A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

*is now too lazy to look up and read all the other posts*


summarize our topics plz :3
It's okay, Val! to Summarize we've been discussing the koibito issue revolving around Cloud and Aerith. It's interesting that the two ways they defined Cloud as a character was "the man that killed Sephi" and for Aerith it was "he was her friend and koibito"

Tom mentioned how there's obviously a difference between friend and koibito, meaning friend was platonic and koibito was romantic--which would mean Cloud and Aerith were a "thing"

I posted a gfx I made and a lame fanfic. :wacky:
Of course you may! :yay: The more the merrier! To start off, why don't you tell us why you love CloudxAerith so much. ^_^ If you have the time, I mean. :3
Of course you may! :yay: The more the merrier! To start off, why don't you tell us why you love CloudxAerith so much. ^_^ If you have the time, I mean. :3

Of course :)

well when Cloud first meets Aerith, when he buys a flower, you can tell that something is there. Even with the boxy graphics and dialogue boxes, you can almost tell something is there. The way Cloud pauses and actually stops to talk to some random flower girl makes it seem like he has some premature feeling for he.
To me, it was one of the only relationships in FF that isn't lovey dovey or overplayed.
And the way Cloud reacts when she dies is both powerful and beautiful.

And that is why I love Clerith :)
Oh, good response and I completely agree! :yay: The way Cloud(when he was a cold hard mercenary no less) just stopped to talk to a random flower girl was just too precious. Especially when SE dived further into their first encounter in the official SE book titled Dismantled and said a lot of romantic stuff from Cloud to Aerith.

For example, this dialog is from Cloud's point of view when he first meets Aerith on the streets of Midgar:

Cloud: in 8th Street
Here I met a flower girl.

She’s a girl with impressive eyes. She’s around my age, or elder by one or two years. But the innocent radiance in her eyes simply makes her suddenly look younger.
Unexpectedly, I came to think of the color of my eyes. Bathed in Mako energy, they shine a pale light, and this is what labels me a SOLDIER. For me, it’s the mark of my enemy, Shinra, so I desperately want to erase it.
“Excuse me, what happened?”
She asked me the question, and then I bought a flower from her, which is rare in Midgar.
Maybe she’s pleased that the flower was sold, because the worried look on her face had vanished. If this smile costs only one gil, it is a good purchase.

See where he says her eyes are impressive? or the part where he says her smile was a good purchase? So romantic, right? :ohoho:
It's okay, Val! to Summarize we've been discussing the koibito issue revolving around Cloud and Aerith. It's interesting that the two ways they defined Cloud as a character was "the man that killed Sephi" and for Aerith it was "he was her friend and koibito"

Tom mentioned how there's obviously a difference between friend and koibito, meaning friend was platonic and koibito was romantic--which would mean Cloud and Aerith were a "thing"

I posted a gfx I made and a lame fanfic. :wacky:

Could not be anymore true than the earth is round. They like to claim that Koibito for Aerith is just another description for friend, well errr sorry Aerith cant be Cloud's friend and then ANOTHER friend. That makes no sense ... friend being said twice? erm no. Koibito doesnt even mean that =_= Its a sweetheart or Lover. And if its saying that CLOUD is Aerith's Koibito. Then he is either HER sweetheart or Lover. Unlike for Tifa's description, it says TIFA IS a Koibito, it doesnt say she HAS a koibito.

Aerith's Koibito cant be a one sided thing. The sentence is clearly a description of what Cloud is to Aerith. Its not talking about what Aerith THINKS Cloud is to her, its being said that Cloud IS this koibito.

But you know, there are those who claim the Case of Lifestream: White is not canon cause SE didnt make it. They just ya know .. paid someone else to make it. That totally means nothing >> EVERYTHING released for FFVII (unless clearly stated by SE otherwise) is CANON and USABLE. They said Last Order wasnt canon, so its clearly not. And if it was so easy for them to dismiss it, then its pretty easy to dismiss this novella. But they didnt, they paid the guy and gave it the OK. It means its canon >_>

I demand a new set of sig and avi D:<
*gives you some loving*
Kaleta said:

Could not be anymore true than the earth is round. They like to claim that Koibito for Aerith is just another description for friend, well errr sorry Aerith cant be Cloud's friend and then ANOTHER friend. That makes no sense ... friend being said twice? erm no. Koibito doesnt even mean that =_= Its a sweetheart or Lover. And if its saying that CLOUD is Aerith's Koibito. Then he is either HER sweetheart or Lover. Unlike for Tifa's description, it says TIFA IS a Koibito, it doesnt say she HAS a koibito.
Exactly, Val. :ryan: if both friend and koibito were supposed to be platonic terms they definitely shouldn't have used koibito as the other term to define who Cloud is.

Kaleta said:
Aerith's Koibito cant be a one sided thing. The sentence is clearly a description of what Cloud is to Aerith. Its not talking about what Aerith THINKS Cloud is to her, its being said that Cloud IS this koibito.
Couldn't be more right, Val. In Sephiroth's first half of the story it defines Cloud as the man who threw Sephiroth into the lifestream twice--that's not Sephiroth's opinion nor is it one sided. Cloud literally DID do that to Sephiroth and he is that no questions asked. For Sephiroth, that's who Cloud is to him.

But for Aerith, they defined who Cloud was to Aerith as a friend and lover/koibito. It can't be one sided because why would they use a one sided opinion when defining who Cloud was as a character to the reader? Makes no sense. When defining Cloud as a character for the reader to have a brief understanding of who he is, they wouldn't use another character's opinions they'd use relationships to define who he was. Hence that line not calling Cloud her koibito because SHE has one sided feelings for him, but because as a character, that's who Cloud was to her--her koibito/lover.

If it was supposed to be one sided, they would have used a different word and worded the sentence so much differently than how they went about it.

Kaleta said:
But you know, there are those who claim the Case of Lifestream: White is not canon cause SE didnt make it. They just ya know .. paid someone else to make it. That totally means nothing >> EVERYTHING released for FFVII (unless clearly stated by SE otherwise) is CANON and USABLE. They said Last Order wasnt canon, so its clearly not. And if it was so easy for them to dismiss it, then its pretty easy to dismiss this novella. But they didnt, they paid the guy and gave it the OK. It means its canon >_>
Exactly. And amg, i had no idea people were denying the canoness of CoL:W/B? 8( That's just crazy!

Kaleta said:

I demand a new set of sig and avi D:<
*gives you some loving*
Yeah, I had to make a new set too :gonk: Got a picture?

alex said:
That is so sweet :) and straight from SE themselves.
Yuppers! Can't get much better right? I mean, Cloud's taking a liking to her attributes--and people expect me to believe he's not in love with her. :wacky: riiight!
Exactly, Val. :ryan: if both friend and koibito were supposed to be platonic terms they definitely shouldn't have used koibito as the other term to define who Cloud is.
You dont start introducing someone like this do you?

"Hey meet my friend, who is my friend thats my friend"

....... bad grammar ftw?
The word friend is there for a reason, it means its DIFFERENT from the word Koibito.

Couldn't be more right, Val. In Sephiroth's first half of the story it defines Cloud as the man who threw Sephiroth into the lifestream twice--that's not Sephiroth's opinion nor is it one sided. Cloud literally DID do that to Sephiroth and he is that no questions asked. For Sephiroth, that's who Cloud is to him.

But for Aerith, they defined who Cloud was to Aerith as a friend and lover/koibito. It can't be one sided because why would they use a one sided opinion when defining who Cloud was as a character to the reader? Makes no sense. When defining Cloud as a character for the reader to have a brief understanding of who he is, they wouldn't use another character's opinions they'd use relationships to define who he was. Hence that line not calling Cloud her koibito because SHE has one sided feelings for him, but because as a character, that's who Cloud was to her--her koibito/lover.
Exactly. No where does it say, that Aerith is the one saying or thinking it, its a descriptive text. Its not her but SE telling us this information. I do believe the LT can only go two ways, in a neutral way, where cloud is single, and the clorith way. The LT IMO is both solved and not. On one side, clorith has won with all these things that IMO cannot be interpreted another way. But when you get the occasional luny that says no it can be interpreted another way, you have to keep arguing with their flimsy ideas. And so, it makes the LT not over. But even if its not over, it still only means Cloud is single, so again. Only two ways it can go.

If it was supposed to be one sided, they would have used a different word and worded the sentence so much differently than how they went about it.
If it was one sided and platonic, they would have said "friend" ONLY. They would have say Aerith treasures Cloud as HER Koibito. But alas they dont, they TELL you that he IS her Koibito. Not HER (opinion) but IS (fact). .

Exactly. And amg, i had no idea people were denying the canoness of CoL:W/B? 8( That's just crazy!
Yeah o.o I've seen some go as far as saying you cant use it period. The reason? Cause they say so :D They've become a spokesperson for SE claiming they know whats canon and not, more than the actual staff. Fans dont get to decide whats canon and usable, SE does. And they made NO SUCH STATEMENT for both CoL: W OR Maiden >_>

Yeah, I had to make a new set too :gonk: Got a picture?
Im using my brothers comp atm, so i cant get any pictures. I really actually dont mind whichever picture you use, as long as it has Cloud and Aerith. Colours dont matter, and neither does text. No need for the text "Cloud and Aerith" if you dont see it fit, whatever you think is good is fine with me. It can even be a quote or something :)


Also, welcome ALEX to the club ^^
VAL! I made your new set, in case you still want it. CLICK HERE

Kaleta said:
You dont start introducing someone like this do you?

"Hey meet my friend, who is my friend thats my friend"

....... bad grammar ftw?
The word friend is there for a reason, it means its DIFFERENT from the word Koibito.
Lol, exactly! :highfive:

Kaleta said:
Exactly. No where does it say, that Aerith is the one saying or thinking it, its a descriptive text. Its not her but SE telling us this information. I do believe the LT can only go two ways, in a neutral way, where cloud is single, and the clorith way. The LT IMO is both solved and not. On one side, clorith has won with all these things that IMO cannot be interpreted another way. But when you get the occasional luny that says no it can be interpreted another way, you have to keep arguing with their flimsy ideas. And so, it makes the LT not over. But even if its not over, it still only means Cloud is single, so again. Only two ways it can go.
I completely agree. It's one of the two, in my opinion too. :/

Kaleta said:
If it was one sided and platonic, they would have said "friend" ONLY. They would have say Aerith treasures Cloud as HER Koibito. But alas they dont, they TELL you that he IS her Koibito. Not HER (opinion) but IS (fact). .
Yup, yup, yup, yup ^_^

I've debated against how it's supposedly written in Third-person limited narrative, meaning it is just Aerith's thoughts. But... Case of Lifestream is ONE story. For it to be written in Third Person Limited it would only follow ONE character--the main character. Not two different characters at once.

I was told that all the novellas are supposedly written in TPL, but those are different cases from CoL:W & B.

If you've ever read Jane Austen, she writes in Third-person omniscient--which the narrative voice knows things characters in the story don't know, think of it as a God watching everything and knowing everything.

That's what Case of Lifestream is written as, in my honest opinion. So that koibito line isn't Aerith's own thoughts or opinions. It's the omniscient narrative voice giving the reader a brief explanation of who Cloud is to each character so we know a little more about their relationships.

And I've personally asked a published editor about this... in a matter of fact... I asked quite a few editors/authors about what narrative is used out of 6 only one said it was TPL and not TPO.

Either way, whatever style of writing it is, it doesn't defeat the fact that SE defined Cloud as Aerith's friend and lover.

Kaleta said:
Yeah o.o I've seen some go as far as saying you cant use it period. The reason? Cause they say so :D They've become a spokesperson for SE claiming they know whats canon and not, more than the actual staff. Fans dont get to decide whats canon and usable, SE does. And they made NO SUCH STATEMENT for both CoL: W OR Maiden >_>
I was just debating about that in the LTD thread here about whether or not VII's commercials are canon. Fans don't decide what's canon or not... SE does. :ffs:

WHOO HOO!!! 50th page! Congrats guys, good job on staying so active and keeping Clourith love alive. :yay:
VAL! I made your new set, in case you still want it. CLICK HERE
I saw it <3 thank you! :3

I've debated against how it's supposedly written in Third-person limited narrative, meaning it is just Aerith's thoughts. But... Case of Lifestream is ONE story. For it to be written in Third Person Limited it would only follow ONE character--the main character. Not two different characters at once.

I was told that all the novellas are supposedly written in TPL, but those are different cases from CoL:W & B.

If you've ever read Jane Austen, she writes in Third-person omniscient--which the narrative voice knows things characters in the story don't know, think of it as a God watching everything and knowing everything.

That's what Case of Lifestream is written as, in my honest opinion. So that koibito line isn't Aerith's own thoughts or opinions. It's the omniscient narrative voice giving the reader a brief explanation of who Cloud is to each character so we know a little more about their relationships.

And I've personally asked a published editor about this... in a matter of fact... I asked quite a few editors/authors about what narrative is used out of 6 only one said it was TPL and not TPO.

Either way, whatever style of writing it is, it doesn't defeat the fact that SE defined Cloud as Aerith's friend and lover.
Lol wut? so now THEY decide that its written in a third person? Proof that SE has said those novellas are in third person plzkthx. In the middle of having a third person story, it changes to first person? Do they know anything about story writing? Its just them trying to be very desperate to dismiss the canonity of the fact Cloud is Aerith's Koibito and the fact that SE says this, not Aerith.

I was just debating about that in the LTD thread here about whether or not VII's commercials are canon. Fans don't decide what's canon or not... SE does. :ffs:
Lol wut there is a debate thread here?

WHOO HOO!!! 50th page! Congrats guys, good job on staying so active and keeping Clourith love alive. :yay:
YESSSS <333333
Kaleta said:
I saw it <3 thank you! :3
No problem! :ryan:

Lol wut? so now THEY decide that its written in a third person? Proof that SE has said those novellas are in third person plzkthx. In the middle of having a third person story, it changes to first person? Do they know anything about story writing? Its just them trying to be very desperate to dismiss the canonity of the fact Cloud is Aerith's Koibito and the fact that SE says this, not Aerith.
Ooh, good point, Val. :yay:

Kaleta said:
Lol wut there is a debate thread here?
Yes... I own it... here ya go









I joined this club but then I never really posted... or did anything... so I guess I'll start now :olivia:
Why don't you start with telling us what you love so much about CxA? ^_^
Well, to start, Cloud ONLY opened up when he met Aerith. In the beginning of the game, EVEN AROUND TIFA, he had no care for anyone, or the planet, and he just wanted his money. But when he meets Aerith, even when he bumps into her at the alley, he cares about her. He asks if she's alright, and even buys a flower :ryan: When he falls after the explosion, notice how when Aerith offers payment in a date he doesn't refuse? In fact, after she says that, he accepts that as his payment! So clearly he wouldn't mind a date with her! :P And they just seem like such a sweet couple. Cloud is a deep and bad boy type of guy, and Aerith is sweet and caring. Those two just go perfectly together! :)
I agree! They're perfect for each other. Opposites attract as they say :yay: Kinda matches what Cait Sith even said about them, too. He even said they were perfect for each other! :jess:

I noticed you mentioned how Cloud acted towards Aerith when he first met her. Well, when Cloud first came across her on the streets of Midgar he called her eyes impressive and then said her smile was a good purchase.

How's that for romantic, right? :ryan:

especially when Cloud was a complete and utter jerk to everyone else around him that same day. Kinda makes ye wonder... what's different about Aerith? Why would he act so rudely to everyone else(including Tifa) and then act so kind towards a flower girl he just met?

Love at first sight, in my opinion. :ryan:


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Oh yea! When Cait Sith gave them their fortune. Everything was lookin good until Sephiroth just HAD to kill her! FUCK YOU SEPHIROTH!!! :O Excuse my language there :olivia:

Oh ya, I do remember reading that somewhere. And considering Cloud is so stinchy with money in the beginning, you gotta be surprised he thought that was a good purchase! I agree, clearly love at first sight. :ryan:

And the second artwork, (the first one is nice too though) is simply gorgeous! I love it! It's so sad though! :( I love what it conveys.

Oh ya, I do remember reading that somewhere. And considering Cloud is so stinchy with money in the beginning, you gotta be surprised he thought that was a good purchase! I agree, clearly love at first sight. :ryan:
Oh, yeah! lol

he was a greedy SOB in the beginning and there he is wasting money on a random flower girl's smile. In my opinion, that says a helluva lot.

Lookie what I found on tumblr


Oooooooh I love those! Especially the second and last one. They both show the only time Cloud smiles in the movie. (Or atleast one of the only times...I can't completely remember but that was the only time his smile stood out or anything) I also thought that it was cool because the only real smile he has is when he sees Aerith. Like I said he may have smiled in other parts, but the ending smile just made his down character so much better and it was like icing on the cake :) More instances of Clerith love :inlove: