Abortion - your views.

I can't have hard feelings towards someone I don't know who's just expressing an opinion, even if said opinion is vastly different from my own. It's just not my style.

While I can respect how you feel based on your situation, I feel it blinds you to the overall complexity of abortion and you allow it to color your beliefs. Rather than realize that every situation is different, you are against abortion not for it's flaws, but rather because it directly impacted you, or rather could have. That is not how one should make an argument. One's beliefs should be based on logic and facts, not personal feelings or situations.

I understand why you feel the way you do, but I can't approve of it.
Fine by me. A person's opinion is their own and sometimes the opinion is not what everyone expects. I just find abortion wrong, and like I said before and I'll say it again, an opinion is just an opinion.
You're entitled to your opinion but I just won't respect it (as in I don't personally don't approve; not shit a kitten over it) as I don't feel it's based on logical grounds. I only approve of opinions that have some basis in logic, not strictly emotions.
I think I lost all faith in humanity when I read that. *headdesk* See this why sex education is a very valuable tool in protecting our youths.
The problem is she wasnt a youth she was 26 my age now....People throw common sence to the side for some unknown reason when its in regard to sex...Like its simply ok to bring a life in to this world without care for it for a few minuts of "Fun"
I even know a 14 year old who got pregnant to piss her mom off because she got grounded and was told while shes on punishment she cant see her boyfriend...
I think the problem is people dont care anymore about getting pregnant its simply"whatever" in todays world without anyone actually considering what it entails....
Parents no longer disapline their kids nor play as big a part in their lives as they should...Its just disgusting how people treat contraception in general..
Parents no longer disapline their kids nor play as big a part in their lives as they should...Its just disgusting how people treat contraception in general..

I don't think its perental role so much, I think its less fear of the consiquences before it wasn't socially acceptable to have a baby outside of marrage now its ok to do nearly anything you want.

My perants knew I had common sense and didn't need to tell me about the importance of contraception and here I am 21 and not pregnant!

To be honest I probably was a nearly aborted baby myself, my mother was 18 years old when she had me and I know she thought about it she must have, I know I would have. My grandmother wouldn't even speak to my mother when she carried me until I was born and she was married.

I was an accident probably because of contraception failure; not a lack of.
If the said girl is raped, then by all means I support the abortion idea if that's the route that she chooses to go. If a condom or birth control fails and abortion is the chosen route then I would support that as well.

However, if said girl willingly has unprotected sex and gets pregnant then I will not support abortion. If you can lay there and enjoy the sex and get knocked up, well then you better raise and take care of what is the result of the enjoyment. If you don't want the child, tough shit DON'T HAVE UNPROTECTED SEX!
Firstly just my opinion no disrespect to other people, but I am very, very pro-choice, I find it shocking that in some countries still have abortion as completely illegal even if the woman will die if she carries the child, (I think this applies to say Chile and El Salvador but I may be wrong). But also I think that kinda obviousley since I'm as I said, very pro-choice, that if your raped, contraception failed etc then its fine. Even if your mature and in a stable relationship etc.
Although if the woman really couldn't be bothered to stop it from happening and thinks its say, late contraception then it's wrong in my opinion.
But I suppose what most people disagree with when I talk about my view on abortion is I don't thnik it should be limited, I think you should be able to terminate pretty much anywhere in your pregnancy really, and to some people that probably is murder, like if it can survive out of the womb and whatnot. But the way im seeing it is for those women who might not know there pregnant, (think there having menopause, have unusual periods) it does happen and I'd hate for it to happen to me, because I think an unplanned pregnancy i could'nt terminate would just kill me. Just my opinion