A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

More and more win. Sadly though, looks help you get dates and relationships, and people with looks have a easier life, because people like how pretty they look, and they don't get bullied or teased by others.

Having looks puts you directly in the firing line. Alot of guys will do whatever it takes to get and keep a pretty lady and believe me there comes an age when guys know the exact buttons to press. I feel sorry for those who are lied to on a daily basis, but that discussion's not for this thread. :wacky:

IF they put aerith in Dissidia, like you guys have said. There would be a massive amount of videos showing Aerith getting beaten up or something.

Who cares tbh? Again anyone sad enough to do that would say more about themselves than any Clourith supporter. :lew:
Who cares tbh? Again anyone sad enough to do that would say more about themselves than any Clourith supporter. :lew:
That's true. :wacky:

Oh yeah, I rendered these gifs:


I didn't create them, sadly. :sad3: but they were just so cute I had to render them, :gonk:
Dissidia does the opposite, of making Cloti canon. Because when Cloud is dieing, he doesn't pray to Cosmos to save his girlfriend or lover. He says, please save my friend. Dissidia, shows that SE only sees Cloud and Tifa as friends, that grew up up in the same village together. Nothing more. So you can't really say that Dissidia shows Cloti in a good light, when it only shows Cloud seeing Tifa as a friend, and not his lover. Remember, the LTD is about who Cloud loves. And Dissidia just shows, that Cloud sees Tifa as his friend, nothing more.

I agree. But I talked to someone who actually said that it could be Black Materia that Cloud is holding, its clearly minty green white, not black. Once again, Tifa is the friend, not to mention Cloud didn't even remember her...:D But Cloud can call on Aerith for help, so then I'm assuming Cloud does remember Aerith eh? Since Sephiroth calls the Materia Cloud has a symbol of whats bad to him or something along those lines?

Actually Dissidia, makes Cloti even less canon than before.

Say no more :P Because I totally agree. I am glad AU's count now though :3
Because that's 2(three if you count the KHII mod :wacky:) games where Cloud can beat Tifa and 6 where Cloud is reunited with Aerith/protects her/and walks down a cutesy path with her
Hmm, that's a good idea. :hmmm:

Well, since Dissidia came out, I always thinking about how Aerith can be when she is in the game. And I came out with 2 options :):

1. She will be a spirit whom Cosmos has chosen to follow and assist the warriors when they need help in battles since the goddess couldn't do nothing more than giving advices :P

2. (Well... This one kind of crazy...) Since Aerith could control Holy and use Lifestream, her power is no doubt but greatest. So I thinking about if she could be a "semi goddess"? Not the same "goddess" like Cosmos, you know...

Oh yeah, I rendered these gifs:


OMG! They are so cute! I LOVE THEM!! :yay:
Calic said:
Oh yeah, I rendered these gifs:

So cute, sis x3 Good rendering too, very nicely done.


Dropping some fanart from Pixiv, Alice in Wonderland/Clerithfied and Aerith using Clouds Nail-bat xD I thought that was a good one, because she looks so sweet and there she is holding that creepy thing :3

Eek!! I love those fanarts T_T

Well here's the one I'm in love with recently.
http://i51.tinypic.com/2whp7gi.jpg - smexeh :tehe:

1. She will be a spirit whom Cosmos has chosen to follow and assist the warriors when they need help in battles since the goddess couldn't do nothing more than giving advices :P
Ooh, I LOVE that idea. That makes so much sense too.

2. (Well... This one kind of crazy...) Since Aerith could control Holy and use Lifestream, her power is no doubt but greatest. So I thinking about if she could be a "semi goddess"? Not the same "goddess" like Cosmos, you know...
Actually, that's always something I've thought of for Aerith if she were to be added in the game. She is already a goddess of sort, so it'd make sense for Cosmos to ask another lesser goddess(Aerith) to assist in the fight.
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Ninja Yuffie,
Dissidia does the opposite, of making Cloti canon. Because when Cloud is dieing, he doesn't pray to Cosmos to save his girlfriend or lover. He says, please save my friend. Dissidia, shows that SE only sees Cloud and Tifa as friends, that grew up up in the same village together. Nothing more. So you can't really say that Dissidia shows Cloti in a good light, when it only shows Cloud seeing Tifa as a friend, and not his lover. Remember, the LTD is about who Cloud loves. And Dissidia just shows, that Cloud sees Tifa as his friend, nothing more.

Yeah, that's reminded me. Yuna's story could be one of the most greatest evidence for that. I remember the story when Yuna saw Tidus, guess what happened? :P She remember him! Yes, Yuna did remember Tidus. And we all knew Tidus and Yuna is a canon right? It's made me lol when Tifa met Cloud, not only she didn't remember him at all but when she heard his name her reaction is: "Have we... met before?" :lew:

Once again, if SE really want Cloti is cannon they would let Tifa remember Cloud like Yuna and Tidus. But did they do that? No!

Actually, that's always something I've thought of for Aerith if she were to be added in the game. She is already a goddess of sort, so it'd make sense for Cosmos to ask another lesser goddess(Aerith) to assist in the fight.

Honestly, I always thinking Aerith as a goddess. In my opinion, she is far too good for an angel (both in beauty and power). Also, the offical angel in FF series is Rinoa, so I want Aerith could be something else, special like angel but not less than that and so I came up with goddess ^_^

But that also scared me. Because if Aerith become a goddess, the distance between her and Cloud would be farer than ever :sad2:

But still, it depends on Nomura and SE how Aerith will turn out to be. As long as she will show up in the next Dissidia then I'm good :)
Yeah, that's reminded me. Yuna's story could be one of the most greatest evidence for that. I remember the story when Yuna saw Tidus, guess what happened? :P She remember him! Yes, Yuna did remember Tidus. And we all knew Tidus and Yuna is a canon right? It's made me lol when Tifa met Cloud, not only she didn't remember him at all but when she heard his name her reaction is: "Have we... met before?" :lew:

Once again, if SE really want Cloti is cannon they would let Tifa remember Cloud like Yuna and Tidus. But did they do that? No!
Well remember, Tidus didn't remember Yuna, though. But you're right, to think either Cloud or Tifa would have at least remembered each other in some way. But they didn't. But again, first time fighters in the game don't remember their old nakama, it takes a cycle to do so. That's why Yuna can remember Tidus, cuz she fought on Cosmos side before that. C:

But that also scared me. Because if Aerith become a goddess, the distance between her and Cloud would be farer than ever :sad2:
Actually :tehe: That just enriches their love story in my opinion. The love story of a Goddess and a mortal falling in love and being ripped apart from each other. :gonk:
She then thought of Cloud, living in his reality up on the surface. In order to reduce the hatred lingering in the Lifestream, she would have to remove the hatred flooding the real world.

The woman wondered if Cloud could help her. However, that might lead to Cloud getting hurt as well. The Cloud she knew had a very fragile heart. - Case of Lifestream: White

I know her reason for seeking Cloud is for help to stop hatred in the real world but the last part of the paragraph has me wondering. Why would asking him to help her in this problem hurt Cloud and his fragile heart?

Now, this is just my opinion but I think she mentions how asking Cloud for help in the problem will hurt him because she knows it's about something that shattered his heart before--her death. Think about it. In AC, from what we see, Cloud and Aerith's discussions consist of forgiveness/pain/guilt over her death. And in CoL:W Aerith says she could hinder Sephiroth's plan by stopping the hatred on the planet. Well, I was thinking(and this could be wrong) do you think it's possible that Aerith was seeking after Cloud and knew confrontation about this was going to hurt him because she was trying to make Cloud let go of his hatred for Sephiroth? Like we see in VII and in Dismantled(and others) Cloud carries a hatred for Sephiroth for multiple reasons but among the others the biggest reason is Aerith's death.

So, do you think Aerith knew asking Cloud to let go of his hatred(either for Sephiroth or for himself for failing her) is why she knew it would hurt Cloud?

If so, to me, it says a great deal about Cloud's feelings for Aerith if just speaking about her death again could lead to Cloud getting hurt again and that his hatred for Sephiroth/or himself over her death is great enough to allow Sephiroth to play on it. (I know MoTP says the same thing practically, but people debate that it's not canon so it'd be nice to have this book reinforce this)

Thoughts? If I made sense :gonk:


Also, something about CASE OF LIFESTREAM: WHITE

Sephiroth's first half of the story:
The man sensed a large flux in the Lifestream. A sign of another, different defeat. When the Lifestream erupted onto the surface of the planet, the man thought that Cloud was no doubt certain of his victory. Cloud was the one who had twice sent the man into the Lifestream.

Notice how for Sephiroth the description for who Cloud is "the one who had twice sent the man into the Lifestream"? Okay keep that in mind.

Aerith's first half of the story:
The woman was an Ancient. Which explained how she was able to maintain her individuality even within the Lifestream. If she so wished she could become part of the planet at any time, but the woman thought it too early for that just yet.

The woman had sensed a different presence within the Lifestream cycling around the planet. It was the vehemence of a strong will, one that would never join with the planet. She knew this consciousness. It was the man who had taken her life. A merciless spirit hidden behind a beauteous wall. That spirit was now operating from within the Lifestream. The woman sensed that he was planning to exert his influence to the surface of the planet. She wondered what she could do.

Because it would be dangerous for her to come in contact with him, the woman tried to keep away from the man’s consciousness. Because of this, she couldn’t learn much of the man’s plot. However, just once, when the man’s spirit had suddenly appeared near here, she discovered that he had made his memories of Cloud the core of his being.

Cloud was her friend, her koibito — a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected.

That's the first chapter of Aerith's story in CoL:W. Both first halves give a brief explanation of who Cloud is to Sephiroth and Aerith. I find it pretty interesting that Aerith's brief description of who Cloud is is that he was her friend and koibito.

for Dissida 012, we were discussing how in Cloud's dying breath he declared Tifa to be his nakama(or friend) and not something more romantically meaningful like koibito. It was said that this would have been the perfect time to have Cloud declare Tifa as something more than his friend. It would be the perfect time to end it for the players of VII--but they made the description of who Tifa is to Cloud be that she is "his friend/nakama".

Now, in CoL:W the description for who Cloud is to Aerith is that he is not only her friend but also her koibito(whatever translation you go with whether that's lover or beloved)

--First off, there's obviously a romantic meaning behind koibito since it's an add on description to friend. If Koibito was supposed to be something platonic(like friend), they wouldn't have distinguished between the two terms.

I'm not sure who wrote this novella but the most important thing about it is that the writer chose to define Cloud(for the first time to the readers) as Aerith's friend and koibito. Just like they defined Tifa as Cloud's nakama they chose to define Cloud as Aerith's koibito and friend.

Shouldn't that mean something in the LTD that SE's brief definition of who Cloud is to Aerith is that he is her koibito and friend?

They didn't have to toss in the koibito term, but they did... for a reason. And this is the reason why I consider the LTD over with. :/

I was going to post this at the CxA forums but I didn't want to spam if it's a stupid topic. >.<
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Popping back in here cause im meant to be studying. I'll read your post laters Cali, for now just get the opinions of these guys and see what they say ;o

I'll be fully back after 3 weeks! exams finish then <333

But--b-b-b-but, I want her alive. :gonk: She's been dead to us for 14 years and she's been dead to Cloud and Co. for 4-5....bring the girl back. :rage:
They kinda do that, in the KH universe. I think nomura DOES want to bring her back, but they want to try to stick to the script, thus the creation of KH and the fact shes in it.

:jess: Glad you like it.

If you'd like me to try again, just say so. :ryan:
Imma flaunt this for a few months then flap to you for another set laters ;D

But yes, I agree. If Yuna can be playable so can Aerith. Although, I think it'd be much better for Aerith to have storyline but not be able to be played. :/
Its the same thing for KH you know? you cant play Aerith, but shes there. You can play agaisnt tifa though.

Its amazing how now that Tifa was added Dissidia is canon, and that the Yellow flowers in the field are suddenly dandelions and not lilies, and Cloud holding Black Materia and not Holy (even though its turqoise-ish)
Thats just the wannabe-god-cloti mumbling nonsense. Seen it all before, and the fact they are claiming those things make em look desperate. The BLACK materia turning green ... right. Anyways ....

I didn't know that Aerith was voted in...that's pretty cool, I really like that they had Aerith in there without her being able to be beaten by Cloud -- clever.
Indeed :D

WOW, Wow, wow,... Wait a minute, "Tifa was included cause the creator of Dissidia was a big fan of her"? Now that's totally lame and unfair! :mokken:
Don't get me wrong. But I think even you have feelings for some one, you shouldn't bring it in public affairs.
Well its their choice to do so. It would just be unfair if he changes the storyline to fit his opinions. Im sure nomura wouldnt let him do that anyways, so its fine.

Who cares tbh? Again anyone sad enough to do that would say more about themselves than any Clourith supporter. :lew:
Im not saying WE care. Im saying there are those who do care. And whether they make themselves look bad or not, doesnt make any diff. Like if a bully starts picking on a kid, it makes em look bad, but that doesnt take away the hurt the little kid has suffered. And im pretty sure, if she was added and those vids were made, one way or another, that will be used agaisnt us saying "Oh look at Cloud beating up Aerith, that means they arent canon" blah blah blah.
Okay, Val :33

They kinda do that, in the KH universe. I think nomura DOES want to bring her back, but they want to try to stick to the script, thus the creation of KH and the fact shes in it.
Ahh, the Gaiden for CxA :ryan:

To put my tl;dr post in short...

I just find it very interesting that SE decided to define Cloud to the first time readers as Aerith's friend & koibito(lover/ beloved/ sweetheart) while they defined Tifa as Cloud's nakama(friend) in Dissidia 012.

If they were the canon couple like so many C/T fans let on, why not just say it in that possibly meaningful scene? Just makes no sense. :/
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--First off, there's obviously a romantic meaning behind koibito since it's an add on description to friend. If Koibito was supposed to be something platonic(like friend), they wouldn't have distinguished between the two terms.

I agree. If their use of koibito and nakama were interchangeable why make the distinctions? In any case, it's painfully obvious there is a distinction seeing as the two term's uses aren't coincidental. If they meant nakama when they described Aeris as his koibito why didn't they just use nakama as they did when describing Tifa?

Shouldn't that mean something in the LTD that SE's brief definition of who Cloud is to Aerith is that he is her koibito and friend?

They didn't have to toss in the koibito term, but they did... for a reason. And this is the reason why I consider the LTD over with. :/

I dunno about over with :wacky: until they say they're done with the universe don't rule out a sudden U turn.

Im not saying WE care. Im saying there are those who do care. And whether they make themselves look bad or not, doesnt make any diff. Like if a bully starts picking on a kid, it makes em look bad, but that doesnt take away the hurt the little kid has suffered. And im pretty sure, if she was added and those vids were made, one way or another, that will be used agaisnt us saying "Oh look at Cloud beating up Aerith, that means they arent canon" blah blah blah.

Fair enough. I guess sometimes the attempt to offend is more offensive than the material being used.

But if anyone uses the argument that you have the choice to beat on Aeris as Cloud as it not being canon needs to get a grip. :wacky:
Harlequin said:
I agree. If their use of koibito and nakama were interchangeable why make the distinctions? In any case, it's painfully obvious there is a distinction seeing as the two term's uses aren't coincidental. If they meant nakama when they described Aeris as his koibito why didn't they just use nakama as they did when describing Tifa?
good point, Tom. I completely agree. They called Tifa Cloud's nakama but called Cloud Aerith's koibito. I think it's more than obvious which girl he's supposed to be with.

If in that sentence Cloud was supposed to just be defined as nothing more than her friend they wouldn't have tossed in a romantic term like koibito(no matter the translation you go with)

I've heard some C/T fans say that it is a romantic term just one sided and from Aerith--->Cloud and not Cloud<--->Aerith.

The Cloti's argument on the matter is that it's solely speaking about Aerith's feelings towards Cloud and not Cloud to Aerith. But I think that's bunk. In Sephiroth's sentence it defines who Cloud is to Sephiroth as the man who put Sephiroth in the lifestream twice. That's from Cloud<-->Sephiroth.

In Aerith's koibito quote:
Cloud was her friend, her koibito — a symbol of what was important to her, and someone to be protected.

It specifically says Cloud is those things to Aerith. In other words, Cloud acted as her friend... Cloud acted as her koibito. It just makes no sense to define Cloud as a koibito if it wasn't Cloud<--->Aerith. Unless Aerith's crazy and thinks Cloud's her koibito/lover when he just totally wasn't into her.

See, C/T fans make it as if Aerith's koibito line for Cloud is one sided, but if it was and Aerith is calling Cloud her koibito when he wasn't--that makes her a complete crazy person... and she isn't. :ffs:

If she calls Cloud her koibito, then that means they were koibito to each other, meaning, Cloud and Aerith were in a relationship of romantic affection.

I dunno about over with :wacky: until they say they're done with the universe don't rule out a sudden U turn.
True. Cloud could always settle with second best, whoever that may be. But till then, the koibito quote combined with Dissidia 1's ending, the KHI ending, AND the original commercial, I just find it hard to believe SE would build up Cloud and Aerith's relationship just to have Cloud settle for second best.

My bet, Cloud will die young and single. :wacky: Think Gladiator's ending. He lost his wife and son. And when he died, he went to heaven where his lover and son was. That's always how I've seen Cloud's last chapter. He's fighting the good fight and he finally gets to go home to his promised Land.

For example, I have a conspiracy theory going about how the first Dissidia ripped off Gladiators ending.

Cloud's ending in the first Dissidia... he has his crystal(which looks like Holy) and his favorite flower is there, Aerith's lilies.

See how he's standing in the field looking off in the distance and all we see is his back?

Now this is Gladiator's ending:

Hence my conspiracy of the Clourith parallel :edd:

But if anyone uses the argument that you have the choice to beat on Aeris as Cloud as it not being canon needs to get a grip. :wacky:
Ditto, :wacky:


I was bored and listing to Zeppelin... don't judge me :rage:

artwork from here: http://i52.tinypic.com/28tvpk8.jpg
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On the Koibito line....

If there is a line that has the same basic structure but reversed for Sephiroth how can anyone argue that its simply Aerith point of view or Opinion on it, is it also just Spehiroths opinion as well?:wacky: Wow, Sis I never knew that before, your posts are always eye openers for me.
Liar :ahmed: you know my post are confusing to follow. :wacky: but Thanks for being nice. :britt:

To add to this, I wonder what a Cloti would say, though. Obviously Cloud tossing Sephiroth into the lifestream isn't one sided in some way or untrue and that's the way the narrative voice chose to define who Cloud is to the reader, So why is Aerith's explanation of who Cloud is deemed just her pov and not C<-->A? :/

The main point to understand about this novella is that Cloud's role or most important information is told to the reader, it's amazing that the author and SE thought that saying Cloud was Aerith's koibito was something that was important enough to use as a short background check into who Cloud is as a character.

In other words, say you're a first time reader and you read that sentence the impression you're gonna be left with is that Cloud and her were romantically involved.

Basically: For Sephiroth and Cloud, the author put down what was most important in their relationship, in this case it's the fact that Cloud kicks his ass.

And for Cloud and Aerith, the author put down the most important details of Cloud and Aerith's relationship--which just so happens to be him being her friend and koibito.

SE felt that a few details had to be said about Sephiroth's and Aerith's relationships with Cloud, and they chose to define who Cloud was to Aerith with a romantic sentence. Bloody brilliant on their part.

Sounds like a home-run to me. :ryan:

*in a rush ignore any typos or incomprehensible sentences*
Liar :ahmed: you know my post are confusing to follow. :wacky: but Thanks for being nice. :britt:

To add to this, I wonder what a Cloti would say, though. Obviously Cloud tossing Sephiroth into the lifestream isn't one sided in some way or untrue and that's the way the narrative voice chose to define who Cloud is to the reader, So why is Aerith's explanation of who Cloud is deemed just her pov and not C<-->A? :/

The main point to understand about this novella is that Cloud's role or most important information is told to the reader, it's amazing that the author and SE thought that saying Cloud was Aerith's koibito was something that was important enough to use as a short background check into who Cloud is as a character.

In other words, say you're a first time reader and you read that sentence the impression you're gonna be left with is that Cloud and her were romantically involved.

Basically: For Sephiroth and Cloud, the author put down what was most important in their relationship, in this case it's the fact that Cloud kicks his ass.

And for Cloud and Aerith, the author put down the most important details of Cloud and Aerith's relationship--which just so happens to be him being her friend and koibito.

SE felt that a few details had to be said about Sephiroth's and Aerith's relationships with Cloud, and they chose to define who Cloud was to Aerith with a romantic sentence. Bloody brilliant on their part.

Sounds like a home-run to me. :ryan:

*in a rush ignore any typos or incomprehensible sentences*

You know I'm a Jack-ass, I'd tell you if it was bad or lame or stupid, and its not. You are way too modest, it all makes perfect sense, I don't even know why the C/Ters ignored this, but I guess its Cloud opinion that he tossed Sephiroth into the Lifestream, while Sephiroth would rather say Cloud threw him into the Lifestream :wacky:

I also forgot Aerith called herself woman.

Its definitely a home-run, its almost like them re-capping the Commercial, just so people can't say "Its been awhile maybe SE changed their minds" :awesome:

It is pretty importtant to tell the readers that Aerith is Cloud lover since they stated its a story about a love, friendship and a hatred. That's the guidelines -- so its serves its purpose imo :mokken:

Its kinda like how the commercial for 500 days of Summer says, "We want you to know firsthand this ISN'T a love story", only reversed -- they wanted us to know FFVII WAS a Love story :awesome:
Now, in CoL:W the description for who Cloud is to Aerith is that he is not only her friend but also her koibito(whatever translation you go with whether that's lover or beloved)

--First off, there's obviously a romantic meaning behind koibito since it's an add on description to friend. If Koibito was supposed to be something platonic(like friend), they wouldn't have distinguished between the two terms.

I'm not sure who wrote this novella but the most important thing about it is that the writer chose to define Cloud(for the first time to the readers) as Aerith's friend and koibito. Just like they defined Tifa as Cloud's nakama they chose to define Cloud as Aerith's koibito and friend.

Shouldn't that mean something in the LTD that SE's brief definition of who Cloud is to Aerith is that he is her koibito and friend?

Let's see, if you want to know more about the meaning of "koibito", I can give you a hand ^_^

Well, if my memory didn't trick me. I remembered there was a site I have seen long time ago (it was Clerith site), the writer had stated very clearly about the meaning of "koibito".
The Japanese word used for "sweetheart" is koibito/koi bito, which can mean many things, including "lover", "boyfriend/girlfriend", and/or "sweetheart"

And here this is the website: http://www.geocities.com/anime_art2003/Koibito.html
It's quite a exciting site, you guys can pay a little visit there :ryan:

Oh yeah, and here:
This is a cute mini game which you can dress up all of the girls in KH series (including Aerith :yay:)

Waitress Girl said:
You know I'm a Jack-ass, I'd tell you if it was bad or lame or stupid, and its not. You are way too modest, it all makes perfect sense, I don't even know why the C/Ters ignored this, but I guess its Cloud opinion that he tossed Sephiroth into the Lifestream, while Sephiroth would rather say Cloud threw him into the Lifestream :wacky:

I also forgot Aerith called herself woman.
Exactly. :wacky:

Waitress Girl said:
Its definitely a home-run, its almost like them re-capping the Commercial, just so people can't say "Its been awhile maybe SE changed their minds" :awesome:
Now THAT is pure win.

Waitress Girl said:

It is pretty importtant to tell the readers that Aerith is Cloud lover since they stated its a story about a love, friendship and a hatred. That's the guidelines -- so its serves its purpose imo :mokken:

Its kinda like how the commercial for 500 days of Summer says, "We want you to know firsthand this ISN'T a love story", only reversed -- they wanted us to know FFVII WAS a Love story :awesome:
Yeah, exactly. They wanted the viewers to understand what was what--and they just so happened to have said Cloud and Aerith are a story of a love in one of the first commercials around the world and now they said Cloud was her koibito. I think they made their point known. :ryan:

Loveless Doll, Yeah, I know A LOT about the koibito issue. I've read those essays too, I know as much as I need to about the issue. xD
Yeah, exactly. They wanted the viewers to understand what was what--and they just so happened to have said Cloud and Aerith are a story of a love in one of the first commercials around the world and now they said Cloud was her koibito. I think they made their point known. :ryan:

I thought they did pretty well, with Malrene slapping Cloud if he says no to Aerith liking him xD Also the part in Gongaga where you have the option to say "Jealousy, Envy!" that was both cute and funny :P And at the Dons mansion where Johnny calls Aerith Your Girlfriend, and the part where Cait says he'll be their Preacher...yeah good times. I thought they hit it home there too.

They did indeed.

(My head hurts...and my cut itches :gonk:)
I thought they did pretty well, with Malrene slapping Cloud if he says no to Aerith liking him xD Also the part in Gongaga where you have the option to say "Jealousy, Envy!" that was both cute and funny :P And at the Dons mansion where Johnny calls Aerith Your Girlfriend, and the part where Cait says he'll be their Preacher...yeah good times. I thought they hit it home there too.

They did indeed.

(My head hurts...and my cut itches :gonk:)
Lmao... yeah, I guess those really hit home a Clourith conclusion, too. :x3: Can we throw in KHI's ending? :C Cuz that's so Clourith it hurts :gonk:

Um... so yeah... I wrote a fanfiction a while back, I don't think I ever posted it here.

Prove It
couple: Cloud x Aerith
Theme: fluff, romance, cute, sweet
Rating: PG
word count: 762
fanfic.net link: Prove It
LIVEJOURNAL Link: Prove it


It's really short. :wacky: and of course it's nothing brilliant but I tried xD


and if any of you have the time... please post here

it's such a gorgeous forum :gonk:

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