thus technically, cloti isnt the name they should call it, more like Meoti. Those who actually are talking about the pairing will mostly accept Clorith cause its a pure love. Who the hell wants a love based on how big the girls boobs are, apart from those shallow ones?

The girls imo who love cloti are girls who WANT to be like Tifa. They want to have everything about her. The fact shes hot and can fight can bring you endless joys for your imagination. They are suckers for a love that is one sided. They also like the thought of childhood friends, especially with a hottie like Cloud.
Well, I can't speak for every cloti out there, but the one's I speak to seem to back up that generalization. Especially the women, they always say how they can relate to Tifa in a lot of ways, so of course they'd want Cloud to be with someone like them.

Kaleta said:

I know several guys who like clorith, 3 of them are in the cxa forums and the others are RL friends. They like it cause they say they are a sucker for a tragic love ( but admit its love ), they like the fact that Cloud cant function without her properly which shows how much he feels about her, and the fact that they are yin and yang, balancing each other.
Ahh, goodness, the "Cloud can't function without her part" is so dead on, Val. :gonk:

Kaleta said:
Thats sick =/ It only applies to Cloud and Aerith cause its one of their stupid ideas to deny it. Well sorry dude, whether you think its necrophiliac or not canon, doesnt mean it is. Your opinion < SE's.
Exactly. If SE believes in love after death, then my golly I will too. :ohshit:

Kaleta said:
Body wise, Tifa owns. Face wise, Aerith owns. Physical fighting, Tifa owns. Magical fighting, Aerith owns. Personality wise, Aerith. She's optimistic, open and always happy no matter what. Tifa is secretive, doubtful and hidden. The manuals may say Tifa is optimistic and whatever, but it also says that Cloud is a SOLIDER, which he is not. So the same applies to Tifa.
Exactly, Val. Tifa might have the numbers in sizes, but Aerith's got the personality and, again, in my honest opinion, I think Aerith is the prettiest FF girl. But that's just me xD

Kaleta said:
People think Aerith is weak cause you dont see her fighting much, but fawk im sure if you pit aerith agaisnt tifa, Aerith will win. Not only could tifa NOT hit aerith, IF she could aerith would out heal her. And the day Tifa can dodge Holy, is the day i become president.
Lol, yeah! Good point, Val. Not to mention, Aerith has a secret counter attack--known as Cloud the bodyguard. He would be able to protect her, for sure. :britt:

waitress girl said:
I find Aerith attractive, she's sexy in my opinion -- she's just not sexual, there is a difference, I think. A woman can be sexy without being sexual. Aerith has exotic eyes, porcelain skin, very luscious hair, sexy hips and obviously a good butt, these are all of the things that make her sexy -- I think Tifa and Aerith are sexy in their own ways.

Aeriths sexy in a mysterious way, she's the kind of sexy that makes women admire her.

But anyway I don't think the sexiness of either woman should cause people to ship said pair, I think it should depend on the facts. If people are pairing Cloud off with Tifa simply cause she turns them on; then I don't know what to say.

(your turk i'm j.d.)

Great point, and I agree. Just cuz Aerith doesn't dress skimpy doesn't make her less sexy. And I agree again, how each woman looks shouldn't matter. But it sadly happens. :/

waitress girl said:
Its not being missed, its being ignored in my opinion. Its suits people better if they can sweep certain things under the rug.
Yes! Exactly. They do that with certain facts that they know stump them(Maiden, CoL:W, the commercials, etc) so they can deny what's what. Which... I still don't get. Doing that won't make the other ship canon or something. xD

Loveless Doll said:
Same here :highfive:
In my mind, Aerith always at number 1!

Everytime I talked with my guy friends, I could really get pissed off if they "involuntary" said something insulting Aerith just for their "hot hot babe Tifa" and I would make sure they couldn't sleep well that night
Ooh, you remind me, Aerith just won some gaming site's first place for "Top Ten babes that are out of your league" she got number 1 and Tifa wasn't even on the list, lol. So everyone can take that and their "tifa's sexier" comments :P

Tsukimori said:
Yeah, everyone was fine with Yuna loving Tidus even though he was gone, but all of the sudden it's taboo for Cloud to love Aerith even though she's gone :/
Exactly. It's just not fair. If Yuna and Tidus can do it, so can Cloud and Aerith. :mokken:

Tsukimori said:
Agreed. At the end of the day, it's all about what Cloud thinks about her.
Exactly. And it just so happens Cloud thinks Aerith's eyes are impressive, thinks her smile is like a flower, and thinks her laugh and eyes are innocent.

Waitress Girl said:
I think people just don't want to accept that Cloud will always love Aerith, and would like better off for Tifa not to be Cloud...erm..for lack of a better expression, second choice...if he even got with her.

I think even Nomura have cmpared Tidus and Yuna to Cloud and Aerith before, its a vague memory but I feintly remember it.
You dare speak of Nomura doing so and you shan't bring this glorious thing upon us? You shall be smittened--err, smitted(??) well, you get what I'm meaning.

But yeah, you're right. Maybe that is it. :hmmm:

Waitress Girl said:
I agree, but I'd hate for people to pit the two against eachother, Aerith would never hurt her friends, but should the battle take place...all bets on Aerith.
Yush, Aerith doesn't seem like the type to attack/fight/hurt people just to do it. Heck, when that guy in honeybee inn was trying to assault her sexually she pushed him down the stairs and apologized as she did it. That doesn't seem like a fighter to me. xD

Waitress Girl said:
I agree, I mean, I am not gay (you know that though :wacky:), but Aerith is sexy/ier and I just like her looks more, I mean having a great ass beats having big breast anyday. Tifa doesn't really stand out among the anime cliche of women...Aerith does.

But... thats my opinion I guess :wacky:
Lmao, I completely agree. There's dozens and dozens of anime girls that look like Tifa, but Aerith is rare. :ryan:

Kaleta said:
Most of our arguments when debating a cloti end up that way. If they cannot argue agaisnt it, the ones i have encountered will sweep it under the carpet and pretend its invalid cause they say so. They will say its canon, but again SE never says that. Thats just them thinking their opinion is as valuable as SE's.
THIS has happened to me so so so many times. :sad3: So annoying.

It was a picture of them in Aerith's church. Which in all honesty, is what Cloud did want to happen. He didnt even try to fight geostigma and Tifa clearly says to Cloud something along the lines of him giving up and waiting to die. Funny though, the place he wanted to wait and die was Aerith's church ....
you mean HIS church. :britt:

They claim that its "healthy" for Cloud to move on. You can be healthy and still love someone who has passed ... There are some who say that Tifa is the second choice, and even if Cloud did love Aerith he HAS to move on with Tifa cause shes the only one left. Well technically thats not what the LT was originally about. Before all the compilation crap came out, the argument was "Who was the ORIGINAL, INTENDED AND CANON couple". Not who will Cloud end up in the end, which if they really want to get into it. Cloud will die and be with Aerith after. End of.

No matter how far you look into the future, Tifa and Cloud could get together and whatever, at the end of the day, he will die and go back to Aerith. Why? Cause they keep saying cause Aerith is with Zack in the lifestream she HAS to go back to him. I say when Cloud meets them in the lifestream he HAS to go back to her. Using their logic agaisnt them one stupid line at a time.
Omgoodness, Val. Brilliant point you've brought up. It's true. The LTD isn't about who Cloud will get with as second best, it's who he loves/loved/will carry in his heart forever.

And you're right again, even if Cloud moves on, the woman he'll be reunited with in the lifestream after he dies, will certainly be Aerith. So, Aerith does seem to be the one who wins in the end, even if Cloud settles for second best. :/ which, if he does, would be so sad to see him go through. :C

Why can't SE just bring her back, the rat bastards. Now THAT would be unexpected and would gain a lot of money. 14 years of Aerith being dead is long enough, bring the woman back :rage:

Which also got me thinking, the fayths ( is it fayths? dont remember ) brought Tidus back, if FF7 also gets them or the two worlds somehow get connected, im pretty sure Aerith can come back too. Since both SHE and Cloud did save the planet. And the fayths gave Tidus back to Yuna cause of the stuff she did for her planet.

and that theory. It's totally possible, too. :jess: Ah, goodness, could you imagine it. Man, to see Cloud's face when that happened would be so priceless. :ryan:

When i went to ACTUAL NEUTRAL final fantasy forums, most of the people who discuss about the game all say Aerith is Cloud's girlfriend. Even on my ragnarok forum which a HATER of the game claims that Clouds motivation to kill sephy cause he killed his girlfriend is really "pathetic". Even though he mocks the characters, hes quite accurate in stating their roles.
Doh, those are my favorite comments. Just like there was some french game show that kept referring to Aerith as Cloud's girlfriend, and stuff. So kawaii. :ryan:
Calico said:

(your turk i'm j.d.)

Great point, and I agree. Just cuz Aerith doesn't dress skimpy doesn't make her less sexy. And I agree again, how each woman looks shouldn't matter. But it sadly happens. :/

Yes! Exactly. They do that with certain facts that they know stump them(Maiden, CoL:W, the commercials, etc) so they can deny what's what. Which... I still don't get. Doing that won't make the other ship canon or something. xD

(Lol at that gif, I am more competitive, so yeah; I'm Turk xD)

Which is probably why the commercial gets ignored so incessantly, eh? Because it doesn't matter about the facts, only about who looks better, I'd like to say I am a Cloud fan more than an Aerith fan but its not true -- but I don't ship Clourith because of Aerith sexiness/good looks -- I like it 'cause the facts point to it xD

Sad fact, right? Oh well, some people wanna be buried in their favorite colors :wacky:

You dare speak of Nomura doing so and you shan't bring this glorious thing upon us? You shall be smittened--err, smitted(??) well, you get what I'm meaning.

But yeah, you're right. Maybe that is it. :hmmm:
My bad, something about Tidus and Yuna's separation being a water tester for Aeriths come back, I mean, how much more obvious could it get; if Nomura compared Aerith to the love interest of another game :wacky:

Yush, Aerith doesn't seem like the type to attack/fight/hurt people just to do it. Heck, when that guy in honeybee inn was trying to assault her sexually she pushed him down the stairs and apologized as she did it. That doesn't seem like a fighter to me. xD
She could be a fighter and still be sorry for it, Aerith kicks ass. I mean she wipes the floor with Sephy in that Dissidia commercial, eh? *Have to make this line Clourith* Cloud would let her kick his ass any day :britt:

Lmao, I completely agree. There's dozens and dozens of anime girls that look like Tifa, but Aerith is rare. :ryan:
Rare & Sexeh :britt:
Yeah, I didn't agree with what he said either. I couldn't figure how he thought Aerith was "simple and boring looking". O__o

Hmm, that guy must has some serious problems. :hmm:
Why don't you suggest him go to eye-doctor and check if his his eyes still working as usual?

I know which picture you are talking about, though i dont think it said "chocobos can fly", i think it was something like;
"Tifa, what did Cloud mean when he said he'd rather live here and wait to die than stay with you"
It was a picture of them in Aerith's church. Which in all honesty, is what Cloud did want to happen. He didnt even try to fight geostigma and Tifa clearly says to Cloud something along the lines of him giving up and waiting to die. Funny though, the place he wanted to wait and die was Aerith's church ....

The picture I have seen is exactly the one you described. Well, I guess it must be the same picture but has different words.

But I still prefer the title "chocobos could fly" though; because its so hilarious :rofl:

Well, I can't speak for every cloti out there, but the one's I speak to seem to back up that generalization. Especially the women, they always say how they can relate to Tifa in a lot of ways, so of course they'd want Cloud to be with someone like them.

You totally right. Especially with a hot guy like Cloud :sup:
Ooh, and that's reminded me. One of my "game girl" had told me she will marry a man who has at least 5 points likes Cloud :tehe:

Do you guys have the same dream?

Ooh, you remind me, Aerith just won some gaming site's first place for "Top Ten babes that are out of your league" she got number 1 and Tifa wasn't even on the list, lol. So everyone can take that and their "tifa's sexier" comments

Thank you so much for the news, Calico! :hug:

YAY Aerith!! KEEP IT UP Aerith! You are the best!! :cheer:

Why can't SE just bring her back, the rat bastards. Now THAT would be unexpected and would gain a lot of money. 14 years of Aerith being dead is long enough, bring the woman back

Unfortunately, SE has made it clearly once that they would never bring Aerith back in FF VII because her death has a lot of special meanings. And so does the message which SE want to send to the fans. :cry:
But when it's about Cloud>Aerith everyone always says how necro it is.

Trolls Cali. Necrophilia is the sexual attraction to corpses and unlike why most adolescent boys are attracted to Tifa, Cloud likes Aeris for more than just her body (or corpse in this instance). It's the equivalent of saying a widow is a necrophile for still loving her dead husband. Anyone trying to pass off that argument needs to grow a brain and then get some sense.

Tifa's just kinda bland

Ehh.. I wouldn't say bland just very girl next door. But then VII is full of stereotypes, the cold hearted soldier, the militant black guy, the kind flower girl, etc...

Who the hell wants a love based on how big the girls boobs are, apart from those shallow ones?

I think Cloti is based on more than just how well endowed Tifa is, but yeah I agree with the picturing themselves as Cloud bit. To be honest with you though, looks fade and my advice to any male prioritising looks over personality would be to wake up to life. Looks don't make your meals, looks don't raise your kids properly and looks sure as hell don't last forever.

One of my "game girl" had told me she will marry a man who has at least 5 points likes Cloud :tehe:

Do you guys have the same dream?

Of course ^_^
waitress girl said:
Which is probably why the commercial gets ignored so incessantly, eh? Because it doesn't matter about the facts, only about who looks better, I'd like to say I am a Cloud fan more than an Aerith fan but its not true -- but I don't ship Clourith because of Aerith sexiness/good looks -- I like it 'cause the facts point to it xD

Sad fact, right? Oh well, some people wanna be buried in their favorite colors :wacky:
Well, I do like Cloud more. :wacky: I can assure you of that, meh ladeh. :britt: I agree, though. I don't ship them for how they look, I ship 'em cuz I saw Cloud having interest in her. And I still believe so xD

She could be a fighter and still be sorry for it, Aerith kicks ass. I mean she wipes the floor with Sephy in that Dissidia commercial, eh? *Have to make this line Clourith* Cloud would let her kick his ass any day :britt:
Lmao, I love the last part, you dirty gurl you. :kinky:

Harlequin said:
Trolls Cali. Necrophilia is the sexual attraction to corpses and unlike why most adolescent boys are attracted to Tifa, Cloud likes Aeris for more than just her body (or corpse in this instance). It's the equivalent of saying a widow is a necrophile for still loving her dead husband. Anyone trying to pass off that argument needs to grow a brain and then get some sense.
I'll tell them that next time. :33

Ehh.. I wouldn't say bland just very girl next door. But then VII is full of stereotypes, the cold hearted soldier, the militant black guy, the kind flower girl, etc...
Yeah, lol, that's what I meant. Not bland, just girl next door-ish. xD

I think Cloti is based on more than just how well endowed Tifa is, but yeah I agree with the picturing themselves as Cloud bit. To be honest with you though, looks fade and my advice to any male prioritising looks over personality would be to wake up to life. Looks don't make your meals, looks don't raise your kids properly and looks sure as hell don't last forever.
radda. :ryan:

Loveless Doll said:
Ooh, and that's reminded me. One of my "game girl" had told me she will marry a man who has at least 5 points likes Cloud :tehe:

Do you guys have the same dream?
*glares at Tom*
you don't want to marry Cloud :mokken:

Loveless Doll said:
Unfortunately, SE has made it clearly once that they would never bring Aerith back in FF VII because her death has a lot of special meanings. And so does the message which SE want to send to the fans. :cry:
Nah, SE has retconed and back peddled more than once about things, if they did it over everything else, then they could always bring Aerith back. :33
Of course ^_^

Seriously? You want to marry Cloud?? :thehell:
Tell me the truth, you are a game boy or a game girl???

*glares at Tom*
you don't want to marry Cloud :mokken:

Maybe... "he" is "she"...? :huh:

Nah, SE has retconed and back peddled more than once about things, if they did it over everything else, then they could always bring Aerith back. :33

Hopefully then... :worried:
But even if they don't bring Aerith back in FF VII, I will still cool with that. Because Aerith is still alive in KH and that's all that matter :lew:

Now, all I begging from SE is: "Have a little more cute scenes of Clerith in KH" and "Please, let Aerith has her own story in the next Dissidia" (I have a bet with all of my game boy friends. And if Aerith not at least has her own story in the next Dissidia... well... then you can find me at some reckless Cloti clubs :sad2:)
Seriously? You want to marry Cloud?? :thehell:
Tell me the truth, you are a game boy or a game girl???
Lol, he's joking. xD

Maybe... "he" is "she"...? :huh:
Harlequin Well, Tom. You have some esplaining to do. :mokken:

Now, all I begging from SE is: "Have a little more cute scenes of Clerith in KH" and "Please, let Aerith has her own story in the next Dissidia" (I have a bet with all of my game boy friends. And if Aerith not at least has her own story in the next Dissidia... well... then you can find me at some reckless Cloti clubs :sad2:)
I'm good with all that xD

Although, imo, I think KH is chalk full of Clerithy scenes xD
Maybe... "he" is "she"...? :huh:

I'm just playing Loveless I'm a straight male. Aren't I hilarious :)

And I don't think Aeris should be brought back to life. I think it works this way and bringing her back will kinda undermine the reasons the producers killed her off in the first place. Didn't stop me trying that rumour of bringing her back though :(
I'm just playing Loveless I'm a straight male. Aren't I hilarious :)

And I'm just teasing you, Harlequin. Aren't I good at that :P

I don't think Aeris should be brought back to life. I think it works this way and bringing her back will kinda undermine the reasons the producers killed her off in the first place.

That's how SE replied to the request of fans about bring Aerith back. But still, there could be a chance for Aerith back in FF VII.

Ex: The FF VII after 500 years (Remember the secret scenes of FF VII?). At that time, I guess it will not so hard for SE to refresh FF VII.

I'm good with all that xD

Although, imo, I think KH is chalk full of Clerithy scenes xD

Do you think SE will let Aerith at least has her own story in Dissidia?
Honestly I very dissapointed when Aerith only appeared in Dissidia 012 at a assist character without at least has a story...



I finished your CxA siggy. I hope you like it. :3


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Well, I can't speak for every cloti out there, but the one's I speak to seem to back up that generalization. Especially the women, they always say how they can relate to Tifa in a lot of ways, so of course they'd want Cloud to be with someone like them.
They always say that, there was one who tried to tell me not to NOT like tifa cause Tifa is like her role model. Like i care? Dont comment on my personal opinion and expect it to change just cause you tell me ... facepalm people.

Ahh, goodness, the "Cloud can't function without her part" is so dead on, Val. :gonk:
Well its true. He couldnt function, he went into breakdown like what, 3 times?

Ooh, you remind me, Aerith just won some gaming site's first place for "Top Ten babes that are out of your league" she got number 1 and Tifa wasn't even on the list, lol. So everyone can take that and their "tifa's sexier" comments :P
LOL ahahah xD Its like saying, Aerith is way out of your league, but tifa you can take around the corner lol Then again, aerith could be in there cause shes dead, so technically unless you are dead or she lives in your soul, you dont have a chance kind of thing xD

Exactly. It's just not fair. If Yuna and Tidus can do it, so can Cloud and Aerith. :mokken:
The word hypocrisy always amuses me.

you mean HIS church. :britt:

Omgoodness, Val. Brilliant point you've brought up. It's true. The LTD isn't about who Cloud will get with as second best, it's who he loves/loved/will carry in his heart forever.
Its like saying, When Rinoa dies, squall will go to Quistis. Or if Yuna dies, Tidus will go with Rikku. Erm no, "second best dont cut it bub" lol

Why can't SE just bring her back, the rat bastards. Now THAT would be unexpected and would gain a lot of money. 14 years of Aerith being dead is long enough, bring the woman back :rage:
Like the other said, if they bring her back it defeats the purpose of the impact of her character. Though i feel they did with KH, thats why nomura made sure to say FFVII isnt linked to KH. Cause it messes the story.

You totally right. Especially with a hot guy like Cloud :sup:
Ooh, and that's reminded me. One of my "game girl" had told me she will marry a man who has at least 5 points likes Cloud :tehe:

Do you guys have the same dream?
No, my boyfriend has Zacks cheerful personality. Just not a womanizer. I have a personality like half Tifa, half Aerith. Mostly Tifa, the only thing i take from aerith is the fact she aint afraid to confront her enemies. But im like tifa on the fact i keep my personal feelings inside (e.g. of Love)

I think Cloti is based on more than just how well endowed Tifa is, but yeah I agree with the picturing themselves as Cloud bit. To be honest with you though, looks fade and my advice to any male prioritising looks over personality would be to wake up to life. Looks don't make your meals, looks don't raise your kids properly and looks sure as hell don't last forever.
You would think though right? But the ones that I have spoken to, all end their arguments with "Well tifa is hot and cloud aint blind" or something like that. I find most of them ADJUSTING their ARGUMENTS because they like Tifa and her hot she is. I dont like arguments that are molded according to your preference of a girl rather than the actual pairing.



I finished your CxA siggy. I hope you like it. :3



Trolls Cali. Necrophilia is the sexual attraction to corpses and unlike why most adolescent boys are attracted to Tifa, Cloud likes Aeris for more than just her body (or corpse in this instance). It's the equivalent of saying a widow is a necrophile for still loving her dead husband. Anyone trying to pass off that argument needs to grow a brain and then get some sense.

This is made of so much win. It's a huge pet peeve when FF VII fans say, that Cloud can't still love Aeris, unless he's some kind of necro. People love and loose lovers all the time, and they still love the one that they had lost, not because they are a necro, but because that person is still in their heart.

I think Cloti is based on more than just how well endowed Tifa is, but yeah I agree with the picturing themselves as Cloud bit. To be honest with you though, looks fade and my advice to any male prioritising looks over personality would be to wake up to life. Looks don't make your meals, looks don't raise your kids properly and looks sure as hell don't last forever.

Of course ^_^

More and more win. Sadly though, looks help you get dates and relationships, and people with looks have a easier life, because people like how pretty they look, and they don't get bullied or teased by others.

Do you think SE will let Aerith at least has her own story in Dissidia?
Honestly I very dissapointed when Aerith only appeared in Dissidia 012 at a assist character without at least has a story...

Yeeaah ! Aeris needs to have her turn in the Dissidia saga ! It's proven that she can fight, because she's a assist. So, come on SE ! Don't reject the poor flower girl from some fighting....:gasp:

Though if Aeris gets added in Dissidia, haters might upload videos of her getting beaten up and bashed. Has that happened to Tifa ? If it has happened, to Tifa then it will happen to Aeris, for shure.

Ninja Yuffie said:

Though if Aeris gets added in Dissidia, haters might upload videos of her getting beaten up and bashed. Has that happened to Tifa ? If it has happened, to Tifa then it will happen to Aeris, for shure.

This is the reason why i'm kinda glad she was only an assist character.
But a part of me also would like to see Aerith having her own story in the next game. If they can make Yuna playable then I don't see anything wrong with making Aerith playable.
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IF they put aerith in Dissidia, like you guys have said. There would be a massive amount of videos showing Aerith getting beaten up or something. Though what i dont get is, why do all the characters HAVE to fight? I mean why cant they make a story where there are still characters where they are just there but arent applicable to fighting. It happens to Cosmos no?

Though i think, if they are going to make a NEW dissidia, one thats AFTER Dissidia 013 they might add more characters. Including Rinoa and Garnet. Besides Tifa was only included cause the creator of Dissidia was a big fan of her. That already shows you the bias if there was any lol The fans however, voted for Aerith to be included, and thus she was P:
Kaleta said:
Well its true. He couldnt function, he went into breakdown like what, 3 times?
If you're counting AC then yeah :ryan:

Kaleta said:
LOL ahahah xD Its like saying, Aerith is way out of your league, but tifa you can take around the corner lol Then again, aerith could be in there cause shes dead, so technically unless you are dead or she lives in your soul, you dont have a chance kind of thing xD
Lol, yeah. Aerith's ladylike, which makes her a babe out of a guy's league. xD

Kaleta said:
Well, it's true. It is his church. He even calls it his church. Not to mention, if it's his promised land, then he's gotta think it's his in some way. xD

Kaleta said:
Its like saying, When Rinoa dies, squall will go to Quistis. Or if Yuna dies, Tidus will go with Rikku. Erm no, "second best dont cut it bub" lol
Exactly. Just cuz someone dies doesn't mean you stop loving them. Even if the living lover moves on to a "second best" that's all they'll ever be. :/

Kaleta said:
Like the other said, if they bring her back it defeats the purpose of the impact of her character. Though i feel they did with KH, thats why nomura made sure to say FFVII isnt linked to KH. Cause it messes the story.
But--b-b-b-but, I want her alive. :gonk: She's been dead to us for 14 years and she's been dead to Cloud and Co. for 4-5....bring the girl back. :rage:

Kaleta said:

:jess: Glad you like it.

If you'd like me to try again, just say so. :ryan:

Tsukimori said:
This is the reason why i'm kinda glad she was only an assist character.
But a part of me also would like to see Aerith having her own story in the next game. If they can make Yuna playable then I don't see anything wrong with making Aerith playable.
Yeah, I would hate to see rabids making videos of Cloud beating Aerith. :ahmed: one, Cloud would never hurt/attack her and two cuz it'd be so sad to see :sad3:

But yes, I agree. If Yuna can be playable so can Aerith. Although, I think it'd be much better for Aerith to have storyline but not be able to be played. :/

Kaleta said:
IF they put aerith in Dissidia, like you guys have said. There would be a massive amount of videos showing Aerith getting beaten up or something. Though what i dont get is, why do all the characters HAVE to fight? I mean why cant they make a story where there are still characters where they are just there but arent applicable to fighting. It happens to Cosmos no?
Yeah, it does happen to Cosmos. And I believe in the 012 some of the characters have story but aren't playable.

Kaleta said:
Though i think, if they are going to make a NEW dissidia, one thats AFTER Dissidia 013 they might add more characters. Including Rinoa and Garnet. Besides Tifa was only included cause the creator of Dissidia was a big fan of her. That already shows you the bias if there was any lol The fans however, voted for Aerith to be included, and thus she was P:
Good observation , Val.
Its amazing how now that Tifa was added Dissidia is canon, and that the Yellow flowers in the field are suddenly dandelions and not lilies, and Cloud holding Black Materia and not Holy (even though its turqoise-ish)

I didn't know that Aerith was voted in...that's pretty cool, I really like that they had Aerith in there without her being able to be beaten by Cloud -- clever.

Meh, I don't care if the Dissidia makers like Tifa more though, because Nomura doesn't like super-deformed girls :wacky:
Yeah, and supposedly, now the flowers represent Tifa. Riiiiight :ffs:

I too think it's pretty interesting SE added Aerith in and just so happen have made it impossible to hit/attack her. Genius. :ryan:

And lol, at the Nomura not being into super deformed girls. Hey, wasn't it stated somewhere that they based Cloud off of Nomura? :hmmm:
Ninja Yuffie,
Though if Aeris gets added in Dissidia, haters might upload videos of her getting beaten up and bashed. Has that happened to Tifa ? If it has happened, to Tifa then it will happen to Aeris, for shure.

Well, as long as Aerith is not a playable character then that kind of situation will never happen. That why I only wish for her at least has her own story in next Dissidia. (Who said an assist character couldn't has her own story? :argh:)

IF they put aerith in Dissidia, like you guys have said. There would be a massive amount of videos showing Aerith getting beaten up or something. Though what i dont get is, why do all the characters HAVE to fight? I mean why cant they make a story where there are still characters where they are just there but arent applicable to fighting. It happens to Cosmos no?

You got a good point there :hmmm:
I always fantasy about how Aerith would be in Dissidia. She got special powers, a helpful assist character ever, beauty, kind,... So I think at least she could be a spirit whom Cosmos has chosen to follow and help the warriors.

Besides Tifa was only included cause the creator of Dissidia was a big fan of her. That already shows you the bias if there was any lol The fans however, voted for Aerith to be included, and thus she was P:

WOW, Wow, wow,... Wait a minute, "Tifa was included cause the creator of Dissidia was a big fan of her"? Now that's totally lame and unfair! :mokken:
Don't get me wrong. But I think even you have feelings for some one, you shouldn't bring it in public affairs.

But--b-b-b-but, I want her alive. :gonk: She's been dead to us for 14 years and she's been dead to Cloud and Co. for 4-5....bring the girl back. :rage:

Oh, Calico honey. Don't be sad. You should glad that Nomura didn't kill Aerith a second time in KH :argh:, and the good side is: she always safe and stay live in there, together, with Cloud :)

Lol, yeah. Aerith's ladylike, which makes her a babe out of a guy's league. xD

Then, I guess if there is a "Top ten hot guys that are out of your league", Cloud will win the first place for sure, hm? :ohoho:
Its amazing how now that Tifa was added Dissidia is canon, and that the Yellow flowers in the field are suddenly dandelions and not lilies, and Cloud holding Black Materia and not Holy (even though its turqoise-ish)

Dissidia does the opposite, of making Cloti canon. Because when Cloud is dieing, he doesn't pray to Cosmos to save his girlfriend or lover. He says, please save my friend. Dissidia, shows that SE only sees Cloud and Tifa as friends, that grew up up in the same village together. Nothing more. So you can't really say that Dissidia shows Cloti in a good light, when it only shows Cloud seeing Tifa as a friend, and not his lover. Remember, the LTD is about who Cloud loves. And Dissidia just shows, that Cloud sees Tifa as his friend, nothing more.

Actually Dissidia, makes Cloti even less canon than before. And Cloud is holding Holy. Holy is called the ''white materia'' and it's clearly shaded sliverly white. Calling a white coloured materia, black or grey makes you seem very colour- blind !
Yeah, and supposedly, now the flowers represent Tifa. Riiiiight :ffs:

Huh ? How is this possible ?? Tifa seems more of the motherly cooking, and cleaning type of gal, while Aeris is a flower girl and always selling flowers.:ahmed:

Loveless Doll said:
I always fantasy about how Aerith would be in Dissidia. She got special powers, a helpful assist character ever, beauty, kind,... So I think at least she could be a spirit whom Cosmos has chosen to follow and help the warriors.
Hmm, that's a good idea. :hmmm:

Loveless Doll said:
Oh, Calico honey. Don't be sad. You should glad that Nomura didn't kill Aerith a second time in KH :argh:, and the good side is: she always safe and stay live in there, together, with Cloud :)
I can't help it :gonk: Seeing poor Cloud living without his Aerith is just too sad. :C But you're right. At least they're together finally in KH world. :jess:

Ninja Yuffie said:
Dissidia does the opposite, of making Cloti canon. Because when Cloud is dieing, he doesn't pray to Cosmos to save his girlfriend or lover. He says, please save my friend. Dissidia, shows that SE only sees Cloud and Tifa as friends, that grew up up in the same village together. Nothing more. So you can't really say that Dissidia shows Cloti in a good light, when it only shows Cloud seeing Tifa as a friend, and not his lover. Remember, the LTD is about who Cloud loves. And Dissidia just shows, that Cloud sees Tifa as his friend, nothing more.
Good point and you're exactly right, Yuffie. If Cloud felt romantic feelings towards Tifa in Dissidia(or any games), he definitely wouldn't have called her nakama/friend in his dying breath.

To add to this, we all know a C/T argument would most likely be "of course Cloud wouldn't call Tifa his koibito or lover he doesn't remember her at that time" but i say that's a bunch of hooey.

If SE wanted Cloud and Tifa's relationship to be more than friendship, this game would have been the perfect moment to do so. Did they? No. Instead Cloud says Tifa is his nakama.

Pretty dang clear to me.