Abortion - your views.

Sorry if I'm one of those people with tactless responses. :(

I do remember saying it's up to the woman bearing the child. I honestly don't know what else to say, except apologize if I said anything wrong.

No no, good gracious no. As for me, I'm pro-choice. Anything that anybody supports, pro-life or pro-choice is all good for them, more power to them. I may not agree, but I'm not going to say it's wrong either. That's your choice.

It's responses like what I just quoted that is tactless and cruel. I've not seen anything you say be in the wrong. It's just your opinion. But to say something like "Well if I get my girl pregnant she is HAVING an abortion because I don't wanna get stuck raising her KID" is what I'm referring to.
No no, good gracious no. As for me, I'm pro-choice. Anything that anybody supports, pro-life or pro-choice is all good for them, more power to them. I may not agree, but I'm not going to say it's wrong either. That's your choice.

It's responses like what I just quoted that is tactless and cruel. I've not seen anything you say be in the wrong. It's just your opinion. But to say something like "Well if I get my girl pregnant she is HAVING an abortion because I don't wanna get stuck raising her KID" is what I'm referring to.

Heh heh, sorry for misunderstanding. I just didn't want to be put in that crowd of people. :)

It's always best when people show responsibility. If people are going to have sex like a couple of jackrabbits, they should at least know the risks involved. If women end up getting pregnant, they shouldn't whine and moan about it unless their means of protection failed. Some people have mentioned if women get pregnant by rape or anything else by means of abuse, they have every right to abort. If it's by showing irresponsibility, they shouldn't let their children die by their mistakes. They should step up and take responsibility, unless they really can't take it.

Abortion is a touchy subject. As for me, I don't mind abortion at all. However, it's best to just avoid that situation, even if it means not having sex. I totally respect whether women want to have babies or not. I'm not raising their children, so I really don't have a say of what they should do.

Again, I'm sorry if I said anything that offended you, especially any of the things I just said. I don't mind if women have abortion or not, I just don't want anyone to be irresponsible about it. Kinda kills me when a baby midway through pregnancy dies by somebody else's mistake, if it really counts as a mistake.
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Sorry guys, but we're the ones who have to suffer through the struggles of pregnancy, not you.

Well who in their right mind would want to have a kid if the other parent refused to cooperate? Child support is fine and dandy, but it certainly isn't going to be easy being a single parent. Especially considering that I would happily fight in court for each and every penny that I'd have to hand over. I pray that I will not have to be put in that situation, but if it was, I can only hope that the woman would realize the having an abortion would be the only productive response (that and figuring what the hell went wrong with our contraceptive tools).

We should be the ones to decide if we want to go through the hassle of a pregnancy, and we're the ones who should get to decide if we want to push something the size of a watermelon out of the size of a keyhole. We should also be the ones who get to decide if we want to raise the child or not. We don't NEED a man to raise a baby, so I'll be damned if I were to get pregnant and the man who got me pregnant told me I had to have an abortion when I may not want to. Sorry, but that's MY say so on it.

You don't need a man to raise a baby? Well that's great! I wish all women had your attitude! Hopefully if she decided not to get an abortion, she would enjoy raising it entirely without my support. And the part about the "hassles" of pregnancy? Well yeah, it's not like raising a kid in your stomach for 9 months is supposed to be easy or fun. I hope my girlfriend would have this in mind as we drove down to the abortion clinic.
We hate this thread as well.

Personally, no pro-lifer should decide what they think it right for anyone. We don't care if your God doesn't like or what. Bottom line is, a select group of people shouldn't be allowed to make a decision that will close abortion as an opinion just because you think it's wrong.

Not everyone thinks that it's wrong, and in our honest opinion, if you don't like abortion, deal with it. It's not your decision to make, so shut the fuck up.

Oh, and if you want to post about how our logic/argument is flawed, go right on ahead. It's the only defense you have when you know we're right. :D

Pro-Life=Great, just quit trying to make choices for everyone else and we're fine.

Living in Houston and working at Planned Parenthood we have to drone though the "40 days of protest", which we call "the 40 days of harassment."

The things that the pro-lifers say to anyone, and we do mean ANYONE, is terrible. It's harassment pure and simple. Calling a nurse that walks thought the doors a "godless whore" is not our idea of a peaceful protest.

Calm down, and know your fucking place.

Also, men, if you don't want a kid, don't stick your dick out. LOGIC FUCKING WORKS! Women, if you don't want a kid, encourage the man to wear a condom, or keep your fucking legs closed. In case of failure, if you're in stable relationship, have a steady financial situation, keep it if you want. If you feel as if you can't take care of it, then it's entirely up to you.

Odds are you don't need a kid anyway. Most people are too fucking stupid to figure out how to raise one. If you're in high school, don't even think about it. Seeing a pregnant girl walking down the halls of a high school makes us face palm on an epic scale.

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Not sure if I've already responded in here or not.

As most have said, I wouldn't hold it against any girl who had an abortion, due to rape.

However, if a girl is using abortion as a contraceptive, then that is just sick.

Clearly you would be better off on the pill, which would save everyone, including the unborn child a lot of grief. And if the girl was freakin' smart enough, she'd realise that the pill is much cheaper than paying for an abortion. <_<

I actually have a friend, who's best friend has had around six abortions. She sleeps with random guys, doesn't use the pill or condoms and then either uses the morning after pill or gets an abortion. She once actually used the morning after pill, then that same day had unprotected sex again and then got pregnant. Though she actually kept this one. <_<

Anyway, I couldn't see myself having an abortion unless I was raped, or I found out that the child had problems, such as down syndrome or something that I know I just wouldn't be able to cope with.

I want kids one day, but I don't want to give up my life completely and have to nurse them into their 60's because they have mental/physical problems. It wouldn't be fair to bring a child into this world, when they're not even really there to start with. And it wouldn't be fair to also take my life away either.

Though knowing me right now I wouldn't be able to go through with an abortion. I really hope it never comes to that. v_v
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You don't need a man to raise a baby? Well that's great! I wish all women had your attitude! Hopefully if she decided not to get an abortion, she would enjoy raising it entirely without my support.

If a man makes a woman pregnant, it is partly his responsibility. Women don't make themselves pregnant on their own. Humans are sexually reproducing creatures, not asexually reproducing. Why do you believe you don't need any responsibility over the child in the end at all? You did know having sex would lead to this.
It's people like you who make me absolutely sick. You can't take responsibility for your actions then you sure as hell don't need to be whipping your dick out of your pants either. Did you ever stop and think that maybe she wouldn't want to have an abortion? Maybe she wants to raise the child? I really don't think that when it comes to a woman having an abortion it SHOULD be the man's decision at all. Sorry guys, but we're the ones who have to suffer through the struggles of pregnancy, not you.

We should be the ones to decide if we want to go through the hassle of a pregnancy, and we're the ones who should get to decide if we want to push something the size of a watermelon out of the size of a keyhole. We should also be the ones who get to decide if we want to raise the child or not. We don't NEED a man to raise a baby, so I'll be damned if I were to get pregnant and the man who got me pregnant told me I had to have an abortion when I may not want to. Sorry, but that's MY say so on it. You can't own up to your own mistakes and responsibilities, then keep it in your pants. Just like women who can't handle it need to keep their legs shut.

And just like Kelly, I hate this fucking thread. :mokken: It infuriates me with some of the tactless responses in here.

And yet again I will start my rant of how humans are an experiment ("creation" like some of you might consider) turned terribly wrong. You see, humans go through a natural process of birth, growth, reproduction and, after being scientifically "useless" to prolong the species, then death arrives to claim those remnants of elements and compounds in order to be used in another life. Humans are the kind who do sexual intercourse, not for the sake of prolonging the species, but for the sake of enjoying it (and who wouldn't? Sex is good....but we humans are bad :mokken:).

Most people accidently give origin to a new life everyday, simply out of a night of passion and curiosity. You can blame the hormones since, during the adolesence, they stir the "heat" inside the humans and make them sex craving machines (whether they admit it, or not, subconsciously, or consciously...). A child who was procreated is not an accident, since people have at least the minimum required intelligence to figure out that sum of two genitalia of opposite genders equals reproduction in most cases (unless either of the subjects is unable to reproduce).

The right to kill, it is a right we humans have claimed so vehemently and without permission ever since the roots of our blood stained race. Seeing that we kill grown out men and women for war, patriotism, religion and beliefs, it doesn't surprise me that this race wants to kill those unborn too.

My opinion is that if the child comes out of an act of irresponsible and underage sex, then these two poor stupid bastards better have the balls to accept and raise this kid (even though their grandparents will take over at some point...).

If it is due to rape, then the women has the right to choose, but seeing that the child will be a constant reminder of the vile act, I see it quite difficult for a functional relationship between mother and son to be made.

If it is due to clinical advise, choosing between the child and a mother, then the mother should be saved seeing that it's typical of fathers to go on a silent hate against the child that deprived them of their "mate" (it happens in, if not almost all, ocassions). The kid will be raised, without a mother and psychologically, without a father as well.

I just say that we are nobody to discuss, least, judge others. If they want to abort, let them. Their conscience, their problem. If you encourage them to have the child, then you should at least consider helping them sustain that kid for the next nineteen years unless you all wish to fall under the classification of "hypocrites".

I am strongly in favor of birth control, and birth limitation. One or two children per couple, that's it no more. We don't need more humans, and we hardly have enough to sustain the ones we have now. This world is overpopulated and we need to teach our children to keep their pants UP unless they wish to add yet another number to the statistics. :math:

So folks, keep your "dicks" inside your pants, and chicks keep your damn legs closed. Do not become yet another statistic and help us proof that this human race trully deserves the blessing of free will. :mokken:
Wow. Just wow. I sure wish politicians thought like you, Turner. Maybe we wouldn't even have this debate topic in the first place.

We're only human after all, and some of us don't even use the simplest of common sense. There will always be those that don't use the brain that's been given to them and avoid responsibility. Kinda sad, really, since it's usually the unborn who pay for our lack of responsibility.

The world out there is cruel. There have been many times my family of four (my brother, my sister, me, and my mother) have dropped below the poverty line, and rarely anyone would help us. Some who did mistreated us. As of now, we're alright. But I will never forget those days.

"Alright, you saved a life. Will you help us take care of it?"
"Hell no. That ain't my baby."
"But you fought to keep it alive."
"So? I just wanted publicity and all the like. That baby will rot for all I care."

Of course this kind of conversation will never happen. But that gives you an idea how some people in this world are. If anyone's going to fight for abortion laws, at least prove me wrong and help those poor mothers and fathers out.

If some don't want to keep a baby alive, why save its life in the first place?
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I think the reason most people are against it completely are that way because of either misunderstanding, religion, or both.

I'm religious and I'm not against it. I mean sure, after a few months that little bugger has feelings and can move, but abortions aren't really bad.

What kind of God would (the people who believe in God) let someone who couldn't raise a baby, go about having one? What if that person was forced and is now pregnant? What if you were told your baby was going to most likely, die?

Abortions are good in a sense. I only dislike them when its like three/four months.

Although, sex is among us to create more of us, people sure do abuse it a lot. :gonk:
I think I'm going to insert my input here and leave it at that.

Firstly, it's the woman who's gonna go through the pregnancy. Regardless of whether she has an abortion or not, it is entirely her decision. It doesn't matter about what's involved or whatnot because it's down to her if she has one or not. She shouldn't be forced to have one or forced not to have one.

It's her choice whether people like it or not.

I honestly don't think there's a right or wrong answer for abortion. However, it's the mother's choice. That's the one of the only things I believe regarding the debate.
I think I'm going to insert my input here and leave it at that.

Firstly, it's the woman who's gonna go through the pregnancy. Regardless of whether she has an abortion or not, it is entirely her decision. It doesn't matter about what's involved or whatnot because it's down to her if she has one or not. She shouldn't be forced to have one or forced not to have one.

It's her choice whether people like it or not.

I honestly don't think there's a right or wrong answer for abortion. However, it's the mother's choice. That's the one of the only things I believe regarding the debate.

Although I sorta think only women should have the decision about it...

There isn't a right or wrong, some women can't have a baby in her life and some thinks its wrong.

You summed up what I thought perfectly, Faith. ;)
I'm religious and I'm not against it. I mean sure, after a few months that little bugger has feelings and can move, but abortions aren't really bad.

What kind of God would (the people who believe in God) let someone who couldn't raise a baby, go about having one? What if that person was forced and is now pregnant? What if you were told your baby was going to most likely, die?

Abortions are good in a sense. I only dislike them when its like three/four months.

Although, sex is among us to create more of us, people sure do abuse it a lot. :gonk:

That part about God (as I believe in God), I don't think He'd actually just interfere and make the unborn baby magically disappear. We're like babies to Him. If He does everything for us, we'd be no better than spoiled kids. Everyone makes their choices in life, whether smart or stupid. That's part of growing up; learning from our own mistakes and the mistakes of others. People pay for their mistakes. When they do, some call it divine intervention as it could come from God. Others call it karma.

But anyway enough of my religious ranting. Like I have mentioned before, I agree with the opinion that abortion is good before reaching halfway through the pregnancy. Whether it was from rape or not, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that if a woman doesn't want a baby she should get an abortion immediately, not wait 3-4 months.

But, as I also have mentioned, it's not really up to anyone except the woman bearing the child to decide whether to have the baby or not. I don't think there's a wrong option, but rather a wrong way of doing things. Waiting too long to make an actual decision is the wrong way to go, in my opinion.
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I think its murder if it's pass 3/4 months and it makes me really sick. I knew this girl who was forced at the age of 14 and her father wouldn't allow her to get a abortion and he forced her to move away to Mexico so she was trapped under his clutches :(

She finally got a abortion at 3 weeks (almost four, I think...). She hasn't logged into the sights she used to in a long time...
I think its murder if it's pass 3/4 months and it makes me really sick. I knew this girl who was forced at the age of 14 and her father wouldn't allow her to get a abortion and he forced her to move away to Mexico so she was trapped under his clutches :(

She finally got a abortion at 3 weeks (almost four, I think...). She hasn't logged into the sights she used to in a long time...

A sad story. I understand why some parents would do that, as some people believe everyone has to pay for the consequences for their actions. But damn it did that father really have to go that far?

I just don't know what else to say. Perhaps I'm speechless.
A sad story. I understand why some parents would do that, as some people believe everyone has to pay for the consequences for their actions. But damn it did that father really have to go that far?

I just don't know what else to say. Perhaps I'm speechless.

Some fathers get...possessive about their daughters. :sad:
The last I heard of her, she ran away with some boy who helped her through it. Not much after... :(

People who are against it should shut up and really pay attention to why abortions are, most of the time, needed.

(I didn't really mean to offend with that...if I did, I'm awfully sorry.)
Some fathers get...possessive about their daughters. :sad:
The last I heard of her, she ran away with some boy who helped her through it. Not much after... :(

People who are against it should shut up and really pay attention to why abortions are, most of the time, needed.

(I didn't really mean to offend with that...if I did, I'm awfully sorry.)

I'm fine with it. Just don't be surprised if you expct some criticism.

I understand the thing about fathers. Mine mistreated my mom so much we eventually called the cops on him. my mom raised us by herself ever since, which is one reason I post in this topic.
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I'm religious and I'm not against it. I mean sure, after a few months that little bugger has feelings and can move, but abortions aren't really bad.

What kind of God would (the people who believe in God) let someone who couldn't raise a baby, go about having one? What if that person was forced and is now pregnant? What if you were told your baby was going to most likely, die?

Abortions are good in a sense. I only dislike them when its like three/four months.

Although, sex is among us to create more of us, people sure do abuse it a lot. :gonk:
I wasn't thinking of it in terms of "religion makes people hate abortion", but more the fact that the way people interpret religion makes them hate it. You can't deny the fact that some people are against abortion because it is "playing God". These are probably just extremists, but religion is a factor here none the less.

I suppose misunderstanding factors in there as well though. The fact that these religious extremists are looking strictly at how they interpret the Bible or whatever and no other sources is bound to cause misunderstanding. There's a reason your teacher/professor makes you use more than one source on a research paper. The more sources you have, the better chance you have at getting the whole picture.

But I digress. Maybe I should have said not that religion causes people to be against abortion, but how people interpret religion. Religion is basically one big interpretation anyway, as seen in your post. You interpret it to be that God wouldn't allow someone who couldn't raise a baby to raise one. Others see it as "Sex must ONLY be for reproduction", so abortion is evil.
In the case of rape, I heartily approve of abortion. It's the exact same as a mother not wanting the child, except now, in this case, the father did not mean to create him. The father did not love the mother, did not care for a childs well being and does not deserve to bear a child into the world. Does a child deserve the mental tortue of knowing he was accidental and unwanted? Torture seems like a worse sin than putting someone out of their misery, if you ask me.

This is in fact the only time I would consider abortion. Note I said "consider".

I don't know exactly how I feel about abortion under other situations but I do believe it is sad. It's the people's choice. Its there and some people are going to use it. I could never imagine myself getting one and I won't judge people who do, it's not my business. I personally don't like the idea of it though.

Example. If I was with someone, got pregnant. The guy didn't want to kid and left... I would have the kid. Assuming I'm the age I am now.

However, 3 years ago after *stuff happened* and say I DID get pregnant... I dunno what I would have done. Abortion would have been an option, sure. But that is a hard choice for me to even think about. Surely my parents would help me raise the child seeing as I had no control over what happened. I might have given it a shot. If it didn't work out. Putting it up for adoption is yet ANOTHER choice. I guess I'm just not so sure I could pick abortion. But who knows. It didn't happen that way... I don't know what I would have done. And even if I don't like the idea... I can't say I wouldn't have done it. But I would have had reasons. 13 years old. The fact that I wasn't consent with it. I don't know. Hard question.

Under any other circumstance I probably would never choose abortion. It's just not me. I will never judge those who will though.
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Personally, I'm neither for or against abortion. By that, I mean abortion in general differs for every single case, so to say I agree or disagree on the whole is ignorant. I fell pregnant last year through rape, and despite that I planned to keep the child. Unfortunately I miscarried, but I wouldn't have had an abortion. However, at that time I had money behind me and a stable home, so I figured I'd be able to handle a child.

Really, there are too many factors to take into account to be 100% for or against abortion.
Personally, I'm neither for or against abortion. By that, I mean abortion in general differs for every single case, so to say I agree or disagree on the whole is ignorant. I fell pregnant last year through rape, and despite that I planned to keep the child. Unfortunately I miscarried, but I wouldn't have had an abortion. However, at that time I had money behind me and a stable home, so I figured I'd be able to handle a child.

Really, there are too many factors to take into account to be 100% for or against abortion.

That's what I would have done if I had gotten pregnant from my... uh, rape. I didn't get pregnant though but I just could never imagine being able to live with getting a abortion. I don't mean people that do are heartless... its just not how I was raised.

If it didn't work out... there is always option for giving it up for adoption.