A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

So agree. Not to mention, Clotis say all the time that Tifa knows CLoud best.... well, if she knows him best and she's saying he's grown fond of her fast, lost a part of himself when he lost her, and is getting jealous of Aerith cuz how Cloud is treating her... safe to say Cloud loves Aerith. :ryan:
Lol what? Why does she keep asking question to cloud then? So much for knowing the guy. Aerith on the other hand, keeps praising cloud and tbh, knows him better than he knows himself. Though to be fair, thats with the help of her powers nya nya.

You literaly just inspired me to write a fanfic like that. :gonk: I need that fanfic link :gonk:

Me too. If Tifa and Cloud's bond has been said to be motherly<->son then just what exactly does that make Cloud and Aerith's bond? :-)kinky:)
Well theres the problem see. Most people ignore than sentence and go straight to when they said aerith is like a mom. Note how they move around your point and try to make one themselves. We arent asking about cloud and aeriths bond, we are asking Cloud and Tifa's maternal bond. Typical response really.

I do love how they move around it even though in the same paragraph, they just described Cloud and Tifa as tifa being the mom and Cloud being like a kid. And then go on to say about the motherly bond.

Yet with Aeriths maternal bond to cloud, which has been said to be different from Tifa, is about how aerith is the mom and cloud being like a kid. Even though that was never stated lol
Wow!! I couldn't believe the club has went on so far 8(
I felt so bad, I had missed so much fun here :cry: But never mind :P I will try hard to keep on with you guy.

I have a question and really want to ask everybody here. May I?

Combine all the events of Cloud and Aerith in FF7 and AC, what do you think about the way Aerith treated Cloud? Is she is his burden? Or a savior? Or something else?
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Combine all the events of Cloud and Aerith in FF7 and AC, what do you think about the way Aerith treated Cloud? Is she is his burden? Or a savior? Or something else?

Neither. She is his best friend, and his lover -- and someone who wants to protect him above all else, very similar to the feelings Cloud has for Aerith. Cloud changed Aeriths life and Aerith likewise did the same, he took her to see the world and most importantly tried to help her find her promised land, now how Aerith treated Cloud, she is protective of him, accepted him for him, and is the only reason he is who he is/his real self today.

She's not his burden that's for damn sure :mokken: But she's not his savior either, but she is precious to him, I know this, and he loves her and forgiveness from her is what he wanted most -- so I don't think that makes her his burden in the least. She's his reason for fighting, his pick-me up, the person he believed knew the real Cloud.
Combine all the events of Cloud and Aerith in FF7 and AC, what do you think about the way Aerith treated Cloud? Is she is his burden? Or a savior? Or something else?

I actually picture her as his savior, but only Cloud sees that. She comes along and his entire attitude changes. He's happier. While, of course, they are also lovers :kinky: , I think that since Aerith was able to see Cloud for who he truly is, and open his hard shell, that she is his savior.:blush:

Marlene and Tifa, two biggest Clourith shippers in the world :ahmed:
Next to me. :mokken:

SE put clever little hints all throughout the game, its kinda funny; that they are over looked because people like to leave out those guys that put it in there; its sort of like everyone calling Cloud and Aerith girlfriend and boyfriend throughout FFVII -- another clever clue :wacky:
:tehe: So true. :tehe:

It's the little hints that really make it, too. :ryan: i always loved how Johnny was all; "You're Tifa's childhood friend and you bring a Girl here!" when he saw Cloud was outside of the honey bee inn with Aerith. or how that wall market guy says to Cloud; "that's a good lookin' heifer you got there" when he's with Aerith. or when the Gold Saucer people call 'em a "couple" :ryan:

Lol what? Why does she keep asking question to cloud then? So much for knowing the guy. Aerith on the other hand, keeps praising cloud and tbh, knows him better than he knows himself. Though to be fair, thats with the help of her powers nya nya.
True, true. :ryan: to be honest, I don't think Cloud and Aerith could have built a "two person world" without knowing each other. :lew:

Now I is sad :sad3:

Well theres the problem see. Most people ignore than sentence and go straight to when they said aerith is like a mom. Note how they move around your point and try to make one themselves. We arent asking about cloud and aeriths bond, we are asking Cloud and Tifa's maternal bond. Typical response really.
Good point. :ohoho:

I do love how they move around it even though in the same paragraph, they just described Cloud and Tifa as tifa being the mom and Cloud being like a kid. And then go on to say about the motherly bond.
Yeah.. let's combine THAT info with the info in CoT where Tifa says she enjoys her mother feelings for Cloud... makes sense Tifa and Cloud have a mother and son bond. :ryan:

Yet with Aeriths maternal bond to cloud, which has been said to be different from Tifa, is about how aerith is the mom and cloud being like a kid. Even though that was never stated lol
Exactly. :ryan:

Loveless Doll, of course you can ask questions! ^_^

Combine all the events of Cloud and Aerith in FF7 and AC, what do you think about the way Aerith treated Cloud? Is she is his burden? Or a savior? Or something else?
Well, she is a burden in a sense. She's dead. There's a gap there, that can't be denied. Of course Cloud will always feel lost and hurt for not having her by his side amongst the living. But I think the positives she provides for Cloud and for his life are much much greater and therefor outweighs any toll the burden of death may have on their relationship.

Going by AC we got to see Cloud struggling with life & death, saw him struggle with guilt, sadness, and loneliness--all in which Aerith healed for him.

-Cloud was sick from geostigma, Aerith healed it.
-Cloud was guilt strickened, Aerith told him she never blamed him
-Cloud was losing against Bahumut until Aerith gave him strength
-Cloud died, Aerith healed him
-Cloud felt sad, Aerith healed that by telling him he shouldn't blame himself
-Cloud felt lonely, Aerith showed him that he's not alone--Cloud's suffering came to a swift stop just by Cloud realizing Aerith was with him

That's not even mentioning all the positives Aerith's done in VII, and the AUs. :mokken:

So, yeah, I think she's a heavy positive in Cloud's life. And no matter how much of a burden death and distance is with them, the fact that they are with each other forever will always prove that Cloud and Aerith will surpass that burden and carry on with their love for all of eternity.

But how Aerith treated Cloud? Spot on exactly how he should have been treated. She made him laugh, smile, relax, and yes, even begin to care for the planet and others. That alone proves how much of a positive impact Aerith had on Cloud's life. She taught him how to care, how to love, how to be happy... she even gave him strength.

*gushing* now i'm all in the mood to write fanfictions. :blush:

Waitress Girl said:
Neither. She is his best friend, and his lover -- and someone who wants to protect him above all else, very similar to the feelings Cloud has for Aerith.
:gonk: omg, that is... it just made my fangirl day. You're so right. :gonk:

Waitress Girl said:
Cloud changed Aeriths life and Aerith likewise did the same, he took her to see the world and most importantly tried to help her find her promised land, now how Aerith treated Cloud, she is protective of him, accepted him for him, and is the only reason he is who he is/his real self today.
You read my mind and worded it better than I ever could have done. :gonk: You're so right. Cloud showed her the whole world and Aerith showed him love. (I'm getting reminded of Aladdin's quote "I can show you the world" :lew:

Waitress Girl said:
She's not his burden that's for damn sure :mokken: But she's not his savior either, but she is precious to him, I know this, and he loves her and forgiveness from her is what he wanted most -- so I don't think that makes her his burden in the least. She's his reason for fighting, his pick-me up, the person he believed knew the real Cloud.

You're right. I don't think she can be his burden if Cloud wanted her forgiveness more than anything else. She is definitely his reason to fight, too. (just look at the hand reach scene :lew:) and oh my word! i agree completely about Cloud believing Aerith knew who he was. :gonk:

marlena said:
I actually picture her as his savior, but only Cloud sees that. She comes along and his entire attitude changes. He's happier.
Definitely. :ryan:
marlena said:
While, of course, they are also lovers :kinky:
but of course :ohoho:

marlena said:
I think that since Aerith was able to see Cloud for who he truly is, and open his hard shell, that she is his savior.:blush:
In a way, yus. ^_^
Holy mac n cheese... guys look at this quote from DISMANTLED.

Page 164 translated by someone named Hitosura:

[Aerith: Inside Cloud's dream before she leaves]
"Cloud... can you hear me?
I'm talking to your heart while you sleep right now. I hope this reaches you okay, like when I hear the voice from the planet.

Sephiroth is trying to summon Meteor using the Black Materia... He's trying to wound the planet badly. If Meteor really does fall, then everyone's going to die. People, animals, flowers... The life on this planet will disappear completely. The only one who can stop it is the last surviving Cetra. Me. I realize that. That was the duty of the Cetra.

So, leave Meteor to me. You just think about yourself, Cloud. Remember your own ways... so you don't have a breakdown. Well, I'm off. When it's all over, we can meet each other again.

Oh, Cloud... I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I'll never forget it.

I'll never forget you, Cloud..."


Does anyone get the vibe from that last line that Aerith felt she was going to die? 8( Also... they speak of the date in a canon scene *happy dance* this totally proves Aerith was the one he went on a date with.
Also. I fangirled at the "I'm talking to your heart" quote:tard:
Waitress Girl,
Neither. She is his best friend, and his lover -- and someone who wants to protect him above all else, very similar to the feelings Cloud has for Aerith. Cloud changed Aeriths life and Aerith likewise did the same, he took her to see the world and most importantly tried to help her find her promised land, now how Aerith treated Cloud, she is protective of him, accepted him for him, and is the only reason he is who he is/his real self today.

Nice answer Waitress Girl :ryan: I completely agree with that ^_^

She's not his burden that's for damn sure :mokken: But she's not his savior either, but she is precious to him, I know this, and he loves her and forgiveness from her is what he wanted most -- so I don't think that makes her his burden in the least. She's his reason for fighting, his pick-me up, the person he believed knew the real Cloud.

I knew she isn't. Still, when I debate LTD of FF7 with my cousin, he said Aerith is Cloud's burden without a second thought :mad: Despite the fact that she is the one who has helped Cloud to live on, and so does all the positives she has done.

I actually picture her as his savior, but only Cloud sees that. She comes along and his entire attitude changes. He's happier.

Yeah, I have the same think too. In some way, Aerith is Cloud's savior. Like everytime I think about Cloud dying scene in AC (the scene where he had been shot by Kajai's brother), if not for Aerith, Cloud would have become a history for sure :ryan:

So, yeah, I think she's a heavy positive in Cloud's life. And no matter how much of a burden death and distance is with them, the fact that they are with each other forever will always prove that Cloud and Aerith will surpass that burden and carry on with their love for all of eternity.

But how Aerith treated Cloud? Spot on exactly how he should have been treated. She made him laugh, smile, relax, and yes, even begin to care for the planet and others. That alone proves how much of a positive impact Aerith had on Cloud's life. She taught him how to care, how to love, how to be happy... she even gave him strength.

Wow. Nice answer. I couldn't said it better. Your answer just made my Clerith day; I loved it >_<

now i'm all in the mood to write fanfictions

Now, i'm really looking forward to read it :britt:

[Aerith: Inside Cloud's dream before she leaves]
"Cloud... can you hear me?
I'm talking to your heart while you sleep right now. I hope this reaches you okay, like when I hear the voice from the planet.

Sephiroth is trying to summon Meteor using the Black Materia... He's trying to wound the planet badly. If Meteor really does fall, then everyone's going to die. People, animals, flowers... The life on this planet will disappear completely. The only one who can stop it is the last surviving Cetra. Me. I realize that. That was the duty of the Cetra.

So, leave Meteor to me. You just think about yourself, Cloud. Remember your own ways... so you don't have a breakdown. Well, I'm off. When it's all over, we can meet each other again.

Oh, Cloud... I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I'll never forget it.

I'll never forget you, Cloud..."

OH MY GOD!!!!! I NEVER see those before! :gasp:
Where did you find it? That quote just made my Clerith day better than ever! Now that we could have another prove for Clerith love :ohoho: (Aerith definately is Cloud's date now, isn't she??)
Loveless Doll said:
Wow. Nice answer. I couldn't said it better. Your answer just made my Clerith day; I loved it >_<
Glad to have done so. ^_^

Loveless Doll said:
Now, i'm really looking forward to read it :britt:
Lol, don't be. I write terribly :lew:

OH MY GOD!!!!! I NEVER see those before! :gasp:
Where did you find it? That quote just made my Clerith day better than ever! Now that we could have another prove for Clerith love :ohoho: (Aerith definately is Cloud's date now, isn't she??)
It's from a book released in 1997 called DISMANTLED. Yes, this DEFINITELY proves Aerith is Cloud's date. :ryan: Ain't it awesome <333
[Aerith: Inside Cloud's dream before she leaves]
"Cloud... can you hear me?
I'm talking to your heart while you sleep right now. I hope this reaches you okay, like when I hear the voice from the planet.

Sephiroth is trying to summon Meteor using the Black Materia... He's trying to wound the planet badly. If Meteor really does fall, then everyone's going to die. People, animals, flowers... The life on this planet will disappear completely. The only one who can stop it is the last surviving Cetra. Me. I realize that. That was the duty of the Cetra.

So, leave Meteor to me. You just think about yourself, Cloud. Remember your own ways... so you don't have a breakdown. Well, I'm off. When it's all over, we can meet each other again.

Oh, Cloud... I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I'll never forget it.

I'll never forget you, Cloud..."


Aerith remembers her date with Cloud! This is even more proof that Cloud and Aerith's date was the canon date! Also, the last few lines were sad ("I'll never forget it. I'll never forget you, Cloud..."). :sad3:
By the way, was this a recently translated quote from DISMANTLED?


[Aerith: Inside Cloud's dream before she leaves]
"Cloud... can you hear me?
I'm talking to your heart while you sleep right now. I hope this reaches you okay, like when I hear the voice from the planet.

Sephiroth is trying to summon Meteor using the Black Materia... He's trying to wound the planet badly. If Meteor really does fall, then everyone's going to die. People, animals, flowers... The life on this planet will disappear completely. The only one who can stop it is the last surviving Cetra. Me. I realize that. That was the duty of the Cetra.

So, leave Meteor to me. You just think about yourself, Cloud. Remember your own ways... so you don't have a breakdown. Well, I'm off. When it's all over, we can meet each other again.

Oh, Cloud... I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I'll never forget it.

I'll never forget you, Cloud..."


Does anyone get the vibe from that last line that Aerith felt she was going to die?
8( Also... they speak of the date in a canon scene *happy dance* this totally proves Aerith was the one he went on a date with.
Also. I fangirled at the "
I'm talking to your heart" quote:tard:

Oh my gosh...it does! Aerith...so brave...*sheds a tear*

I just realized that, reading through all these messages and proofs of their love, I really want a remake :mokken:

I could so picture this scene in HD, Aerith hopping around, and then saying " I'm talking to your heart" :-)tard:) Oh it would be glorious.
Combine all the events of Cloud and Aerith in FF7 and AC, what do you think about the way Aerith treated Cloud? Is she is his burden? Or a savior? Or something else?

Both. Cali here basically stole everything i was going to say ( DAMN HER RAWR ). She is both a "burden" and a "saviour" but not in the way most people think. She only became a burden, something heavy, something that affected someone in a negative way. When she DIED.

Everyone around her, i do not speak of only Cloud, became depressed. They all miss her, and im pretty sure they all suffer some form of guilt. They may not be as severe as Cloud but, her being dead all impacted their lives in a negative way.

She is now a burden in the fact that she was the one that kept the group all cheerful when she was alive. She was the one that always tried to look at the positive thing and made sure everyone was happy. Now she's gone, they've all slumped out.

The "burden" that cloud feels in his heart was caused by Aerith's death. Not aerith herself, but what befalls her. He feels this great burden which we all see, and explained greatly in cot, that he feels there is actually no point of living. In Cot it clealry explains that Cloud went to aerith's church ( why? ), well tifa tells you in AC, he went there to die. He just wanted to wait there and die. The burden and pain was too much that he'd rather join her.

However, she is also their saviour. In many ways than one. She saved them in the physical sense. Holy, geostigma, bring them back to life ( cloud in AC ), the works. Without her, IMO Cloud would have died and the game would have sucked.

She saved Cloud's mind. Without her, Tifa would not have been able to proceed with the lifestream scene. She protected Tifa's mind from being poisoned by the lifestream, which helped her retain her own memories. Which in turn helped Cloud.

She saved Cloud from the lifestream AGAIN in the ending of FFVII. If she didnt pull him back out of there, we would see the remains of the buster sword in the northern crater.

She saved Cloud from dying a miserable death of lonelyness by forgiving him, and showing him that he must forgive himself. She believed in his strength to do this.

She saved Cloud from Geostigma itself. Even if Cloud was able to forgive himself, without her healing touch that removed the disease. He'd still have died a horrid death.

She saved Cloud after he gets shot several times by Loz and Yazoo. Again, without her, Cloud would have been in the lifestream already.

And then finally, she gives him peace of mind. She returns not in a physical form but in a spiritual form, that cloud can be with. She resides in his heart and soul watching over him, and giving him advice when he needs it.

And yeah, i basically rambled on lolz

True, true. :ryan: to be honest, I don't think Cloud and Aerith could have built a "two person world" without knowing each other. :lew:
Whats fascinating is the fact clotis like to say that Cloud and Aerith didnt know each other for very long. If thats so, then it just means even more they were attracted to each other ( whether romantically or not ) in a shorter time than he was with Tifa. Burning themselves much? lol

Yeah.. let's combine THAT info with the info in CoT where Tifa says she enjoys her mother feelings for Cloud... makes sense Tifa and Cloud have a mother and son bond. :ryan:
Shes moving on. So should her fans.

Holy mac n cheese... guys look at this quote from DISMANTLED.

Page 164 translated by someone named Hitosura:

[Aerith: Inside Cloud's dream before she leaves]
"Cloud... can you hear me?
I'm talking to your heart while you sleep right now. I hope this reaches you okay, like when I hear the voice from the planet.

Sephiroth is trying to summon Meteor using the Black Materia... He's trying to wound the planet badly. If Meteor really does fall, then everyone's going to die. People, animals, flowers... The life on this planet will disappear completely. The only one who can stop it is the last surviving Cetra. Me. I realize that. That was the duty of the Cetra.

So, leave Meteor to me. You just think about yourself, Cloud. Remember your own ways... so you don't have a breakdown. Well, I'm off. When it's all over, we can meet each other again.

Oh, Cloud... I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I'll never forget it.

I'll never forget you, Cloud..."


Does anyone get the vibe from that last line that Aerith felt she was going to die? 8( Also... they speak of the date in a canon scene *happy dance* this totally proves Aerith was the one he went on a date with.
Also. I fangirled at the "I'm talking to your heart" quote:tard:
You already know my answer to this lolz

The first highlighted quote clearly shows that Aerith was already residing in Cloud's soul and heart even before she died. Its actually not a far fetched idea since afterwards in the Forgotten City, Cloud mentions twice that he can feel aerith's presence and that he feels it in his soul. How does he know shes there? He doesnt know, he doesnt see her, shes too far. But his soul says otherwise. They are already linked together even before her death. Which just tells me that its their bond, which is different from tifa and clouds, allows them to find each other and speak with each other, without being physically there. Soul mates anyone?

As for the second highlighted quote. Even without it, the clorith date was canon. The fact it was mentioned to begin with in the game, makes the players aware that sometime in the game, you will go out with Aerith. Whether you get someone else isnt the point. You are EXPECTING it to happen. Making it part of the canon storyline. But that quote just makes that even more clear that it did happen.


Aerith remembers her date with Cloud! This is even more proof that Cloud and Aerith's date was the canon date! Also, the last few lines were sad ("I'll never forget it. I'll never forget you, Cloud..."). :sad3:
By the way, was this a recently translated quote from DISMANTLED?
No, this quote was from 1997. Back when there was no LT wars. Its as unbiased as you can get.

The thing is, this is what they call a canon "outcome". A result of an optional scene, which makes it canon. Whats fascinating is, there is no such outcome for the HW scenes.

Some can argue the HAHW scene was mentioned lots which makes it canon but, its just mentioned so what? The clorith date is mentioned just as much if not more. And there is always a note stating there are different versions. There is no recollection in which a character ( cloud or tifa ) mentions the HAHW or the LAHW scene. Which to me means there is no canon outcome for the scene.

TBH i just think its a filler for those who like tifa better than aerith.

Oh my gosh...it does! Aerith...so brave...*sheds a tear*

I just realized that, reading through all these messages and proofs of their love, I really want a remake :mokken:

I could so picture this scene in HD, Aerith hopping around, and then saying " I'm talking to your heart" :-)tard:) Oh it would be glorious.
Me too :tard: Just seeing Cloud and Aerith in that forest would be so cute :gonk:


Aerith remembers her date with Cloud! This is even more proof that Cloud and Aerith's date was the canon date! Also, the last few lines were sad ("I'll never forget it. I'll never forget you, Cloud..."). :sad3:
By the way, was this a recently translated quote from DISMANTLED?
Yeah, it was... kinda. :wacky: I think it's great evidence to support CxA date :jess:

Kaleta said:
The "burden" that cloud feels in his heart was caused by Aerith's death. Not aerith herself, but what befalls her. He feels this great burden which we all see, and explained greatly in cot, that he feels there is actually no point of living. In Cot it clealry explains that Cloud went to aerith's church ( why? ), well tifa tells you in AC, he went there to die. He just wanted to wait there and die. The burden and pain was too much that he'd rather join her.

My word. You worded that perfectly.

Kaleta said:
She saved Cloud's mind. Without her, Tifa would not have been able to proceed with the lifestream scene. She protected Tifa's mind from being poisoned by the lifestream, which helped her retain her own memories. Which in turn helped Cloud.

She saved Cloud from the lifestream AGAIN in the ending of FFVII. If she didnt pull him back out of there, we would see the remains of the buster sword in the northern crater.

She saved Cloud from dying a miserable death of lonelyness by forgiving him, and showing him that he must forgive himself. She believed in his strength to do this.

She saved Cloud from Geostigma itself. Even if Cloud was able to forgive himself, without her healing touch that removed the disease. He'd still have died a horrid death.

She saved Cloud after he gets shot several times by Loz and Yazoo. Again, without her, Cloud would have been in the lifestream already.

And then finally, she gives him peace of mind. She returns not in a physical form but in a spiritual form, that cloud can be with. She resides in his heart and soul watching over him, and giving him advice when he needs it.

And yeah, i basically rambled on lolz
QFT. And THIS gets added to the front page. ^_^

Kaleta said:
Whats fascinating is the fact clotis like to say that Cloud and Aerith didnt know each other for very long. If thats so, then it just means even more they were attracted to each other ( whether romantically or not ) in a shorter time than he was with Tifa. Burning themselves much? lol
Yup. :lew: Cloud supposedly didn't know Aerith and Aerith supposedly didn't know Cloud.. in yet he allows her death to throw him into depression so much so that he ends up wanting to die just to not feel pain anymore or to feel lonely without her.

Kaleta said:
The first highlighted quote clearly shows that Aerith was already residing in Cloud's soul and heart even before she died.
Its actually not a far fetched idea since afterwards in the Forgotten City, Cloud mentions twice that he can feel aerith's presence and that he feels it in his soul. How does he know shes there? He doesnt know, he doesnt see her, shes too far. But his soul says otherwise. They are already linked together even before her death. Which just tells me that its their bond, which is different from tifa and clouds, allows them to find each other and speak with each other, without being physically there. Soul mates anyone?
Ah-greed, there! :yay: Seriously, how could Cloud hear and feel her in his soul if he wasn't tied to her by the soul? Same for Aerith. This whole quote of yours completely proves that Cloud and Aerith are soul mates. I know if there was a quote like this for C/T I'd be worried. :lew:

Kaleta said:

As for the second highlighted quote. Even without it, the clorith date was canon. The fact it was mentioned to begin with in the game, makes the players aware that sometime in the game, you will go out with Aerith. Whether you get someone else isnt the point. You are EXPECTING it to happen. Making it part of the canon storyline. But that quote just makes that even more clear that it did happen.
Yes! Exactly. Even if the player doesn't get the date, we're expected to just by going with the story.

Kaleta said:
No, this quote was from 1997. Back when there was no LT wars. Its as unbiased as you can get.

Kaleta said:
The thing is, this is what they call a canon "outcome". A result of an optional scene, which makes it canon. Whats fascinating is, there is no such outcome for the HW scenes.
Even greater point brought up, Val. If there was one for the HW scene they should just bring it up or stop claiming the HW scene to have a canon outcome. :mokken:

Kaleta said:
Some can argue the HAHW scene was mentioned lots which makes it canon but, its just mentioned so what? The clorith date is mentioned just as much if not more. And there is always a note stating there are different versions. There is no recollection in which a character ( cloud or tifa ) mentions the HAHW or the LAHW scene. Which to me means there is no canon outcome for the scene.

TBH i just think its a filler for those who like tifa better than aerith.
I completely agree. Until they get one it's got no canon version. But in my opinion, if the date is canon why wouldn't the LAHW scene be canon, too? I don't think SE would make both Aerith's date and the HAHW scene canon at the same time. I don't personally think both can coexist alongside each other in the story. but that's just me. :lew:
Holy mac n cheese... guys look at this quote from DISMANTLED.

Page 164 translated by someone named Hitosura:

[Aerith: Inside Cloud's dream before she leaves]
"Cloud... can you hear me?
I'm talking to your heart while you sleep right now. I hope this reaches you okay, like when I hear the voice from the planet.

Sephiroth is trying to summon Meteor using the Black Materia... He's trying to wound the planet badly. If Meteor really does fall, then everyone's going to die. People, animals, flowers... The life on this planet will disappear completely. The only one who can stop it is the last surviving Cetra. Me. I realize that. That was the duty of the Cetra.

So, leave Meteor to me. You just think about yourself, Cloud. Remember your own ways... so you don't have a breakdown. Well, I'm off. When it's all over, we can meet each other again.

Oh, Cloud... I enjoyed our date at the Gold Saucer. The view from the gondola that night was really beautiful. I'll never forget it.

I'll never forget you, Cloud..."


Does anyone get the vibe from that last line that Aerith felt she was going to die? 8( Also... they speak of the date in a canon scene *happy dance* this totally proves Aerith was the one he went on a date with.
Also. I fangirled at the "I'm talking to your heart" quote:tard:
Oh my goodness, this only proves more that her and Cloud are connected in special way; a bond no one else even comes close to having with Cloud :yay:

Well, if she's engraved in his heart why can't she talk to it? Oh, we are so spoiled by SE and the FF team :wacky:

Also; OMG Cloud will never forget he rand Aerith will never forget him, its so cute how so many of their feelings are mutual on everything they say :3

I was going to post the EXACT SAME thing, this only proves more that she knew she was going to die, I knew I wasn't wrong >.>; not to mention Maiden basically says she knew as well, also the creators called her death a "Sacrifice". This whole thing she's saying she sound so sad, and then she reminisces on her and Clouds date sadly; and tells him she'll never forget him.

And also Aerith speaks of a Cetra's "duty" what is that exactly?

@Waitress Girl,

Nice answer Waitress Girl :ryan: I completely agree with that ^_^

I knew she isn't. Still, when I debate LTD of FF7 with my cousin, he said Aerith is Cloud's burden without a second thought :mad: Despite the fact that she is the one who has helped Cloud to live on, and so does all the positives she has done.

Thank you :) That's everyone who opposes Clerith's first detractor for Aerith and Cloud being in love; that she's a burden to him, well Cloud doesn't see it that way -- so to insist on the subject is pretty silly imo >.<

If she's a burden to Cloud and nothing more how come only SHE was able to stop him from "suffering in loneliness"?

You read my mind and worded it better than I ever could have done. :gonk: You're so right. Cloud showed her the whole world and Aerith showed him love. (I'm getting reminded of Aladdin's quote "I can show you the world" :lew:

You're right. I don't think she can be his burden if Cloud wanted her forgiveness more than anything else. She is definitely his reason to fight, too. (just look at the hand reach scene :lew:) and oh my word! i agree completely about Cloud believing Aerith knew who he was.:gonk:

And so many other things; in FFVII he solely went on because of Aerith death had happened and afterwards "above all else" to unfreeze Aeriths smile. All Cloud could talk about was Aerith while they fought Sephiroth and then afterwards; even more so -- saying he could go and meet her in the Promised Land.

And isn't it stange? Cloud and Aerith do so, twice in AC, once in their white flowered promised land and then again at the end of AC in Clouds promised land; His and Aeriths Church. -- which is when he stops suffering in loneliness.

Yeah, burden...okay. :mokken: I'm sorry but isn't "Edge" another word for "Limbo"? :mokken:

Kaleta said:
She saved Cloud's mind. Without her, Tifa would not have been able to proceed with the lifestream scene. She protected Tifa's mind from being poisoned by the lifestream, which helped her retain her own memories. Which in turn helped Cloud.

She saved Cloud from the lifestream AGAIN in the ending of FFVII. If she didnt pull him back out of there, we would see the remains of the buster sword in the northern crater.

She saved Cloud from dying a miserable death of lonelyness by forgiving him, and showing him that he must forgive himself. She believed in his strength to do this.

She saved Cloud from Geostigma itself. Even if Cloud was able to forgive himself, without her healing touch that removed the disease. He'd still have died a horrid death.

She saved Cloud after he gets shot several times by Loz and Yazoo. Again, without her, Cloud would have been in the lifestream already.

And then finally, she gives him peace of mind. She returns not in a physical form but in a spiritual form, that cloud can be with. She resides in his heart and soul watching over him, and giving him advice when he needs it.

And yeah, i basically rambled on lolz

This. So much this. This was damn beautiful. So its safe to say; without Aerith there would be no AC and no Cloud for that matter? Yeah, Aerith Cloud's burden alright -- because the guy wanted to be in the promised land with her :mokken:

I loved this so much. Great post Kaleta. :)

The first highlighted quote clearly shows that Aerith was already residing in Cloud's soul and heart even before she died.
Its actually not a far fetched idea since afterwards in the Forgotten City, Cloud mentions twice that he can feel aerith's presence and that he feels it in his soul. How does he know shes there? He doesnt know, he doesnt see her, shes too far. But his soul says otherwise. They are already linked together even before her death. Which just tells me that its their bond, which is different from tifa and clouds, allows them to find each other and speak with each other, without being physically there. Soul mates anyone?

You just absolutely reminded me of another one of my OTPs. :( This was beautiful, this is all so amazingly put together and thought out! So Aerith and Cloud are connected by the soul?

Also...Red ribbon of fate much? :ryan:
Oh my goodness, this only proves more that her and Cloud are connected in special way; a bond no one else even comes close to having with Cloud :yay:
I so agree :tehe:

Well, if she's engraved in his heart why can't she talk to it?
I guess you have a point there. I guess I'm just flabberstounded when I see that we're so fortunate enough to not only have it confirmed that Cloud has her engraved in his heart but also they are connected by the heart. :ryan:

Oh, we are so spoiled by SE and the FF team :wacky:
That we are. :britt:

Also; OMG Cloud will never forget he rand Aerith will never forget him, its so cute how so many of their feelings are mutual on everything they say :3
I know. :gonk: It's so sweet to know that Cloud and Aerith will never forget each other. But what I love about it most is that it reminds me of Titanic when Rosa tells Jack she'll never forget him. Like you said, it's great seeing mutual feelings between them. :ryan:

I was going to post the EXACT SAME thing, this only proves more that she knew she was going to die, I knew I wasn't wrong >.>; not to mention Maiden basically says she knew as well, also the creators called her death a "Sacrifice". This whole thing she's saying she sound so sad, and then she reminisces on her and Clouds date sadly; and tells him she'll never forget him.
Exactly. I don't think she'd act so sadly if she wasn't prepared to die... especially if she didn't know she was going to die. :gonk: The last line where she tells him she'll never forget him... that to me just hit at home. I mean I almost cried. Just thinking about Aerith standing in front of him, their eyes locked, then have her tell him sadly that she'll never forget him. That must have been so gutwrenching to hear for Cloud. he must have been not only confused but worried as to why she was acting so strangely... as if she knew this was the last time they'd have together. Add this up to when Cloud said Aerith knew what she had to do, it all makes perfect sense that Aerith was always planning on dying. :gonk:

And also Aerith speaks of a Cetra's "duty" what is that exactly?
I'm guessing dying. Since all the past cetra died for a cause. Her mother certainly did... and now, so did Aerith. :'(

Thank you :) That's everyone who opposes Clerith's first detractor for Aerith and Cloud being in love; that she's a burden to him, well Cloud doesn't see it that way -- so to insist on the subject is pretty silly imo >.<

If she's a burden to Cloud and nothing more how come only SHE was able to stop him from "suffering in loneliness"?
Gawd, that is so true. :ryan: If Cloud doesn't see her as a burden people shouldn't say she is. And I agree. What burden makes someone's suffering in loneliness come to an end? :ffs:

And so many other things; in FFVII he solely went on because of Aerith death had happened and afterwards "above all else" to unfreeze Aeriths smile. All Cloud could talk about was Aerith while they fought Sephiroth and then afterwards; even more so -- saying he could go and meet her in the Promised Land.
Brava! Excellent point, WG. I'm not sure what else to add cuz you already said it all so perfectly. So I guess I should just say thank you for wording it the best possible way a person could. :ryan: You're right. Aerith was the reason he even joined AVALANCHE. Aerith was the reason he had to keep going. And Aerith was all he could think of after the battle with Sephiroth. I mean, the first thing he says to Tifa after she just about died was... "I think I can meet her(Aerith) in the promised land"

the guy had a one tract mind frame for Aerith. :wacky:

Yeah, burden...okay. :mokken: I'm sorry but isn't "Edge" another word for "Limbo"? :mokken:
Yup. Very interesting if you ask me. *whistles*

Yeah, Aerith Cloud's burden alright -- because the guy wanted to be in the promised land with her :mokken:
agreed. :ryan:

So Aerith and Cloud are connected by the soul?
Dur. :hal:

Also...Red ribbon of fate much? :ryan:
QFT. And THIS gets added to the front page. ^_^
Ahaha im going to take it over!

Yup. :lew: Cloud supposedly didn't know Aerith and Aerith supposedly didn't know Cloud.. in yet he allows her death to throw him into depression so much so that he ends up wanting to die just to not feel pain anymore or to feel lonely without her.
Not only that, this so called "short" time spent with them. And Cloud still remembers her 3 years after. On top of that, SE keeps mentioning how he will never forget her, engraved in his heart, and lives in his soul. So time = what again? :3

Ah-greed, there! :yay: Seriously, how could Cloud hear and feel her in his soul if he wasn't tied to her by the soul? Same for Aerith. This whole quote of yours completely proves that Cloud and Aerith are soul mates. I know if there was a quote like this for C/T I'd be worried. :lew:

Yes! Exactly. Even if the player doesn't get the date, we're expected to just by going with the story.
I always see it as this;

1.) One main canon storyline, non optional scenes
2.) Storyline that includes only optional scenes which favours Aerith
3.) Storyline that includes only the optional scenes which favours Tifa

The date scene is part of the 1 as its non optional.

The variations of the date is part of the 2 and 3. And the outcome of aerith remembering in dismantled is part of 1 as its in the dream sequence which makes it non optional that she remembers.

Even greater point brought up, Val. If there was one for the HW scene they should just bring it up or stop claiming the HW scene to have a canon outcome. :mokken:
There is no outcome for the HW scene. Even if you dont use the words "canon" there is absolutely no outcome for the LA or the HW scene. Everything you see in those scenes you already know from the lifestream scene. The variations of the HW scene are about their recollection of the lifestream scene thus meaning, its really not that important what they say.

Unless you are a cloti and believe they had sex, which was probably terrible since its never brought up by either characters. And not worth SE's time to even add a tid bit about how it "could" have happened. Unlike you know ... the date scene *rolls eyes*

I completely agree. Until they get one it's got no canon version. But in my opinion, if the date is canon why wouldn't the LAHW scene be canon, too? I don't think SE would make both Aerith's date and the HAHW scene canon at the same time. I don't personally think both can coexist alongside each other in the story. but that's just me. :lew:
Exactly. They cannot co exist along side each other as its called an LT. Cloud cannot love both women in the same way, and make that choice canon. Whats canon is that he isnt even aware of their feelings and thus is single. Whats intepretation is who he could have "secretly" had feelings for that he himself didnt know about.

The LT options in the game were made to allow the players to "ADD" to the canon storyline to favour whichever girl they like best. How can a system like that favour both at the same time? It makes no sense.

This. So much this. This was damn beautiful. So its safe to say; without Aerith there would be no AC and no Cloud for that matter? Yeah, Aerith Cloud's burden alright -- because the guy wanted to be in the promised land with her :mokken:

I loved this so much. Great post Kaleta. :)
No problem >3

Basically, no aerith means no cloud. Its simple as. IF ther was no aerith and there was only tifa. Cloud would have died in disk one when he fell from the plate. As no aerith means no flowers to break his fall.

If we go back even further. At the end of CC in which Zack helps cloud get away and they try to go to Aerith. If she was never made, whose to say that Cloud wouldnt have been gunned to death either?

I also remember a quote from SE in which stated that with the addition of Aerith in the game (KH), Cloud's story was expanded even more. See how they keep completing each others purpose?

You just absolutely reminded me of another one of my OTPs. :( This was beautiful, this is all so amazingly put together and thought out! So Aerith and Cloud are connected by the soul?

Also...Red ribbon of fate much? :ryan:
Ohhh which one?

And yeah, the first time i heard it, i also thought of the red ribbon of fate. I like how they made aeith have a ribbon hurr <3

Kaleta said:
Not only that, this so called "short" time spent with them. And Cloud still remembers her 3 years after. On top of that, SE keeps mentioning how he will never forget her, engraved in his heart, and lives in his soul. So time = what again? :3
Irrelevant. :awesome:
Kaleta said:
Gawd! how could we have forgotten that. :ffs: :-)wacky:)

Kaleta said:
I always see it as this;

1.) One main canon storyline, non optional scenes
2.) Storyline that includes only optional scenes which favours Aerith
3.) Storyline that includes only the optional scenes which favours Tifa

The date scene is part of the 1 as its non optional.

The variations of the date is part of the 2 and 3. And the outcome of aerith remembering in dismantled is part of 1 as its in the dream sequence which makes it non optional that she remembers.
Perfect explanation. The dream scene doesn't have other outcomes. If in it's ONE canon outcome Aerith recalls the date that has to mean it happened in the canon story, too.

Kaleta said:
There is no outcome for the HW scene. Even if you dont use the words "canon" there is absolutely no outcome for the LA or the HW scene. Everything you see in those scenes you already know from the lifestream scene. The variations of the HW scene are about their recollection of the lifestream scene thus meaning, its really not that important what they say.
Bloody brilliant, Val. <33
Kaleta said:
Unless you are a cloti and believe they had sex, which was probably terrible since its never brought up by either characters. And not worth SE's time to even add a tid bit about how it "could" have happened. Unlike you know ... the date scene *rolls eyes*
Good point. *whistles*
Kaleta said:
The LT options in the game were made to allow the players to "ADD" to the canon storyline to favour whichever girl they like best. How can a system like that favour both at the same time? It makes no sense.
Just can't happen in my opinion. :hmmm: I don't understand how Cloud could have magically night with Aerith in the city of desire... but also supposedly "sex" with Tifa under the highwind.


Despite my gut telling me to give up on writing I decided to write a one shot... again. I know I'm not the best of writers but I enjoy doing it and I love doing it for CloudxAerith. So, I wrote this:

FANFICTION: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7130985/1/Sweat
word count: 1,513
Rated: T
Summary: this was written for Alan Bate's CloudxAerith 102 theme challenge over at the CxA forums. Aerith's POV. FLUFFY. I hope you enjoyed it.

There he was. Kneeling there before her. He appeared a bit worn out, dirt covering his clothes, face and the exposed skin of his toned arms. She wasn't sure how it happened but out of nowhere a wild monster came to attack her when she was trying to catch her breath for a few moments. And before she could even bat an eyelash he came to her rescue, swooping in as quick as ever to protect her without any hesitance at all. His battle had left him in a state of, not weakness, but a state of being a bit drained. It wasn't as if the monster was something he couldn't handle, he had proved to her many a time that he could more than handle a few wild beasts they encountered on their journey—it was more from the fact that no one in their group had gotten any rest for days. They were even running low on water. And on top of that, AVALANCHE seemed to have found themselves traveling through vast plains during one of its hottest summers.

She was sitting on the grassy ground, her bodyguard kneeling beside her. "You okay?" he questioned as he looked over her form, making sure she had not gotten hurt in the battle that just took place. She would have answered immediately; however, he was so close she couldn't help but fall into a daze as his Mediterranean blue eyes gazed at her with such concern and care that she wasn't able to reply. She felt her heart flutter at the gentle expression across his usually stern face. It was always so sweet to see him so concerned… it was a rare sight for him to display this type of emotion. In a matter of fact, the entire time she knew him he only ever displayed such an emotion only a few times—all which coincidentally revolved around her—so seeing his usually calm, cool, and collected attitude wither into such emotions was something Aerith knew not to take for granted. And although she hated worrying him, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness seeing how much he cared for her. She knew she should answer his question but she was still just too mesmerized by him. She couldn't help but notice the dirt splotches across his handsome face. And somehow, Aerith's curious eyes had somehow wondered to his muscled arms. Wide eyed, she peered at the muscles of his bicep that were still flexed from the battle. His naturally golden skin glistened in the sunlight as the sun beat down on the beads of perspiration across his toned arms. Suddenly, Aerith felt her cheeks blush as she soaked in his handsome image before moving her gaze to her lap.

He asked her again, placing his hand under her chin as his hand gently but firmly lifted her face upwards to look at him. Aerith felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter as she took in the touch of his hand against her chin. When their gazes met, the soft look in his eyes nearly made her faint. Before she could even open her mouth to answer she suddenly felt a surge of pain in her ankle. She saw Cloud's expression grow worrisome as he noticed her face grow pained.

"What is it?" he questioned, a sense of strong concern racking his voice.

"N-n-nothing. It's just my ankle—"

Without wasting a moment's time, she felt Cloud lift her foot in his hand, sliding off her brown boot to further examine what was causing her such pain. She was a little stunned when she felt his hand gently cup the heel of her foot, allowing him to feel around her ankle to determine whether or not it was a serious injury. Once again, she felt her cheeks heat up as his hand gently brushed across her skin.

"Does that hurt?" he asked with a calm tone that still seemed to sound a bit full of caution and heed. Aerith winced as he applied pressure to her ankle. She didn't want to be a burden to the gang or Cloud so she tried to ignore it; "No, no. It's—" before she could finish she felt Cloud apply slightly more pressure to her ankle and she couldn't hold back the whimper. "Ow!" The sudden gasp and sound of pain in her voice as her face scrunched up to try and overcome the pain proved to Cloud that her wound was bad enough to be looked after.

"Is it serious?" she fretted.

"No," Cloud fought a weak smile that was trying to work itself on his face. He knew it wasn't a life or death situation with this injury but Cloud couldn't help but think the worried look on her face was cute. "You definitely shouldn't walk on it, though." Cloud added with the utmost concern. "I'm gonna have to carry you—" he said firmly, his voice stern enough as if to say he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"No, really. I'm fine. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be fine." Aerith pleaded.

"This isn't a negotiation, Aerith." Cloud's eyes were brimming with concern and a strong look of determination to not let her walk by herself. And Aerith knew right at that very moment that her bodyguard wasn't planning on giving up on the issue.

"It's hot Cloud… and you're tired—"

"Are you saying I can't carry you for a while?" Cloud jokingly challenged, his brow lifting at her doubt.

"No, I just—" her expression fell to a worried one; "I just don't want to be a burden… that's all."

Cloud's face fell softer as he looked her in the eyes. "You're not." A weak smile spread across his face as he tried to reassure her it wouldn't be a problem. His gaze stayed on her until he saw a smile of her own form on her face.

Before she could even stand she felt Cloud swoop his hand under her legs, his other behind her back as he lifted her off the ground and into his embrace. Once more, a shade of pink blushed across her cheeks as the warm and strong hold of Cloud's arms held her close. Although this wasn't what she had planned, she couldn't hide the fact that she very much enjoyed being in his arms like this. So close she could feel him breathe.

Suddenly, she felt herself pulled to do something she never thought she would ever do. She placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, the embrace lingering on his skin. The sudden touch stunned Cloud and he felt drawn to look at her, locking eyes with the flower girl. His mouth fell agape, his eyes darting across her face, looking for an answer to why she just did what she did.

"Thanks, bodyguard." Her voice was soft and sweet, as soft as a rose's petals. And just like that, Cloud felt the feeling to know why she did it vanish. He didn't have to know. Not now. He smiled, his eyes sparking with adoration and slight cockiness; "I'm your bodyguard, right?"

Aerith giggled and nodded as she leaned her face against his shoulder, her face resting in the bend of his neck as her arm wrapped around his head, pulling herself close to his body. Cloud felt himself sweat a bit more as he realized just how close she was to him.

Nothing he couldn't handle, though.

There he was. Kneeling there before her. He appeared a bit worn out, dirt covering his clothes, face and the exposed skin of his toned arms. She wasn't sure how it happened but out of nowhere a wild monster came to attack her when she was trying to catch her breath for a few moments. And before she could even bat an eyelash he came to her rescue, swooping in as quick as ever to protect her without any hesitance at all. His battle had left him in a state of, not weakness, but a state of being a bit drained. It wasn't as if the monster was something he couldn't handle, he had proved to her many a time that he could more than handle a few wild beasts they encountered on their journey—it was more from the fact that no one in their group had gotten any rest for days. They were even running low on water. And on top of that, AVALANCHE seemed to have found themselves traveling through vast plains during one of its hottest summers.

She was sitting on the grassy ground, her bodyguard kneeling beside her. "You okay?" he questioned as he looked over her form, making sure she had not gotten hurt in the battle that just took place. She would have answered immediately; however, he was so close she couldn't help but fall into a daze as his Mediterranean blue eyes gazed at her with such concern and care that she wasn't able to reply. She felt her heart flutter at the gentle expression across his usually stern face. It was always so sweet to see him so concerned… it was a rare sight for him to display this type of emotion. In a matter of fact, the entire time she knew him he only ever displayed such an emotion only a few times—all which coincidentally revolved around her—so seeing his usually calm, cool, and collected attitude wither into such emotions was something Aerith knew not to take for granted. And although she hated worrying him, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness seeing how much he cared for her. She knew she should answer his question but she was still just too mesmerized by him. She couldn't help but notice the dirt splotches across his handsome face. And somehow, Aerith's curious eyes had somehow wondered to his muscled arms. Wide eyed, she peered at the muscles of his bicep that were still flexed from the battle. His naturally golden skin glistened in the sunlight as the sun beat down on the beads of perspiration across his toned arms. Suddenly, Aerith felt her cheeks blush as she soaked in his handsome image before moving her gaze to her lap.

He asked her again, placing his hand under her chin as his hand gently but firmly lifted her face upwards to look at him. Aerith felt the butterflies in her stomach flutter as she took in the touch of his hand against her chin. When their gazes met, the soft look in his eyes nearly made her faint. Before she could even open her mouth to answer she suddenly felt a surge of pain in her ankle. She saw Cloud's expression grow worrisome as he noticed her face grow pained.

"What is it?" he questioned, a sense of strong concern racking his voice.

"N-n-nothing. It's just my ankle—"

Without wasting a moment's time, she felt Cloud lift her foot in his hand, sliding off her brown boot to further examine what was causing her such pain. She was a little stunned when she felt his hand gently cup the heel of her foot, allowing him to feel around her ankle to determine whether or not it was a serious injury. Once again, she felt her cheeks heat up as his hand gently brushed across her skin.

"Does that hurt?" he asked with a calm tone that still seemed to sound a bit full of caution and heed. Aerith winced as he applied pressure to her ankle. She didn't want to be a burden to the gang or Cloud so she tried to ignore it; "No, no. It's—" before she could finish she felt Cloud apply slightly more pressure to her ankle and she couldn't hold back the whimper. "Ow!" The sudden gasp and sound of pain in her voice as her face scrunched up to try and overcome the pain proved to Cloud that her wound was bad enough to be looked after.

"Is it serious?" she fretted.

"No," Cloud fought a weak smile that was trying to work itself on his face. He knew it wasn't a life or death situation with this injury but Cloud couldn't help but think the worried look on her face was cute. "You definitely shouldn't walk on it, though." Cloud added with the utmost concern. "I'm gonna have to carry you—" he said firmly, his voice stern enough as if to say he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"No, really. I'm fine. Just give me a few minutes and I'll be fine." Aerith pleaded.

"This isn't a negotiation, Aerith." Cloud's eyes were brimming with concern and a strong look of determination to not let her walk by herself. And Aerith knew right at that very moment that her bodyguard wasn't planning on giving up on the issue.

"It's hot Cloud… and you're tired—"

"Are you saying I can't carry you for a while?" Cloud jokingly challenged, his brow lifting at her doubt.

"No, I just—" her expression fell to a worried one; "I just don't want to be a burden… that's all."

Cloud's face fell softer as he looked her in the eyes. "You're not." A weak smile spread across his face as he tried to reassure her it wouldn't be a problem. His gaze stayed on her until he saw a smile of her own form on her face.

Before she could even stand she felt Cloud swoop his hand under her legs, his other behind her back as he lifted her off the ground and into his embrace. Once more, a shade of pink blushed across her cheeks as the warm and strong hold of Cloud's arms held her close. Although this wasn't what she had planned, she couldn't hide the fact that she very much enjoyed being in his arms like this. So close she could feel him breathe.

Suddenly, she felt herself pulled to do something she never thought she would ever do. She placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, the embrace lingering on his skin. The sudden touch stunned Cloud and he felt drawn to look at her, locking eyes with the flower girl. His mouth fell agape, his eyes darting across her face, looking for an answer to why she just did what she did.

"Thanks, bodyguard." Her voice was soft and sweet, as soft as a rose's petals. And just like that, Cloud felt the feeling to know why she did it vanish. He didn't have to know. Not now. He smiled, his eyes sparking with adoration and slight cockiness; "I'm your bodyguard, right?"

Aerith giggled and nodded as she leaned her face against his shoulder, her face resting in the bend of his neck as her arm wrapped around his head, pulling herself close to his body. Cloud felt himself sweat a bit more as he realized just how close she was to him.

Nothing he couldn't handle, though.

Cali, that was fantastic.
You describe the scene extremely well, you know exactly how they are feeling and the tension between them.
I'm extremely picky and I generally give tough critiques, but everything in this was just very well written! I found only two small things that coulda been revised, and that's just amazing. Usually when I read something I find millions of things that could have been changed. You do have a natural talent for writing, as I'm sure people have already realized from your eloquently written posts. Don't deny it girl, you got a talent for writing. One of the best Clerith fan fics I've read ^_^ It's so sweet! And I like how it can fit in the actual story of FF7. It's not like other fan fics that take place after FF7 or are completely made up. This very darn well coulda happened.

Sorry for critiquing, I don't think that's what we were supposed to be doing. But seriously, it was great. (y)
Oh, feel free to give me some pointers/critiqs. They can only help a writer. :lew: Thank you. I'm highly honored you thought so highly of my one shot. Although, I can't lie... it's not as good as it could be since I wrote and edited it in about 2 hours. :lew:

But your words really really lifts me up. I'm extremely stoked and amazed that you said I have a natural talent for writing... :gonk: cuz as long as I can remember I always wanted to write so hearing that is really sweet. :lew:

Also, I try to not make it too AU so I'm happy you felt as though it could match or be in the real story.

Thank you again. ^_^
Well for 2 hours that's pretty damn good :mokken:

I'm sure everyone else will agree :)