A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

marlena said:

I also thought another thing was sorta cool. You know before Aerith dies, you get the water ring? Well, with me, if I ever got a new accessory like that I'd put it on Cloud, and I did. (Most strategy guides tell you that too) Then, right after Aerith dies, there's that battle, on which only water attacks are used. So, if you put that on Cloud, he's basically invincible and can't die! Like his sorrow strengthens him or something like that ^_^
I never knew that before xD That's pretty cool. :3

marlena said:
The Highwind scene...the whole scene was just them sitting under there. Cloud said "let's go" like 3 times, but Tifa was the one who made them stay. It wasn't romantic in the slightest, it was just them sitting next to eachother. I'm sure to Tifa it may have been, but Cloud never opens up or anything to Tifa, especially in that scene.
Don't have to tell me twice! :lew:

Waitress Girl said:

I like it, because it was Cloud's first true emotional expression/outburst -- contrary to him forgetting or not caring about many other things -- its more like -- I like the whole idea of Cloud's mind being on the verge of shattering at Aerith even leaving his side, and then Cloud hearing her voice in his soul as he makes his way upon Agito and then finally calling him and Aerith a "WE" it finalized them as a pairing in my opinion -- and its the scene SE chose to express "love" on no uncertain terms in the commercial.
I agree, WG. :ryan: That's actually proven when we take into consideration that for X's extra disc it speaks about moments for the male heroes that was them showing emotions. And they used Aerith's death as the scene for Cloud and the time Squall saved Rinoa as the time for Squall. I think it's more than clear that they're the canon couple. People just don't wanna see it. :P

I love those fanarts, by the way. Cloud+Aerith + having Sora/Roxas/and another baby = EPICNESS

I like everyone's answers :yay: We should keep this amazing posting up, with more topics *pokes Cali* *totally jus' repped y'all*


When they finally show a scene of Cloud declaring his love for Aerith how do you think it'll happen?
Waitress Girl,
I like everyone's answers :yay: We should keep this amazing posting up, with more topics *pokes Cali* *totally jus' repped y'all*

Yeah. That's a good way to share our thinking and feeling for all of Clerith goodess. How about we will have it at the end or the first day of a week? So that we can give other people have more time to give answer.

When they finally show a scene of Cloud declaring his love for Aerith how do you think it'll happen?

Ah, hard question -__-
Well........, even this is what I always dreaming to see SE will do some day but it still hard for me to give an answer. Ah! Why?! :gasp:

Ok. I have no idea how it would be; but I definately sure (100%), Cloud will not says these three words: "I - love - you" when he declaring his love for Aerith. Don't get me wrong but Cloud is really a hard type of person to completely understand. And including he's not has any like common type of people, I'm sure Cloud will not say those three words (not until he can marry Aerith though :whistle2:) Maybe if he does, he will have a special way to declare his feelings for Aerith.

Just some random thought I have though :lew:
SE doesn't really seem to be in the FF VII mood at the moment. I'm guessing that after XIII-2 they might try the doing the FF VII remake, so maybe the remake would come out in 2016 on the PlayStation four and they'll remove the LTD optional game, and when Aeris dies, during the scene where he carries Aeris to the lake, he'll mention that he loved her. The remake is bound to have changes and think that SE will use that opportunity to show what relationship for Cloud they had in mind from the beginning, which we believe is Clerith. :) I don't think Cloud will say his feelings for Aeris out loud, but in his thoughts.
Loveless Doll said:
Ok. I have no idea how it would be; but I definately sure (100%), Cloud will not says these three words: "I - love - you" when he declaring his love for Aerith. Don't get me wrong but Cloud is really a hard type of person to completely understand. And including he's not has any like common type of people, I'm sure Cloud will not say those three words (not until he can marry Aerith though :whistle2:) Maybe if he does, he will have a special way to declare his feelings for Aerith.

He wouldn't say it out loud that's for sure >_<-- he's much too introverted for that sort of thing. He bottled his feelings up for through out the entire FFVII game and only had a very big outburst at her death.

But I do have to say Cloud does do very anti-enigmatic things with Aerith; laugh out of no where, inwardly comment on her beauty, tell her it will cost her something for his help and also the scene in the sleeping forest -- it seems so natural for him to say sorry and be open with her on top of this he asked Aerith who he was, so its safe to say Cloud is very hard to read even harder when Around his woman.

Ninja Yuffie said:
SE doesn't really seem to be in the FF VII mood at the moment. I'm guessing that after XIII-2 they might try the doing the FF VII remake, so maybe the remake would come out in 2016 on the PlayStation four and they'll remove the LTD optional game, and when Aeris dies, during the scene where he carries Aeris to the lake, he'll mention that he loved her. The remake is bound to have changes and think that SE will use that opportunity to show what relationship for Cloud they had in mind from the beginning, which we believe is Clerith. :) I don't think Cloud will say his feelings for Aeris out loud, but in his thoughts.

Wow, 2016, I hope it doesn't take that long, but the way SE trolls us in the FFVII fandom I wouldn't put it past 'em. I don't think Cloud would say it aloud either -- its out of character but I also don't think he'd need to -- I mean AVALANCHE got the hint at her death -- which is why they all went and gave condolence to Cloud, They knew she was his and important to him as well.

So I totally agree with you there :)

When they finally show a scene of Cloud declaring his love for Aerith how do you think it'll happen?

"When" lol -- You knew my answer to this before you even asked sis, I have to say "when" is sort of a relative term to me here, because that already happened -- they've been on two dates - one of which; is in the city of desire and the date ended magically - and he's her body guard romantic tension much?:kinky:) -- that says it all right there.
Well SE is at the moment is like... we'll do a FF7 remake, nah we won't, Yeah we will, nah it would take 40 years, oh a FF7 remake.... Hmm maybe, nah a FF7 would be too risky, FF7 remake, that sounds like a good idea ! FF7 remake ? Nah.

By the time they make their minds up, it should be about 2016. 2020.
Waitress Girl said:
He wouldn't say it out loud that's for sure >_<-- he's much too introverted for that sort of thing. He bottled his feelings up for through out the entire FFVII game and only had a very big outburst at her death.

But I do have to say Cloud does do very anti-enigmatic things with Aerith; laugh out of no where, inwardly comment on her beauty, tell her it will cost her something for his help and also the scene in the sleeping forest -- it seems so natural for him to say sorry and be open with her on top of this he asked Aerith who he was, so its safe to say Cloud is very hard to read even harder when Around his woman.
I agree, completely, waitress Girl. well said. :ryan: Well, at least on the second half. I think Cloud's introverted to a certain point. Like, I think he'd say "i love you" after a kiss or something intimate like it. :hmmm: but that's jus' me. xD

I don't think Cloud will say his feelings for Aeris out loud, but in his thoughts.
Yeah, I can agree to that, too. But I think he'd say it for special occasions. Or if it's just a really really intimate moment. I don't know how to word it right... :hmmm:

Waitress Girl said:
"When" lol -- You knew my answer to this before you even asked sis, I have to say "when" is sort of a relative term to me here, because that already happened -- they've been on two dates - one of which; is in the city of desire and the date ended magically - and he's her body guard romantic tension much?:kinky:) -- that says it all right there.
Well, I am with ya on that one, girlfriend. :jess: Yeah, I can't really think of a better time for them to get together then on a promised date in the city of desire. And if I can be honest, for their date to end magically--something extremely romantic had to have happened between them. Like you said, the romantic tension must have been immense :ohoho:

So that's when I think Cloud and Aerith admitted their feelings. Actually, scratch that, although I believe they kissed/
made love
:tehe: on their date I don't think Cloud would have had the chance to say that he loved her... yet. This would add to his regret/sadness over her sudden death. :sad3:

So that's when I think they admitted their feelings, too. :ryan:
Cali said:
I agree, completely, waitress Girl. well said. :ryan: Well, at least on the second half. I think Cloud's introverted to a certain point. Like, I think he'd say "i love you" after a kiss or something intimate like it. :hmmm: but that's jus' me. xD

Its not like he wouldn't say it, its that he couldn't. Its just the kind of person he's been molded to be thanks to certain experiences in his life, y'know being the town loser, no friends, and getting into fights a lot as a kid. But he wouldn't have to because Aerith knows him so well she'd see it in his eyes.

So that's when I think Cloud and Aerith admitted their feelings. Actually, scratch that, although I believe they kissed/made love :tehe: on their date I don't think Cloud would have had the chance to say that he loved her... yet. This would add to his regret/sadness over her sudden death. :sad3:

I don't think -- I know:ahmed: I think it also explains why Aerith was confused as to why and whether or not they'd be seen as lovers by everyone else, and why the Case of Lifestream;White calls her Cloud's lover -- and why Clouds heart broke for her, and also why Tifa knew that Cloud didn't lose just Aerith but a part of himself. When put together this all spells it out perfectly.

We already know that Cloud yearns for her; put that Man on a date with her in the city of desire and magic will happen -- Gold Saucers fireworks weren't the only fireworks that night :kinky:
Waitress Girl said:
Its not like he wouldn't say it, its that he couldn't. Its just the kind of person he's been molded to be thanks to certain experiences in his life, y'know being the town loser, no friends, and getting into fights a lot as a kid. But he wouldn't have to because Aerith knows him so well she'd see it in his eyes.
Oh, yush! :ohoho: That's it exactly. :ryan: Cloud would, of course, be wanting to say he loved her, but like you said he's just been pushed to be a more closed off person. Whether fear be to blame or whatever... like you said, he wouldn't have to, Aerith would know. :ryan:

Waitress Girl said:
I don't think -- I know:ahmed:
As do I :hal:

Waitress Girl said:
I think it also explains why Aerith was confused as to why and whether or not they'd be seen as lovers by everyone else,
Because.... even though their relationship was clearly romantic to them, Aerith wanted to make sure that all their friends knew too? That right? :hmmm:

Waitress Girl said:
and why the Case of Lifestream;White calls her Cloud's lover --
Durr, cuz they are lovers. Proven with their magical date in the city of desire. :hal:

Waitress Girl said:
and why Clouds heart broke for her,
Don't you know? Cloud's heart broke for Zack too *whistles*

Waitress Girl said:
and also why Tifa knew that Cloud didn't lose just Aerith but a part of himself.
Clerith made canon with that quote :hal:

Waitress Girl said:
When put together this all spells it out perfectly.
And ain't it grand? :ohoho:

Waitress Girl said:

We already know that Cloud yearns for her; put that Man on a date with her in the city of desire and magic will happen -- Gold Saucers fireworks weren't the only fireworks that night :kinky:

my goodness, woman! :rage: make me blush! :rage: but yus, we all know what happened that night. :mokken:

. That's what happened. :hal:

*adds your post to front page*
Cali said:
Oh, yush! :ohoho: That's it exactly. :ryan: Cloud would, of course, be wanting to say he loved her, but like you said he's just been pushed to be a more closed off person. Whether fear be to blame or whatever... like you said, he wouldn't have to, Aerith would know. :ryan:

Hm, hm exactly.

Because.... even though their relationship was clearly romantic to them, Aerith wanted to make sure that all their friends knew too? That right? :hmmm:
Right, Right a~nd because no one else knew about it but them so of-course she'd want to be SEEN as lovers as opposed to simply wanting to BE lovers since they have already become lovers now she wants to bee SEEN as such.

Durr, cuz they are lovers. Proven with their magical date in the city of desire. :hal:
Exactly :wacky:

Don't you know? Cloud's heart broke for Zack too *whistles*
I'm not afraid to keep my Pimp hand strong right on your face. :mokken: I'll come in there...
Clerith made canon with that quote :hal:
And backed up with an interview by Nomura himself as well. Where he says the same exact thing, or nearly does.
And ain't it grand? :ohoho:
Its friggin' paradise :hal:
Love. That's what happened.
Did you just hear a Bad Company song?:tehe:


But then we have enigmatic closed up Cloud in AC who isn't calling his friends and such as well as CoT Cloud who in response to a joke being told simply says "That's not possible" and keeping things to him self like saving money on the side, going to the Forgotten City, and living in the Church -- and then there's when Yuffie calls him an Ass and Tifa even says -- Cloud is Cloud -- also another thing Tifa said was he doesn't answer the phone but he doesn't throw it away either -- Like I said he wouldn't slam the door in a friends face but he wouldn't wrangle a get-to-gether either. That says a lot right there. Cloud wasn't ALL made up Hero in FFVII bits of the real him leaked through all the time. Like its been said -- the line "Not interested" can be seen as the REAL Cloud and not the fake Cloud. So, we did get REAL Cloud even before the Lifestream Events.
Cloud is described as an Engima -- and hey! KH is no less a product of SE and Nomura than FFVII. Cloud is still in-character ole Cloud.


I just wanted to post this here to, because its one of the BIGGEST misconceptions in the FFVII fandom. :wacky:
Waitress Girl said:
Right, Right a~nd because no one else knew about it but them so of-course she'd want to be SEEN as lovers as opposed to simply wanting to BE lovers since they have already become lovers now she wants to bee SEEN as such.
You're so right, too. :jess: Aerith is wanting to be SEEN as Lovers. Why would she want that if Cloud and her weren't together romantically? Is she crazy or something? No, of course not. :ffs:

She's not saying "oh, me and Cloud should be lovers" it's saying "maybe then they would be seen as family or lovers..." in relation to being perceived as such. Least that's what I reckon. :hmmm:

Waitress Girl said:
I'm not afraid to keep my Pimp hand strong right on your face. :mokken: I'll come in there...
See how she abuses me :sad3:

Waitress Girl said:
Did you just hear a Bad Company song?:tehe:
Actually--I did. :hal:

Waitress Girl said:
But then we have enigmatic closed up Cloud in AC who isn't calling his friends and such as well as CoT Cloud who in response to a joke being told simply says "That's not possible" and keeping things to him self like saving money on the side, going to the Forgotten City, and living in the Church -- and then there's when Yuffie calls him an Ass and Tifa even says -- Cloud is Cloud -- also another thing Tifa said was he doesn't answer the phone but he doesn't throw it away either -- Like I said he wouldn't slam the door in a friends face but he wouldn't wrangle a get-to-gether either. That says a lot right there. Cloud wasn't ALL made up Hero in FFVII bits of the real him leaked through all the time. Like its been said -- the line "Not interested" can be seen as the REAL Cloud and not the fake Cloud. So, we did get REAL Cloud even before the Lifestream Events.
Cloud is described as an Engima -- and hey! KH is no less a product of SE and Nomura than FFVII. Cloud is still in-character ole Cloud.
So dead on perfect! :ryan:
You're so right, too. :jess: Aerith is wanting to be SEEN as Lovers. Why would she want that if Cloud and her weren't together romantically? Is she crazy or something? No, of course not. :ffs:

She's not saying "oh, me and Cloud should be lovers" it's saying "maybe then they would be seen as family or lovers..." in relation to being perceived as such. Least that's what I reckon. :hmmm:

If she wants to be seen as lovers the first step to that would be; being lovers to begin with, so then everyone could see them as so. And like you said she's not crazy, so yes they are lovers. Not to mention everyone was all giving their condolences to Cloud at her death so maybe Aerith doesn't know they already think of them that way?

Exactly; it more like at last they will be seen that way.

See how she abuses me :sad3:

I wasn't kidding:humph: No snark in this lovely place, I won't have it.

Actually--I did.:hal:
One great mind influences another :ryan:

So dead on perfect! :ryan:

Thank you :busta:
Found this on bloodtypes.

Aeris Bloodtype 0.

Type O:
Type O's are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.

Type O's are the social butterflies. Often popular and self-confident, you are very creative and always seem to be the center of attention. You make a good impression on people and you’re often quite attractive. Organized and determined, your stubbornness will help you reach your goals. You make good leaders. Love wise, O is most compatible with O and AB. Common career choices: banker, politician, gambler, minister, investment broker, and pro athlete. Blood Type O - Tend to be loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. They handle stress better than other blood types and have strong immune systems, a well developed physique and a physically active nature.

Cloud Bloodtype AB.

Type AB:
Type AB's are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.

Type ABs described themselves as emotional, passionate, friendly, trusting and empathetic. Type ABs are considered some of the most interesting of the blood types, both John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were Type ABs and although both are long gone, they hold a place in our national psyche to this day. Not surprisingly, ABs can be quite dualistic, possessing both A and B traits. You may be shy and outgoing, and hesitant and confident. You often stand out from others, don’t like labels, and are nice and easy going. You are logical and determined to do things correctly. Usually trustworthy, you like to help others. You often speak in a serious manner. Your patience, concentration, and intelligence are admirable.

More on love.

People with blood type O fall in love in their first sight easily.
You are always friendly to others, so your crush may not know that he/she is getting a special attention from you.
People with blood type O can't refuse a favor easily.
When your friend asks for your help, you may become a cupid for your friend and his/her crush.
That is okay, but even if your friend likes your crush, you could say "Okay, I'll try to help anyhow." You help sincerely; therefore, it's possible for your friend and his/her crush to go out.


How you love: you can be puzzling and mysterious, but also lively, entertaining and fun. This makes you very attractive, so you’re never short of potential admirers. Partners don’t quite know where they stand with you and this seems to make them try harder. You can get along with any of the other blood types.

So AB's can get along with anybody, that could be a reason why there's a Love Triangle in FF VII. Also the reason why Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie, and Barret are all after him. Though it says that it's not impossible for Aeris and Cloud to be a couple.

Okay you may think that this shows hints towards Cloti too, but alot of people think that Cloud only feels sorry for letting Aerith die, and he only has guilt for her, and this says that no, they actually did have feelings for each other. Because the Japanese believe in the Bloodtype Personality theory, like how we have our Zodiac.
Last edited:
Found this on bloodtypes.

Aeris Bloodtype 0.

Type O:
Type O's are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don't always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.

Type O's are the social butterflies. Often popular and self-confident, you are very creative and always seem to be the center of attention. You make a good impression on people and you’re often quite attractive. Organized and determined, your stubbornness will help you reach your goals. You make good leaders. Love wise, O is most compatible with O and AB. Common career choices: banker, politician, gambler, minister, investment broker, and pro athlete. Blood Type O - Tend to be loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. They handle stress better than other blood types and have strong immune systems, a well developed physique and a physically active nature.

Cloud Bloodtype AB.

Type AB:
Type AB's are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.

Type ABs described themselves as emotional, passionate, friendly, trusting and empathetic. Type ABs are considered some of the most interesting of the blood types, both John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were Type ABs and although both are long gone, they hold a place in our national psyche to this day. Not surprisingly, ABs can be quite dualistic, possessing both A and B traits. You may be shy and outgoing, and hesitant and confident. You often stand out from others, don’t like labels, and are nice and easy going. You are logical and determined to do things correctly. Usually trustworthy, you like to help others. You often speak in a serious manner. Your patience, concentration, and intelligence are admirable.

More on love.

People with blood type O fall in love in their first sight easily.
You are always friendly to others, so your crush may not know that he/she is getting a special attention from you.
People with blood type O can't refuse a favor easily.
When your friend asks for your help, you may become a cupid for your friend and his/her crush.
That is okay, but even if your friend likes your crush, you could say "Okay, I'll try to help anyhow." You help sincerely; therefore, it's possible for your friend and his/her crush to go out.


How you love: you can be puzzling and mysterious, but also lively, entertaining and fun. This makes you very attractive, so you’re never short of potential admirers. Partners don’t quite know where they stand with you and this seems to make them try harder. You can get along with any of the other blood types.

So AB's can get along with anybody, that could be a reason why there's a Love Triangle in FF VII. Also the reason why Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie, and Barret are all after him. Though it says that it's not impossible for Aeris and Cloud to be a couple.

Okay you may think that this shows hints towards Cloti too, but alot of people think that Cloud only feels sorry for letting Aerith die, and he only has guilt for her, and this says that no, they actually did have feelings for each other. Because the Japanese believe in the Bloodtype Personality theory, like how we have our Zodiac.

That's amazing! I had always wondered why in the character manuals they said their bloodtype. It always seemed a bit random to me. But it turns out that it hints to something further :kinky:

Cool blood facts Ninja Yuffie, actually Aerith and Cloud are compatible in the Japanese blood horoscopes too, that makes it even more interesting and cute, thanks for sharing too!

I did their Blood types in the Japanese Blood Horsocopes and Aerith is O(6) and Cloud is AB(7)!
Supporter of justice
Fights against difficulties
Fellow feeling is valuable
Does things at her own pace

Persevering, very patient
Has a strong presence
Being clearheaded; having a keen (sharp, brilliant) mind
Has talent for art
Clouds really matches him I think, except for that "art" part, that's kinda weird to me, since I don't think it really matches Cloud and we've never seen him do anything artsy xD Aerith's is perfect I think, everything matches her so well!:grin:

Another website said this;
Type AB
People with blood type AB are hard to categorize. They can have characteristics on both ends of the spectrum at the same time. For instance, they are both shy and outgoing. They easily switch from one opposite to another. AB people are trustworthy and responsible, but can't handle it when too much is asked of them. They don't mind doing favors or helping out, as long as its on their own conditions. People with this blood type are interested in art and metaphysics.

Type O
People with blood type O people are outgoing, energetic and social. They are the most flexible of the blood types. They easily start up projects but often have trouble following through because they give up easily. They are flighty and not too dependable. O types always say what's on their mind. They value the opinion of others and like to be the center of attention. Also, people with O blood are extremely self-confident.
And Cloud and Aerith are compatible there too :D
A is most compatible with A and AB.
B is most compatible with B and AB.
AB is most compatible with AB, B, A, and O.
O is most compatible with O and AB.


Here's a GIF I made (thanks to Coco's amazing Tutorial :gasp:) Feel free to use it anyone :3

First off, guys. i LOVE the blood info you all are providing. I'm gonna add them to the front page later on. ^_^

Second of all... I am SO in love with your gif, Waitress Girl. You even included my favorite part... where we see Cloud's eyes darting across something, as if he's gazing at Aerith's face taking in all of her.
First off, guys. i LOVE the blood info you all are providing. I'm gonna add them to the front page later on. ^_^

Second of all... I am SO in love with your gif, @Waitress Girl. You even included my favorite part... where we see Cloud's eyes darting across something, as if he's gazing at Aerith's face taking in all of her.

Thanks, I like Clouds eyes there too, you can tell he's in such disbelief to see the woman who changed his life.

I also made this one; I like it much better than my first try, I like the lighting and text better hopefully it looks better too.


That's amazing! I had always wondered why in the character manuals they said their bloodtype. It always seemed a bit random to me. But it turns out that it hints to something further :kinky:

Same here. I thought it was pretty random too, but I guess there really was a reason why SE put it there.
Actually, when you think about it, this kind of goes along with Cait Sith's prediction about Cloud and Aerith being compatible. <3

Anyway, thanks for the blood-type info guys!~

Waitress Girl said:

So pretty! Now your making me want to make a Clerith gif! :gasp:

The scene in Tactics where Cloud saves "aeris" from being raped, do you all find it cute/romantic for Clourith?

(here's the scene in case you don't know it)

Flower Girl: Buy a flower? Only 1 gil.
Cloud: ......
Flower Girl: Something wrong? Do I resemble someone?
Cloud: No...it's nothing.
[Cloud walks away. A Few men appear from the shadows and surround the girl. ]

Flower Girl: W, what...?
Town Knave: I've been looking for you, Aeris... Selling flowers for your mom? Good for you...
Flower Girl: Ten more days.... No, just wait a week, please.
[The town knave grabs the girl by her neck.]
Knave: "Don't mess with me! It's overdue! I'm gonna get my 30000 gil, one way or another!"

Flower Girl: "Let...go of me!"

[The town knave examines the girl.]
Knave: "Hmm, pretty good looking! Oughta try sellin' your body instead of flowers. Heh, heh."

[The knaves starts to laugh.]
Cloud: "Get your hands off her!"

[Cloud appears.]

Knave: "What did you say!?"

Cloud: "Didn't you hear me? Get your dirty hands off her!"

[The town knave takes his hand from the girl's neck and grabs Cloud's shirt.]

Knave: "Who the hell are you? Dressed in funny clothes!"

[Cloud knocks the knave. The knave falls down on the ground. Cloud turns around at the girl.]

Cloud: "Go...now..."

[The girl runs away. The knave stands up.]

Knave: "Bastard, taking me for a fool!"

Cloud: "You want to fight?"

Lemme just say, I actually DO find it romantic. I know Cloud doesn't "know" her, but Cloud obviously felt drawn to her. Even if it's not "her", Cloud felt it was and SE meant for it to be Aerith. I just love that Cloud gets so angry when she's about to be raped. I love how he demands that they get their hands off of Aerith so threateningly, too. I just love how he looks so heroic for Aerith. This scene always reminded me of the Spider-man scene in the first film, when he saves Marry Jane from being rapped and then they kiss. Of course, Cloud didn't get to give her some sugar, but the rest is still there. :ryan:

Seriously, though. Why would SE do this and focus on Aerith so much in this AU for Cloud if he didn't love her?

Just another thing I think proves Cloud and Aerith. :ryan:
So pretty! Now your making me want to make a Clerith gif! :gasp:

@Waitress Girl

I LOVE IT! I wanna use it ^_^

Feel free to :3

The scene in Tactics where Cloud saves "aeris" from being raped, do you all find it cute/romantic for Clourith?

Honestly I'd feel the same if it was a girl who lookexactly like Tifa and was named Tifa; I'd feel like they wanted to show us that Cloud thought it was really her and the emotions he had for her still count I think. That said, I love how even in other realms Cloud/Aerith are always a package in their other appearances. While the women don't even exist :jess: