Abortion - your views.

I am a believer. And our religion says that abortion is a sin.

But..if ever I don't believe in any GOD. I will never go support abortion. Abortion is an act of murder.

Abortion=Murder Killing=Murder Abortion=Killing Killing=Sin

Then, Abortion is a sin. It's very logical, right?
And abortion is an act of stealing too. You are stealing a life that is not yours. You are stealing the child's right to live.

I can't think of any reasons why I should agree to abortion except for one. And I think the only reason I will agree to abortion is when it's really needed or it's the only option. Like when both the mother and the child in her womb is in grave danger, and only one life must be saved. And if you want to save the mother then you'll have to abort the child.
It's a very valid reason on aborting the child. You may still have sinned, yet you have save someone's life.

You may still not want to abort the child, but you have no choice. It's a good reason compared to other stupid reasons. Just like aborting a child just because he/she is unwanted. Unwanted because of an "accident" or you were raped that time. But..for me..so what? Why abort the child? It's not the child's fault. If you want revenge take it not on the child, but to the person who caused it. The child got nothing to do with it. He/she is innocent. So, why should he/she pay for something she didn't cause in the first place? Why not bore him instead annd leave him on an adoption center, like Jaxiem said? It's better than killing him/her.

But still it's your decision to make. No one can tell you what to do. Still..whatever you decision is..the word CONSCIENCE..will be with you..;)

Not flamming just saying you do know your church have killed billions of people over time right. I mean people who did no wrong.

it up to the parents
It is true with abortion can cause a inbalance in your hormons which can lead to you being depress or just leaving a mental scare for rest of your life. This does not happen always but it can happen and it does some times.

In my opinion it up to the parent.
After all you bring it into the world then go straving, gets beating, die on the streets straving at age of 5. Sorry i say some times it for the on child good.
in teh end to me it should always be the women choice to keep or get ride of and all other people should shut up about it.

sorry for bad grammar
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I’m pro-choice. I hardly see the point of forcing someone to have a child when they clearly have no interest or desire to. Being a parent requires you to want to be a parent or else you’re just going through the motions, and what kind of child deserves that? While I agree that the decision should be made in a reasonable length of time (first trimester is probably a good benchmark for that) I disagree that abortion is murder. Murder is the killing of a human being. An embryo is not a human being, not yet, and thus aborting it isn’t the same.

Abortion is an ugly business, but sometimes a necessary one. Having the baby could be posing a significant risk of death for the mother; the mother could have been raped; the baby could be being born to a mental patient with severe addiction problems who only plans to sell it for more weed. What of any this would make an acceptable situation? Ideally we’d all be planned, wanted and prepared for, and while some of us aren’t, when it gets the point of causing serious undue trauma to people involved, why prolong it?

In my case I’m not entirely sure I could go through with it, though I don’t feel any shame technically in it, I also know that there is a case of mental stress that results from having one. In the end I would do what I felt was right even if it wasn’t always the desirable. Many choices in life aren’t.
This is a difficult one becuase I am near qualifying as nurse I cannot take a side in the debate so to speak I can only side with what the patient wants so if the woman wanted an abortion then I have to provide all information available if not then I can provide information on alternatives.
I think the best option for everyone is to avoid getting pregnant in the first place if you don't want a child. I know it's a financial issue for some people, but I don't honestly understand how so many "surprises" happen when a generic version of the pill is available for $30 a month without insurance (essentially this would shave about $1 a day off your food for the sake of preventing massive child-care costs or the physical trauma of abortion); and many of the people who claim to have "surprises" are also upper-middle-class people who spend at least that much money per week on new clothes or eating out at restaurants (I've met many people like this at work). Unless you're allergic to the pill or you honestly can't afford it, there's no reason not to use it if you are in the kind of relationship where you don't want to use protection anyway. You just take it at the same time every day, it's small and doesn't taste like anything, and then you're all set, you don't have to use any other protection and it's very rare for it to not work if you stick to it. Plus it often regulates your periods and makes all of their unpleasant symptoms less intense.

If that still doesn't work though, and you do end up pregnant despite your best and most genuine efforts, I think you should have the option to do something about it. I usually try to avoid getting into subjects like this, but it has always irked me to hear a lot of people in pro-life campaigns complain about how cruel it is to end a valuable life like that and then go and eat meat every day because it tastes good to them, with the full understanding that they are ending numerous lives by doing that. (And I'm sure there may be a handful of pro-life vegetarians out there too, but vegetarians in general are not in the majority.) To me all creatures are valuable, and for people to pick and choose like that I think is really tacky and supremacist. And it may sound like I'm contradicting myself if fetuses constitute creatures, and if there were less people on the planet I might be more pro-life myself, but in order to protect the widest variety and number of living things on the planet, one has to have respect for the natural ecological cycle. Animals are part of an instinctive food chain and frequently kill each other for food, resulting in population control, but humans have no natural predators, and so we must be responsible for our own numbers in order to keep from upsetting the balance. And if someone is unwanted from the beginning, as harsh as it sounds, I think the mother should be able to prevent them from being born, and especially if having an extra child makes the children she already has, whom she planned for, starve or otherwise suffer from a lack of resources. I mean, I've heard stories of people having to kill their already-born children to put them out of the misery of starvation in times of famine, and I think that would be a lot worse than terminating a fetus that hasn't been born and interacted with the world yet. And the way things are going, unless Mars suddenly terraforms itself in the near future, we are probably going to be faced with this type of situation at some point, whether the rich mercilessly hoard all the food in the world or everyone across class boundaries runs out. If there is any way to alleviate the out-of-control population growth we are dealing with, with minimal violence and rioting, it should be legally permissible; otherwise the only other option is for everyone to take up arms against each other and start shooting until the ratio of people to food evens out, which would be devastating.
I think the best option for everyone is to avoid getting pregnant in the first place if you don't want a child. I know it's a financial issue for some people, but I don't honestly understand how so many "surprises" happen when a generic version of the pill is available for $30 a month without insurance (essentially this would shave about $1 a day off your food for the sake of preventing massive child-care costs or the physical trauma of abortion); and many of the people who claim to have "surprises" are also upper-middle-class people who spend at least that much money per week on new clothes or eating out at restaurants (I've met many people like this at work). Unless you're allergic to the pill or you honestly can't afford it, there's no reason not to use it if you are in the kind of relationship where you don't want to use protection anyway. You just take it at the same time every day, it's small and doesn't taste like anything, and then you're all set, you don't have to use any other protection and it's very rare for it to not work if you stick to it. Plus it often regulates your periods and makes all of their unpleasant symptoms less intense.

I agree entirely that avoiding pregnancy is the best solution, but it’s not always an option as you later note. Rape, contraceptive failure…things happen, and not always because someone was lazy and/or careless. Sometimes things just happen to people, and we have to make the best of it, which sometimes requires abortion. It’s not a happy solution, but sometimes it’s the best one.

I do agree that too many don’t use protection and earn my scorn for it, but even those cases I feel that as long as the child isn’t in the best interests of those having it, then the embryo should be aborted.

Btw, there are other contraceptive than the pill, and the pill can cause massive hormonal imbalances in a woman. Like any birth control, it should be used carefully, as it could end up causing severe harm to the woman.

If that still doesn't work though, and you do end up pregnant despite your best and most genuine efforts, I think you should have the option to do something about it. I usually try to avoid getting into subjects like this, but it has always irked me to hear a lot of people in pro-life campaigns complain about how cruel it is to end a valuable life like that and then go and eat meat every day because it tastes good to them, with the full understanding that they are ending numerous lives by doing that. (And I'm sure there may be a handful of pro-life vegetarians out there too, but vegetarians in general are not in the majority.) To me all creatures are valuable, and for people to pick and choose like that I think is really tacky and supremacist. And it may sound like I'm contradicting myself if fetuses constitute creatures, and if there were less people on the planet I might be more pro-life myself, but in order to protect the widest variety and number of living things on the planet, one has to have respect for the natural ecological cycle. Animals are part of an instinctive food chain and frequently kill each other for food, resulting in population control, but humans have no natural predators, and so we must be responsible for our own numbers in order to keep from upsetting the balance. And if someone is unwanted from the beginning, as harsh as it sounds, I think the mother should be able to prevent them from being born, and especially if having an extra child makes the children she already has, whom she planned for, starve or otherwise suffer from a lack of resources. I mean, I've heard stories of people having to kill their already-born children to put them out of the misery of starvation in times of famine, and I think that would be a lot worse than terminating a fetus that hasn't been born and interacted with the world yet. And the way things are going, unless Mars suddenly terraforms itself in the near future, we are probably going to be faced with this type of situation at some point, whether the rich mercilessly hoard all the food in the world or everyone across class boundaries runs out. If there is any way to alleviate the out-of-control population growth we are dealing with, with minimal violence and rioting, it should be legally permissible; otherwise the only other option is for everyone to take up arms against each other and start shooting until the ratio of people to food evens out, which would be devastating.

I never brought that point up, but it’s a valid one. We’re already severely overpopulated. People die every day because there’s not enough food or shelter. And it’s only going to get worse. If we insist on every single embryo coming to term, no matter the circumstances, we’ll be at high risk of there being massive famine or disease that risks many lives already on this planet. We have to be intelligent and vigilant about our population or risk serious problems later on.
I agree entirely that avoiding pregnancy is the best solution, but it’s not always an option as you later note. Rape, contraceptive failure…things happen, and not always because someone was lazy and/or careless. Sometimes things just happen to people, and we have to make the best of it, which sometimes requires abortion. It’s not a happy solution, but sometimes it’s the best one.

That's true too, I forgot to mention that. That's actually another reason why I'm pro-choice, I think if you were forced to go through with a child that resulted from rape then that would be awful. I don't really understand how many pro-life campaigners can support making abortion universally illegal when such circumstances exist, and I doubt that there would be exceptions made in these cases because many insurance companies already don't provide coverage for the medical consequences of rape. I'm not sure where but I actually heard once that many groups would support an unconditional ban on abortion, regardless of rape cases or not. I'm curious as to the mentality of this--do they believe the rape victims were being too promiscuous, and it's their own fault? Do they think they were walking down a dark alleyway alone at night and just asking for it? That's not what happens a lot of the times, and it's placing blame on the wrong person. I think it's really one of those cases where the pro-life supporters are thinking "it's okay as long as it doesn't ever happen to me". Or "it's an unfortunate but necessary sacrifice for rape victims to give birth to rape babies if it keeps abortion illegal"--which means to me that they have no regard for the quality of human life once a person has already been born, or reaches a certain age, and that bothers me. I mean, hey--what if that rescued fetus grows up to be a girl in need of an abortion? I think much of the problem in this whole thing lies with the fact that many people are thinking of protecting an innocent, helpless being from being destroyed at a particular moment, but in light of that are ignoring the long-term effects of bringing another person into the world for the next 80 or so years. The truth is that if you give birth to a rape-derived baby, you may be saving an innocent little life, but then you have to watch it grow, possibly taking on the appearance of the person who raped you, and live with it in your family for the rest of your life, maybe even long after the people who forced you to keep it are dead and gone.

And yeah, there are a lot of people who try very hard to keep from getting pregnant, and sometimes it just doesn't work, which is another reason I'm pro-choice. If you are reliant upon the most effective contraceptive available at the time, with a 99.9% success rate or something, and you happen to fall within that other .1%, you can't really be blamed for that. I was really just talking about the people who spend elaborate amounts of money on non-necessity items and don't ever bother looking into birth control, those are the people I can't figure out.

Btw, there are other contraceptive than the pill, and the pill can cause massive hormonal imbalances in a woman. Like any birth control, it should be used carefully, as it could end up causing severe harm to the woman.

There are a lot of other ones, I'm not sure what the success rates are, but it is still worth talking to a doctor about if you are afraid of getting pregnant. Every person is different and some forms might be fine, while others cause imbalances. But pregnancy can cause a lot of hormonal imbalances too.
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I think much of the problem in this whole thing lies with the fact that many people are thinking of protecting an innocent, helpless being from being destroyed at a particular moment, but in light of that are ignoring the long-term effects of bringing another person into the world for the next 80 or so years.

This. They become consumed by the romanticized thought of saving a life while completely and utterly ignoring what that life could become. If they were offering to take on the child maybe I would be more understanding of such extremist views, but I highly doubt any anti-abortionists would offer to adopt the child. Since they refuse to be the resolution to the problem then I feel such people have no right to enforce their personal beliefs on others.

And yeah, there are a lot of people who try very hard to keep from getting pregnant, and sometimes it just doesn't work, which is another reason I'm pro-choice. If you are reliant upon the most effective contraceptive available at the time, with a 99.9% success rate or something, and you happen to fall within that other .1%, you can't really be blamed for that. I was really just talking about the people who spend elaborate amounts of money on non-necessity items and don't ever bother looking into birth control, those are the people I can't figure out.

Yes, I totally agree. I have zero sympathy for people who end up pregnant due to ignoring birth control, unless they had no option (such as living in a third world country).

There are a lot of other ones, I'm not sure what the success rates are, but it is still worth talking to a doctor about if you are afraid of getting pregnant. Every person is different and some forms might be fine, while others cause imbalances. But pregnancy can cause a lot of hormonal imbalances too.

The success rates are generally the same, with a few methods that have less success and other side affects. Currently condoms cause the fewest amount of negative side effects and you can generally tell when the condom fails, giving a person that much more time in which to decide what to do about a possible pregnancy. They're also the only birth control that also protects against STIs, increasing it's value.
I didn't read the entire thread, but I heard of pro-lifers suggesting women get their ability to have children taken away from them after they have made one or two mistakes in the past.

If any of you are in here, and you're reading this then I clearly have your attention. So let me ask you this: What about men who have more than one unwanted child? Should they all get vasectomies?
I didn't read the entire thread, but I heard of pro-lifers suggesting women get their ability to have children taken away from them after they have made one or two mistakes in the past.

wow that seems a little excessive doesn't it? its not like you can just whipp em out and your fine after its perminant hormone therapy after that, plus the recover period is long.

You can't just force people to do that and a doctor wouldn't touch that with a ten foot barge poll he/she would get sued.

I'm actually shocked that people would think like that.
wow that seems a little excessive doesn't it? its not like you can just whipp em out and your fine after its perminant hormone therapy after that, plus the recover period is long.

You can't just force people to do that and a doctor wouldn't touch that with a ten foot barge poll he/she would get sued.

I'm actually shocked that people would think like that.
This is obviously one of those 'what ifs' that intend to get one thinking about the larger details. I wasn't too pleased when I heard of such ideas myself.
This is obviously one of those 'what ifs' that intend to get one thinking about the larger details. I wasn't too pleased when I heard of such ideas myself.

I always like the way the jewish people thought of things personally. The welfair of the woman comes first regardless of it being psychological or physical.

its uninforcible eaither way because every single procedure done in a hospital requires consent. If a law was passed that they could do this with a court order then the courts would be inandated and swamped that they couldn't do what they are supposed to do effectivly anymore.
I can't deny the fact that it is sick - to kill an unborn child just like that, while many men and women are not capable of having children. It's a better decision to give birth and adopt the child into a loving family who would give anything to have children. I would not be able to live with myself if I had killed my own child. I can't see how any woman or man can think of abortion as a justified action. That's further proof that humans can be as cold as dry ice sometimes. Treating children and animals worse than trash.
I can't deny the fact that it is sick - to kill an unborn child just like that, while many men and women are not capable of having children. It's a better decision to give birth and adopt the child into a loving family who would give anything to have children..

What about the emotional damage of knowing that your biological perants probably hate you and want nothing to do with you? What do you do to fix that?

Not to meantion the emotional trauma and possibly shame of carrying a baby you don't want/can't support?

Neaither alternatives are pretty by a long shot but the fact that your willing to force people to carry babies that quite possibly are rape babies, unwanted babies, dying babies etc is sick as I am assuming that you feel all abortions are an abomination?
I can't deny the fact that it is sick - to kill an unborn child just like that, while many men and women are not capable of having children. It's a better decision to give birth and adopt the child into a loving family who would give anything to have children. I would not be able to live with myself if I had killed my own child. I can't see how any woman or man can think of abortion as a justified action. That's further proof that humans can be as cold as dry ice sometimes. Treating children and animals worse than trash.
So that's the main thing, then? Emotional suffering... that can all be easily dealt with, I'm sure. As long as the baby is alive and breathing, you can tuck yourself in bed and sleep the night away.
I can't deny the fact that it is sick - to kill an unborn child just like that, while many men and women are not capable of having children. It's a better decision to give birth and adopt the child into a loving family who would give anything to have children. I would not be able to live with myself if I had killed my own child. I can't see how any woman or man can think of abortion as a justified action. That's further proof that humans can be as cold as dry ice sometimes. Treating children and animals worse than trash.

It's sicker to force a woman against her own wills to have a child, who at the moment, isn't even a child, and is using the resources of another human being, who might never have asked for it to begin with (ie, rape).
I think the best option for everyone is to avoid getting pregnant in the first place if you don't want a child.

I love you for this since its so true.
I wish people would just think....It royally irks me since two seconds cant bothered to be wasted to rip open a frikken packet. I once had a friend who had sex with her boyfriend without contraception simply because he said to her "How do you even know you can get pregnant,You never have been befor" yeah dumbasses cause she used condoms with others befor...But this is not the topic at hand and im on my way in to a rant about over population.
I also dont believe people should be aloud to breed unless they themselves can finace on their own the child without state aid,and if you cant I believe a law should be enacted to steralize "you",barring the obvious rape cases and the like
Others should not be responcible for anothers lack of care.

Im pro choice in regards to abortion. I believe ,regrdless of argument one should decide without interfearence of others what they do on their own. I dont believe anyone realy should impose apon another what they do to their own body in regards to this.
Whats best for the "mother" and her mental state.
I can't deny the fact that it is sick - to kill an unborn child just like that, while many men and women are not capable of having children. It's a better decision to give birth and adopt the child into a loving family who would give anything to have children. I would not be able to live with myself if I had killed my own child. I can't see how any woman or man can think of abortion as a justified action. That's further proof that humans can be as cold as dry ice sometimes. Treating children and animals worse than trash.

But it's kinder to force a raped woman to have a baby she can't afford who ends up killing her in childbirth and then the child is on the streets forced to make a living by putting out to pimps and any strangers who likes sex with kids ultimately ending up with HIV and dying over it? Oh, and probably having a few STD-infected kids who ultimately end up on the streets repeating the whole nasty story?

You didn't think your answer all the way through, did you?

"How do you even know you can get pregnant...You never have been before?"

I think I lost all faith in humanity when I read that. *headdesk* See this why sex education is a very valuable tool in protecting our youths.
Personally, I think abortion is just wrong in so many ways. First, the child doesn't get a chance to live because the parents didn't think before they acted. Second, the parents of the child are the ones that made the desicion to have sex, so therefore, the child is now their responsability like it or not. Third, they're taking the life of a living being and that goes against the law. I mean, how can murdering someone get you jail time but abortion is over looked? Fourth, The child should at least get the chance to live in this world. I mean, what if you were that child that was being aborted? What if your parents decided that they didn't want to have a child when you were born and got an abortion? Well, this is my opinion of abortion. Now, what's yours?
Personally, I think abortion is just wrong in so many ways. First, the child doesn't get a chance to live because the parents didn't think before they acted. Second, the parents of the child are the ones that made the desicion to have sex, so therefore, the child is now their responsability like it or not. Third, they're taking the life of a living being and that goes against the law. I mean, how can murdering someone get you jail time but abortion is over looked? Fourth, The child should at least get the chance to live in this world. I mean, what if you were that child that was being aborted? What if your parents decided that they didn't want to have a child when you were born and got an abortion? Well, this is my opinion of abortion. Now, what's yours?

First, what part of rape do you not understand? Or birth control failure?

Second, see first.

Thrid, it's not a life if it's not sentient. An embryo isn't.

Fourth, why exactly? As for me being the aborted, you see, I'm a self-sacrificing sort. I would never want to bring suffering to anyone, least of all my parents. If my creation was an accident, a result of rape, or anything else that causes severe mental pain I would gladly give up my life to serve a greater purpose.

Maybe I'm a altrustic sort, but I like not to be the bringer of suffering.

Lastly, my opinon's been stated elsewhere, but to be plain about it: I'm totally for abortion in almost every single case, since generally speaking abortion is done to eleviate a woman's suffering and I take their rights above that of a cell dozen cells.
I don't disagree with you for your explaination on the first one or any of them, I just didn't have enough time to finish my post because I had to get back to class. It's just that I was almost aborted because my grandparents and the family as a whole didn't like my mom being pregnant so they told her to get an abortion. She refused, and the family pushed her so hard that she almost did. Also, it didn't help that after my dad found out he ran off. That freaking son of a ....... Well, even though we have different opinions, that's just what they are. Opinions. No hard feelings?