A Story of A Love... A CloudxAerith Club

Irrelevant. :awesome:

The entire FF universe thinks very little of time. Did i mention Gilgamesh is the same one through out each game? He travels through time. Time spaced continuum got owned.

Perfect explanation. The dream scene doesn't have other outcomes. If in it's ONE canon outcome Aerith recalls the date that has to mean it happened in the canon story, too.
I just realised, i made a typo in saying the date scene is non optional. Meant to say optional, and belongs in the 2.) part.

But yes, recalling random and optional scenes in a non optional canon scene kinda says what they are recalling was the "intended outcome" of the options.

Just can't happen in my opinion. :hmmm: I don't understand how Cloud could have magically night with Aerith in the city of desire... but also supposedly "sex" with Tifa under the highwind.
It can happen. Cause Cloud is a player. Oh wait that was zack.

Imma read your fanfiction in a bit <3
No problem >3

Basically, no aerith means no cloud. Its simple as. IF ther was no aerith and there was only tifa. Cloud would have died in disk one when he fell from the plate. As no aerith means no flowers to break his fall.

If we go back even further. At the end of CC in which Zack helps cloud get away and they try to go to Aerith. If she was never made, whose to say that Cloud wouldnt have been gunned to death either?

I also remember a quote from SE in which stated that with the addition of Aerith in the game (KH), Cloud's story was expanded even more. See how they keep completing each others purpose?

Ohhh which one?

And yeah, the first time i heard it, i also thought of the red ribbon of fate. I like how they made aeith have a ribbon hurr <3

I love how that always works out; you can't have one without the other, and they always have mutual feelings/and thoughts :3 I always loved how SE made these two a 'pair' not even in just the romantic sense but as one person.

And the OTP you reminded me of was; Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach :wacky: I love them,a nd you basically paralleled CXA with them.

(sorry for the short post :<)
I love how that always works out; you can't have one without the other, and they always have mutual feelings/and thoughts :3 I always loved how SE made these two a 'pair' not even in just the romantic sense but as one person.

And the OTP you reminded me of was; Ichigo and Rukia from Bleach :wacky: I love them,a nd you basically paralleled CXA with them.

(sorry for the short post :<)
Exactly :) I've yet to see Cloud not being linked to Aerith in some way. Its always in some form that they are mentioned. Even in the insignificant FF8 SHOPS they are linked lol Clouds shop, buy a ribbon :)

I do agree, with the one person thing. As much as its very healthy for Cloud to move on ( a romantic sense since he already moved on from guilt ), its kinda going to be quite awkward being in a relationship where there is another woman in your heart and soul. Literally.

"So hi, my name is Cloud. Im single and i have blue eyes. Oh yeah my dead girlfriends soul lives inside my heart, and talks to me whenever we feel like it. I hope thats ok"

Clouds online dating profile.

I love Ichigo and Rukia! i stopped watching/following bleach for a long time now but Ive always had a thing for them when i was still a follower. They are so awesome together. Shame i dont know whats going on now :(
But yes, recalling random and optional scenes in a non optional canon scene kinda says what they are recalling was the "intended outcome" of the options.
I agree 110%, Val. :ryan:

It's okay, waitress girl. :lew:

... I got some pictures.

http://i53.tinypic.com/2141kxf.jpg - Flower
http://i55.tinypic.com/2ikb6vm.jpg - nothing but his tshirt
http://i54.tinypic.com/20h1yds.jpg - chibis
http://i53.tinypic.com/30ws3ug.jpg - she's so pretty
http://i52.tinypic.com/2h57exz.jpg - So cute... but also smexy

Kaleta said:
I do agree, with the one person thing. As much as its very healthy for Cloud to move on ( a romantic sense since he already moved on from guilt ), its kinda going to be quite awkward being in a relationship where there is another woman in your heart and soul. Literally.

"So hi, my name is Cloud. Im single and i have blue eyes. Oh yeah my dead girlfriends soul lives inside my heart, and talks to me whenever we feel like it. I hope thats ok"

Clouds online dating profile.
Wow... that would be awkward. :hmmm: That's sort of the reason why I think Cloud will die single... and young. I just can't see him moving on romantically when he knows there's another woman he's still very much in love with.
At the moment, Cloud is NOT aware of either girls feelings. Even after death. Cloud is also not aware of his OWN feelings. SO for me, Cloud doesnt realise he is in love with anyone. Though i think along the line, he will figure it out and finally "rest". But hey, thats just me. It could easily go like the polygon edit alan made over at the cxa forums ;D
At the moment, Cloud is NOT aware of either girls feelings. Even after death. Cloud is also not aware of his OWN feelings. SO for me, Cloud doesnt realise he is in love with anyone. Though i think along the line, he will figure it out and finally "rest". But hey, thats just me. It could easily go like the polygon edit alan made over at the cxa forums ;D
Sure, maybe he's unaware of Aerith and Tifa's feelings. But I think at least by the time of her death Cloud knew he loved Aerith. If he didn't know that he loved Aerith I'm not sure he'd go and live in her church and also die there all so he can feel closer to her. Also... I think that's why Cloud's guilt was so immense. Cuz he knew he failed the woman he loved. I think that's why he allowed for her death to be so much greater in guilt--cuz he loved her and knew he had failed her. So, I do believe Cloud realized he loved Aerith.

In my personal opinion, I think he just realized it too late. And by the time he was ready to tell Aerith how much she meant to him he was already walking up to the alter where she died. I think that's why Cloud gestured to the rest of the gang during her death. He wanted to have a special moment to themselves after searching for her. I believe that's where he was planning on either a hug or a kiss. But when she died... he was unable to tell her how he felt. Hence the guilt and regret.

This to me, goes perfectly. Especially since there's an interview saying if you knew you were going to lose someone you loved very much you would have done things differently--something like that--so I think Cloud knew he loved Aerith, but by the time he was ready to tell her it was too late.

Of course, that's just my opinion. :lew:
Nah, i remember the quote given by nomura stating cloud is oblivious to their feelings when AC came out. Meaning even at AC, he is not aware of their feelings. I dont think Cloud realises in AC at all about his love for aerith anyways. Cause its not yet canon. SE would clearly state if Cloud figured out whom he loves, and they decided to say Cloud is none the wiser. Besides, if Cloud figured it out on her death, there would be no LT mechanisms in the game itself. It would have ended right there.

As for the interview about "doing things different", that still doesnt show that Cloud realises his feelings. I recon they made him oblivious to his feelings, but he shows signs of feeling love/falling in love, which are unknown to him.

Kinda like how i feel the whole party themselves can see Cloud's actions are of a different kind than a mere "friend". But Cloud doesnt realise his actions are perceived this way.

Like you said, he wanted to go die in her church. But i dont think he knows why he chose her church. He was just drawn to it. He does things that he is not aware of.
:hmmm: I like to picture that Cloud knows he loves Aerith. I can see that in some parts of FF7, but I always pictured that, after Aerith died, he realized he loved her, and that's why it hurt so much. (Too many commas, Marlena...)

Besides fan arts/fics are so much easier to make when Cloud knows he is deep in love ;P

But hey, that's just what I think in that strange brain o'mine...
Kaleta said:
Nah, i remember the quote given by nomura stating cloud is oblivious to their feelings when AC came out. Meaning even at AC, he is not aware of their feelings.
I never heard of it. Do you know where I can find it? :hmmm:

Kaleta said:
I dont think Cloud realises in AC at all about his love for aerith anyways. Cause its not yet canon. SE would clearly state if Cloud figured out whom he loves, and they decided to say Cloud is none the wiser. Besides, if Cloud figured it out on her death, there would be no LT mechanisms in the game itself. It would have ended right there.
Ah, okay, now I get what you mean. :lew:

Kaleta said:
As for the interview about "doing things different", that still doesnt show that Cloud realises his feelings. I recon they made him oblivious to his feelings, but he shows signs of feeling love/falling in love, which are unknown to him.

Kinda like how i feel the whole party themselves can see Cloud's actions are of a different kind than a mere "friend". But Cloud doesnt realise his actions are perceived this way.

Like you said, he wanted to go die in her church. But i dont think he knows why he chose her church. He was just drawn to it. He does things that he is not aware of.
Yeah, then I can agree with that. :ryan:

marlena said:
:hmmm: I like to picture that Cloud knows he loves Aerith. I can see that in some parts of FF7, but I always pictured that, after Aerith died, he realized he loved her, and that's why it hurt so much. (Too many commas, Marlena...)

random... look what i just found VIA tumblr:
hi... can i join? im a writer and i ship clerith, cloti and zloud which is the only pairing clubs there are here *giggles* i should fit in perfectly ... so can i join?
And that last one is gorgeous. It's both sad and beautiful :)

Yay new member! I'm sure you can, but Cali is the owner of this club and she'll let ya in. But since today is the 4th of July, many people are busy today.

Oh and here's an early hug :tighthug: I'M DA PINK ONE
Its in FFG's site somewhere cali, i'll have to browse it again. When i find it, i'll link you ^^

But anyways, if Cloud figured out he was in love with aerith and whatever after her death, then it would have been pretty easy for SE to say that. Though i cant give SE that much credit, the only time they mentioned Cloud being linked into a romantic relationship with someone is with Tifa. And nomura states that "he has no idea"< --- owned.

If it was quite easy for him to turn down the idea of cloti in AC, then its quite clear he would have made a statement to say its actually clorith. But nomura is a smart man, the very fact he never said anything about Cloud and aerith makes you wonder, why not :neomon:

I still stand by the fact i believe Cloud is not aware he loves Aerith. He can mourn her death just as much as he did, he can do all the things he did, WITHOUT knowing he loves her. I tie it in with their whole "soul mate" thing. He isnt drawn to her in a physical sense, we saw that in the forgotten city, he can just feel it. And Cloud is dense, he couldnt even figure out that these fine young ladies had feelings for him even though it could bite him it they were snakes. Let alone his own feelings which he keeps hidden lol
Of course you may join. You're not the only neutral here. Harlequin is kinda Cloti too. :wacky: But he lost a bet about a football game and now he has to support Clourith. :britt: he hardly posts here though :sad3:

So feel free to post. Just don't say pro Cloti/Zerith stuff here, okay? ^_^ And you'll have to forgive us if we say some negatives for CxT. We'll try and keep it to a low.

Kaleta, I see where your stance is coming from. :wacky: But I just don't think Cloud could say "But I'm... we're here for you" or "jealous. envious" when he learns of Aerith's past relationship with Zack? Or even when he says to Marlene "let's hope so" when in regards to Aerith liking Cloud. Not to mention him accepting the date is ample enough proof that he is attracted to her.

I just... seriously cannot see Cloud not knowing about his feelings for Aerith. Nomura not saying they're together doesn't mean they're NOT together. Just means he doesn't have to comment on them if they're not brought up. :wacky:

Just my opinion, tho >.<
Oh hey! Happy late 4th of July!! :yay: And here is some celebrating gifts from me :ryan:







And here I have a "special question" for you guys >_<

Since KH did not have any linked to FFVII (as Nomura said). Do you guys think there could be a chance for Cloud and Aerith to become an "official" couple in KH? And why?
Eeep!!! Those fanarts are SO Cute!!! :yay:

Since KH did not have any linked to FFVII (as Nomura said). Do you guys think there could be a chance for Cloud and Aerith to become an "official" couple in KH? And why?
Heck yeah! :jess: Actually, I think they already are. I mean, Cloud was workin' with Hades to find her... that says love, in my mind. Why? Cuz Nomura said the ending could be an answer to their relationship. What happens at the ending? They're together. Therefor the answer to their relationship is that they're together.

canon. :mokken:

Here's a fanfiction I wrote yesterday. I was bored... don't hit me :gonk:

fanfiction.net link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7146557/1/I_See_The_Light
Rated: T
Words: 1,359
Published: 7-4-11

Boom after boom, the fireworks painted the night sky, lighting up the vast space around the floating Gondola with its bright streams of reds, blues, and golds. Cloud wasn't exactly sure why he allowed her to lure him away from his lonely room, but he did. She somehow got him to go with her on some silly journey for the night. He never really liked to take part in these types of situations, but he was tonight. He even played in some stupid play… all for her.

He did everything all for her.

She was sitting there quietly, the flashes of colors dancing across her body as she peered through the window and out at the starry starry sky, a sense of bewilderment and happiness swirling in the jade hues of her eyes. As usual, a soft smile caressed her face. With each boom of fireworks Cloud saw her face light up beautifully, an innocent gasp of amazement escaping her every time. Cloud felt a weak smile of his own form on his face at the sight of her. He knew he should be watching the colorful show in the sky, but… his eyes were on her and couldn't be pulled away. No matter how amazing or beautiful Aerith thought the fireworks were… the truth of the matter is—it could never amount to her, not for Cloud.

He wasn't sure if the hammering in his chest was due to the erupting fireworks or was his own heart beating faster than ever but he knew something was different about this moment. Different from the other times they shared with each other… why? he asked himself. Nothing was even happening. She was sitting in front of him, her interest completely on the night sky, unaware of how mesmerized he was by her instead. Another bang rang through the crisp night air as more sets of fireworks began bursting around them.

"Oh, Cloud, look!" she gasped quietly in awe, innocence playing on her murmur. But no matter how much he knew she wanted him to look, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. He suddenly felt a sense of envy nip at him as he realized all he wanted was for her to be looking at him. Just a glance. Something that would tell him she knows he's there for her. Cloud felt his heart pull for him to say something… anything to gain her attention but—he was speechless.

Then, to his hearts every desire, she turned to gaze at him just as another boom echoed through the air, reflections of the fireworks flickering across her face sweetly. The moment her jade gaze locked with his blue—Cloud felt all the air in his lungs leave his body. Her eyes on him and his on her, he saw her eyes were brimming with a tender look… and although it was hard to tell due to the darkness, it seemed as though there was a watery layer forming on her eyes. Unsure why, Cloud wanted to so badly ask why she was crying but the soft smile on her face seemed to tell Cloud that the tears weren't of sadness but of happiness. Even so, he felt the urge to say something to her. But no matter how much he tried, the right words failed to assist him. He never felt so nervous before. He was practically putty in her hands and the strangest part about it was how much Cloud didn't mind. Although he wished he would rather not turn nervous or awkward—he still somehow found himself liking that she had that effect on him. He wasn't sure why she did, but she had the power of bringing his cold, careless, and cool exterior down to a babbling, nervous, and awkward center that he kept hidden from the world.

Although he enjoyed those feelings or the way she made him feel, it still frustrated him to not know the exact reason why she had this hold on him or how she could make him act so much differently than how he was around the others.

Just as another set of fireworks began to burst in air, he felt his heart stop as he caught a glimpse of her face. Golden rays painted across her skin, creating a heavenly glow. At the very moment she locked eyes with him Cloud felt as though she touched his soul. Sitting there with her, it all became clear. All those days he chased down a daydream of being a first class soldier. All the time he wasted living in a blur of someone else. All that time never truly seeing things the way they were. Here she was, shining in the star light and suddenly… he knew. If she was near him, she made his whole life crystal clear… what he was meant to do, where he wasn't meant to go… who he was meant to be. At last, he saw the light. The longer she gazed at him the more he understood about himself, as if the fog was finally lifted. The feeling spreading through him felt warm, bright, and most importantly… real. And somehow, his entire world shifted in a blink of an eye… now that he saw her.

They had only looked at each other for a few seconds but it felt like an eternity to Cloud. And as the fireworks started to grow dim, the gondola fell to darkness. The light around them lessened more and more and Cloud found it hard to see her eyes or the mesmerizing feeling they were causing in him. As focus of her was lost, he felt the soul-shifting sensation she was stirring in him disappear and the knowledge he had gained about not only himself but about his feelings grow distant. Like a far off dream, Cloud remembered the feeling and ached for it to return but all answers or hints were lost. All that remained was the happiness she had left soaring through him… no answers to any of what he just learned, just the love he knew he had for her.

For a brief moment in time, he saw the light… and all he wanted was for it to return. Without any hesitation at all, Cloud moved his hand to her face, brushing her bang out of her eyes to get a better look at the women he loved so dearly. His hand gradually made its way to her cheek, caressing her gently as he drew his face closer to hers. Their faces inched closer and closer until just a breaths distance separated their mouths from touching. Just as the grand finale of fireworks began to blast around them Cloud captured her mouth, their lips locking in a chaste embrace. The Gondola started its way back to the docking area, the kiss growing deeper, neither taking any notice to anything else around them.

Haven't posted in awhile >.> I am such a bad member :( So I'll answer this topic here to start posting again :3 And reading my sisters amazing fanfiction!

Oh my goodness, that was so cute and romantic! I love how its sort of giving us a view from Clouds eyes and wow the Tangled soundtrack matches our lovers more than I first thought xD It was written so well as well, I enjoyed it so much, you get the two in such good character! Great job!

Since KH did not have any linked to FFVII (as Nomura said). Do you guys think there could be a chance for Cloud and Aerith to become an "official" couple in KH? And why?

Honestly, I don't know. It doesn't seem to me like they had or have any intention of going easy or hiding the Cloud and Aerith love in the Kingdom Hearts game; and while it has no link to FFVII story and is an AU Nomura said the first Kingdom Hearts's ending is the answer everyone asks about to the Relationship between Cloud and Aerith. And that statement can be true without FFVII's story being canon with KH.

Also, they lined them up in the endings with all the Disney couples reunions, Cloud and Aerith kind of...just fit thei and it made it look like a trope with all of them roling on like that :ahmed:

i also ship yurith and yufa and tirith... dont kill me!

...and jiggs, and baryne..... ond many more X3 lets say im a full spectrum writer on both sides of the fence... any reqs send themn my way :)

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@Kaleta, I see where your stance is coming from. :wacky: But I just don't think Cloud could say "But I'm... we're here for you" or "jealous. envious" when he learns of Aerith's past relationship with Zack? Or even when he says to Marlene "let's hope so" when in regards to Aerith liking Cloud. Not to mention him accepting the date is ample enough proof that he is attracted to her.

I just... seriously cannot see Cloud not knowing about his feelings for Aerith. Nomura not saying they're together doesn't mean they're NOT together. Just means he doesn't have to comment on them if they're not brought up. :wacky:

Just my opinion, tho >.<

I thought Case of Lifestream said they were together? How else could Cloud be her Koibito, I don't by that its one-sided or from Aeriths PoV crap either; because the excuses have changed so many times I don't know what it is anymore, but still doesn't CoL;W prove Cloud knew his feelings as well has Aeriths? And also why would Aerith want to be seen by others as lovers, if she and Cloud hadn't even become actual lovers to each other yet?

As well as Cloud yearning for her, his heart breaking when she died, and going on not one but two dates with her? Of his own will and hell he even initiated the deal himself.

And I have to bring this up as well;
Nomura Check in Playstation Magazine:
It's a piece of magazine report from 電撃PlayStation Vol.385, 386, 387, titled "DESIGNER'S NOTE

"Nomura :
I believe, for those who formerly traveled with her as comrades and for the viewers, each carries their own feelings and love for Aerith. In this story, Cloud also carries his undying feeling for Aerith even to this very day... It's relations with this church scene is... Yup. I'll leave this part to your imagination. (Laughs)"

Japanese text:

エアリスはかつてともに旅をした仲間で、受け手側の皆さんにも、それぞれの愛情や想いがあると思います。こ の物語のクラウドも、エアリスに対して、いまもなお死なぬ想いはあると・・・・。この教会の場面との関係は ・・・・・うーん。このあたりは皆さんのご想像におまかせします(笑)。

How could Cloud have his own undying feeling that is stated to be different from friendship and not know about it? How does someone not know about feelings so strong? I just don't see Cloud not knowing about his "undying feeling and love" for Aerith and then on top of that SQUARE publishes Case of Lifestream;White and calls the lovers.
Two years after returning to the Planet, Aerith still lives in the hearts of those friends who saved the Planet. Especially for Cloud, she is the symbol of "the sin of failing to protect somebody important," and the main reason that makes him shut himself off. ~ FFVII anniversary Ultimania
Not to mention I can't imagine how someone could be in your heart and not be romantic to the person holding her their and how the person who holds her in their heart doesn't realize they love her yet.

Also welcome to the club DJMagus!