A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

I completely agree! marlena that smile Cloud has when he sees Aerith is just heartbreakingly bittersweet and so beautiful. If you ask me, that's the only time Cloud REALLY smiles. Just like how in the beginning of FFVII, the first person to make Cloud laugh was Aerith... if she was the first one to make him laugh, makes sense his handsome smile was directed at her.

Come to think of it, does anyone else feel like Cloud and Aerith laughing in that scene in VII seemed like it was done solely for flirting? :wacky:

I always find it like a parallel to the FFX laugh scene Yuna and Tidus share. So adorable T_T
Come to think of it, does anyone else feel like Cloud and Aerith laughing in that scene in VII seemed like it was done solely for flirting? :wacky:

I always find it like a parallel to the FFX laugh scene Yuna and Tidus share. So adorable T_T

Totally AGREE :elmo:

Or that Sora and Kairi scene? (is pretty sure there is one) :awesome: Still they do it with a lot of couples in nearly every romance movie, book, game etc. Common trope, if you don't laugh with them it ain't love imo.
Totally AGREE :elmo:

Or that Sora and Kairi scene? (is pretty sure there is one) :awesome: Still they do it with a lot of couples in nearly every romance movie, book, game etc. Common trope, if you don't laugh with them it ain't love imo.
I agree. I just always loved the Cloud and Aerith laugh scene because it happened when Cloud was still being a jack ass to everyone else. Literally, the day before he was forcing Tifa to beg for him to stay and even then he took a child's school funds, told people he didn't care for their names or stories... and then BAM! he meets this flowergirl and just melts into a mushy ball. I mean, he hides it but in his mind he's thinking it.

Seeing a jerk like Cloud laugh and care for a girl he just met is just so incredibly romantic. :ryan:

EDIT: Kaleta... is it alright if I make this essay of yours on my Cloudy Flower essay live journal community for Clourith? I think it really defeats what the Clotis claim. If not, I understand. And if you want, I could omit your name if you'd want. ^_^
I agree. I just always loved the Cloud and Aerith laugh scene because it happened when Cloud was still being a jack ass to everyone else. Literally, the day before he was forcing Tifa to beg for him to stay and even then he took a child's school funds, told people he didn't care for their names or stories... and then BAM! he meets this flowergirl and just melts into a mushy ball. I mean, he hides it but in his mind he's thinking it.

Seeing a jerk like Cloud laugh and care for a girl he just met is just so incredibly romantic. :ryan:

Me too, I have to say for breaking the mold on story line, they still made Cloud so typically in love with her, laughing at nothing, swooning at her features, tunnel-visioning her alone xD

I always find it funny that in the Don's mansion you can say, lets hurry to get Aerith xD Also, no matter what you say to Tifa she gets pissed at you, so there's really no way that scene can go C/T's way, Not to mention Cloud waits days to go save her, while he's making sure Aerith doesn't go in alone :awesome:
Holy crap! I didn't know I wasn't the last one to post. 8(
Waitress Girl said:
Me too, I have to say for breaking the mold on story line, they still made Cloud so typically in love with her,
lol, yeah, it's so sweet how Square did that for them. :yay: I mean, he REALLY does that too.
Waitress Girl said:
laughing at nothing,
When he never laughed before... with anyone.

Waitress Girl said:
swooning at her features,

When he still, to this very day, hasn't said anything of the sort about anyone else. :britt:

Waitress Girl said:
tunnel-visioning her alone xD
Hello, the endings to AC and VII ring a bell. I mean, dude was so mesmerized by Aerith's hand he almost died. And it was just her hand. Then in AC everyone just faded out and he focused solely on Aerith. Can we count him wanting her forgiveness more than anything else in the world? That's sort of "tunnel visioning" her. :hmmm:

The guy's got it bad. :ryan:

Waitress Girl said:
I always find it funny that in the Don's mansion you can say, lets hurry to get Aerith xD Also, no matter what you say to Tifa she gets pissed at you, so there's really no way that scene can go C/T's way, Not to mention Cloud waits days to go save her, while he's making sure Aerith doesn't go in alone :awesome:
Yeah, Cloud sure as heck goes through a heck of a lot just to make sure Aerith doesn't go in there alone... meanwhile Tifa's in there alone. *whistles*

FANFIC suggestion:
Red Riding Hood Centra
It's themed to Red Riding hood, Cloud's a big sexy wolf out to protect Aerith. On the way he looks and acts super hot while protecting her and winning her heart over Zack fair(a suitor) Tifa and Cloud are werewolves together but they aren't particularly close.

All in all, there's some grammar mistakes but the story is too smexy and fun to pass up. :ryan:
YAY!!!!!! I'm finally finished all of my final exams!!*die in happy* :hyper:

By the way, my apologize for the absence in a while. Did I miss any funs??
And here are my sorry gifts :shame:





These are won't be the lasts. I shall come back for MORE! XD
I'm glad to hear you can post more Loveless Doll ! Those fanarts are SO pretty. I really really love them. :ryan:

We've jus been discussing how much Cloud loves Aerith. skim the last page, I highly suggest reading it for information. :ohoho:
icon dump for you all... i made them all so sorry if they're not as good as others.
















Calico theyre all so beautiful!!!!!! can i plz use one? :ohoho:
That's what I thought. ^_^ Mwuahahahaha I will use them all!!! Well, I don't think it's possible sadly, so I will have to pick only one...But it's so hard to choose...:gonk:
Those fanarts are SO pretty. I really really love them. :ryan:

I'm glad you liked them. I still have a lot of Clerith pics (psss: I'm a Clerith collector :D)
OMG! Those icons are soooooo KUTE!!! :woo: Would you mind if I take one? :tehe:


Its nice to have you joined our club marlena. I'm so sorry for not welcomed you sooner :shame:
And here, my apologize gifts :lew:




Loveless Doll Aw thanks! I love 'em all, but my fav is the first and last. I have a thang for chibis :)
Did you guys hear how the guy who's making FF13-2 wants to do a sequel to FFVII? I'm not sure how I stand on that. But if it was good I wouldn't mind.

I bring this up because I must ask everyone this
Waitress Girl, Kaleta, marlena, Loveless Doll, Ninja Yuffie, Tsukimori

How do you think they'd involve Aerith(if they did) and what do you think would happen between her and Cloud in a sequel?

Oh yes, now you talking about it. I remembered there was once I accidentally found an interview of Nomura that has included that information.

How do you think they'd involve Aerith(if they did) and what do you think would happen between her and Cloud in a sequel?

Hmmm, interesting question.

If Aerith have a chance to show up in a sequel of FF VII, I would rather want her has a chance to be revived (just like the chance Tidus has). But since that kind of thing wouldn't happen (0.01% SE may change their mind :dry:), so I guess her part in the sequel may not change much from FFVII: AC.
But at the good side, I think Nomura wouldn't let Aerith's fans disappoint. So he might has a special plan for Aerith's role playing in the sequel (If SE let her show up and I'm sure they will).

About what would happen between Aerith and Cloud in the sequel. I guess nothing will change much. Nomura will keep put in more hints of their relationship (just like what he has done so far).
But maybe(just maybe),Nomura will try to end the LTD as well. Because he was the one who created the LTD of FF VII, I think he would want to be the one who end it before something happen to him (Nomura certainly wouldn't want anyone else do something reckless to the LTD). And if he does, I guess he will does that in a slowly and a best way for every fans of FF VII.

Anyway, this is just what I think may happen. What will really happen is depend on SE and Nomura himself.
Good question. Hey I'm all for a sequel, and I knew it was comin' cuz of DoC's secret ending. Now in my opinion, I wouldn't necessarily want Aerith to come completely back like in FF10-2. Her death was tragic and sad, but imagine changing that after 10 years? I think that she should still say dead. (Haha that sounded weird)

But, I would imagine some supernatural connections between Cloud and Aerith. Like maybe in AC, but a bit more distinct. Also, maybe Aerith saves Cloud from death in some boss fight, or something, or maybe in some part Cloud wants to die to be with Aerith and Aerith somehow is able to talk to him about it?

Just some ideas, but I think that that would be pretty cool ^_^

And what I think they probably would do if they did make the sequel is have lots flashbacks. Like flashbacks of when they first meet, when Cloud cross-dresses, maybe some boss fight, etc. Not only would this resolve some clamor about a remake, but it would also incorporate some Aerith scenes. And there would DEFINITELY have to be a flashback of her death.

So yup. Some supernatural and spiritual connections/conversations beyond the grave and some flashbacks.
Loveless Doll said:
If Aerith have a chance to show up in a sequel of FF VII, I would rather want her has a chance to be revived (just like the chance Tidus has). But since that kind of thing wouldn't happen (0.01% SE may change their mind :dry:), so I guess her part in the sequel may not change much from FFVII: AC.
But at the good side, I think Nomura wouldn't let Aerith's fans disappoint. So he might has a special plan for Aerith's role playing in the sequel (If SE let her show up and I'm sure they will).
Hmm, I suppose :sad3:

Loveless Doll said:
About what would happen between Aerith and Cloud in the sequel. I guess nothing will change much. Nomura will keep put in more hints of their relationship (just like what he has done so far).
oh, I meant anything, not just romantic. ^_^

Loveless Doll said:
But maybe(just maybe),Nomura will try to end the LTD as well. Because he was the one who created the LTD of FF VII, I think he would want to be the one who end it before something happen to him (Nomura certainly wouldn't want anyone else do something reckless to the LTD). And if he does, I guess he will does that in a slowly and a best way for every fans of FF VII.

Anyway, this is just what I think may happen. What will really happen is depend on SE and Nomura himself.
I'd love for him to end the LTD but at the same time I wouldn't. I mean, I know Clourith is canon, but I like seeing different possibilities of how they could have admitted their love(speculating is the most fun) but I DEF wouldn't mind seeing Cloud having his own "gimme some sugar" scene with Aerith. :kinky:

marlena said:
Good question. Hey I'm all for a sequel, and I knew it was comin' cuz of DoC's secret ending. Now in my opinion, I wouldn't necessarily want Aerith to come completely back like in FF10-2. Her death was tragic and sad, but imagine changing that after 10 years? I think that she should still say dead. (Haha that sounded weird)
I oddly agree. I mean, I'd love to see Cloud and her have a life together, but unless SE does that it ain't possible. Besides, I kinda love the whole tragic love part of them. It's sort of like Titanic or a walk to remember or some other heartbreakingly sad film of star crossed lovers. :C

But, I would imagine some supernatural connections between Cloud and Aerith. Like maybe in AC, but a bit more distinct. Also, maybe Aerith saves Cloud from death in some boss fight, or something, or maybe in some part Cloud wants to die to be with Aerith and Aerith somehow is able to talk to him about it?
Yeah, that'd be ace :ryan: I can bet there will most definitely be moments when Cloud and Aerith communicate despite her being dead. If they did it in AC, they'll do it now.

And what I think they probably would do if they did make the sequel is have lots flashbacks. Like flashbacks of when they first meet, when Cloud cross-dresses, maybe some boss fight, etc. Not only would this resolve some clamor about a remake, but it would also incorporate some Aerith scenes. And there would DEFINITELY have to be a flashback of her death.
I love that idea :jess: I think it'd be just as good as a remake if they showed us Cloud flashing back to times he had with Aerith(their date, the dream, when she died, the hand reach scene) I think it'd be great homage to those scenes, their love, and Aerith as a character. :ryan:

Sheesh, guess I should answer... you all said some good things it's hard to pick my own now ^_^

How do you think they'd involve Aerith(if they did) and what do you think would happen between her and Cloud in a sequel?
Lemme see, my ideal situation in a sequel.

I'd love if Aerith was just a spirit Cloud could see(unless she solidified herself) kinda like in AC. It'd show their bond, and how much different it is for their relationship. I think instead of physically putting Aerith in the main story, they'd give her homage, think the 2 and 3rd discs of VII. She was present in the story, but physically not there with the group know what I mean?

Aerith is the last known cetra, she would have to have a HUGE role in the plot, so no doubt there. but to be honest, I'd love to have a embrace for Cloud and Aerith. Closure would be awesome. :ryan: It'd be romantic enough for me, but it'd be vague enough to keep the LTD going.
This is a bit behind but I'm going to use one of your lovely icons Calico !! :boogie:
Oh, thank you! I'm glad you're using it. ^_^ If you guys want any of the pictures used just ask. :3