Abortion - your views.

I think that if you wanna abortion then think it through carefully discuss with the guy who got you pregnant and if you still don't want it get the abortion i understand that some religions forbid it but imagine this> a 14 year old girl in my school ok she's actually in my class and she's one of my closest friends she has a boyfriend in year 11 or 10 i can't remember well he got her pregnant now this guy he's a christian and didnt want the abortion but shes athiest and was killin herself mentally about she could either get rid of the baby and lose the love of her life or keep the baby for some guy who "claims he loves her" and possibly ruin her life with a baby now if your a christian and you got a 14 year old girl pregnant what would YOU do i'm not trying to offend your religion or nething (tho i usually come out like that :D) can anyone gimme some advice its been a month since then and she keeps begging me for advice i can't give her can ANYONE gimme advice because it really is quite distressing lol
I think that if you wanna abortion then think it through carefully discuss with the guy who got you pregnant and if you still don't want it get the abortion i understand that some religions forbid it but imagine this> a 14 year old girl in my school ok she's actually in my class and she's one of my closest friends she has a boyfriend in year 11 or 10 i can't remember well he got her pregnant now this guy he's a christian and didnt want the abortion but shes athiest and was killin herself mentally about she could either get rid of the baby and lose the love of her life or keep the baby for some guy who "claims he loves her" and possibly ruin her life with a baby now if your a christian and you got a 14 year old girl pregnant what would YOU do i'm not trying to offend your religion or nething (tho i usually come out like that :D) can anyone gimme some advice its been a month since then and she keeps begging me for advice i can't give her can ANYONE gimme advice because it really is quite distressing lol

First questions are did she talked it over with that guy and can she talk to her parents about it?
she has talked to her parents and the guy her names Alex Parker she is my best friends and amazingly attractive i love her like my own sister her parents are mega christians its how she met him his name is Mike Rennolds her and mike hit it off almost immediately she athiest but has to go to sunday mass with her parents and he's also a very strong christian so her parents and him are against her gettin an abortion but she wants it so badly she doesnt want to ruin her life but she doesnt want to get it without at least her parents or boyfriends blessing
Abortion is a rather immoral idea in itself, but the benefits far outweigh the risks in most cases. However, the fact that many women refuse to have one shows that abortion is still not very well looked upon in society. An easy fix to this is giving men the right to not give child support if their partner refuses an abortion.
Abortion is a rather immoral idea in itself, but the benefits far outweigh the risks in most cases. However, the fact that many women refuse to have one shows that abortion is still not very well looked upon in society. An easy fix to this is giving men the right to not give child support if their partner refuses an abortion.

I'm 14 so i don't understand what the hell you just said lol
He's saying that he believes Abortion is wrong, but that Abortion is often better for people, despite how dangerous it might be. He says that because woman still refuse to have an abortion, this suggests that people all over the world think that abortion is also wrong. Finally, he thinks that men should be able to choose whether or not they must provide money to the mother if she refuses to have an abortion.

Clear things up?
absolutely thanks Riku dam i hate begin 14 lol oh yeah and i agree with you Adamant but also if that were the law every man who doesnt wanna pay CS would say that so what would be the point of CS then huh? not a comeback just an honest question *whimpers in fright* lol
I'm not saying that EVERYONE in the world thinks that it's wrong, I'm just saying that going into a public room and saying, "I'm a new mother!" will cause a lot more positive response than saying, "Hey everybody, I just had an abortion!".

I also do not like the iron grip that pregnant women can have on men if they have an unexpected child that she cannot pay for by herself.
lol hey for some reason i can know imagine someone going into public and saying hey everyone im like soooo happy i just got an abortion or even better imagine going into a church and sayin that lol
she has talked to her parents and the guy her names Alex Parker she is my best friends and amazingly attractive i love her like my own sister her parents are mega christians its how she met him his name is Mike Rennolds her and mike hit it off almost immediately she athiest but has to go to sunday mass with her parents and he's also a very strong christian so her parents and him are against her gettin an abortion but she wants it so badly she doesnt want to ruin her life but she doesnt want to get it without at least her parents or boyfriends blessing

Listen if it is like you told that he is the love of her life he should try to understands her too,or he is not the right one,my thought.
Second 14 is even for me to young for having a child,but to ask now if they were so christian at the first why made it,its to late.
No one i think can give a good advice in this matter,i'm so sorry for your friend but the moment she had s.x she know what can happen,sorry its just the way it is.I'm realy feeling sorry for this girl but if she is grown to have s.x so she is grown enough to make this decision.Sorry again
I know, Adamant, and I wasn't implying that you were suggesting that you were talking about every last person :P There's a bit of a tongue twister for ya.

lol hey for some reason i can know imagine someone going into public and saying hey everyone im like soooo happy i just got an abortion or even better imagine going into a church and sayin that lol
Sir Strife, as amusing as that image is, please try to keep on topic and try to refrain from making short posts/jokes. It's just so that topics don't start to decline into being ... well, full of jokes and spam :] Thank you, in advance.
i just got off the phone to her she was crying her eyes out that bastards dumped her i swear if i ever see him again i;ll kill him i swear she wants me to ditch school with her and take her to the doctors should i?

I wont make tacky jokes anymore and sorry for swearin but im real angry
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I believe that abortion should only be performed if it is a case of incest or inbreeding. I know being raped would suck but it doesn't give someone the right to kill off an innocent baby.
Ok i dont know if youre a girl or not FM but imagine you have a baby from being raped how would you feel if you had to look into the face of your attacker everyday some people couldnt do that abd usually end up killing themselves and the baby anyway so you might as well get rid of something that isn't even alive at the time rather than lose 2 lives by suicide i say at the time as babies aren't even alive til they breath their first breath
I believe that abortion should only be performed if it is a case of incest or inbreeding. I know being raped would suck but it doesn't give someone the right to kill off an innocent baby.

Innocent women don't ask to get raped either, so they have every right to choose an abortion in cases of rape. I would. I find it hard to see why any woman would put up with a baby from a rape for 9mnths, then give birth to it. I know I wouldn't cope.
Innocent women don't ask to get raped either, so they have every right to choose an abortion in cases of rape. I would. I find it hard to see why any woman would put up with a baby from a rape for 9mnths, then give birth to it. I know I wouldn't cope.

Hear herar. I know for a fact i could not give birth to the baby of a man who forced himself upon me. Thats where I believe abortion is not a bad thing. As horrible as that sounds, That child was not created in an act of love, but one sided lust.
Judge Rulia, Sir Strife, and Sapphire Star. After hearing your opinions and knowing that you've made an incredibly valid point... I've changed my mind on this matter and I believe you are right. (Sorry about the weird way I'm typing this down. I don't know any other way to phrase this message.) I should actually be thanking you because this is a very important matter and I don't want to be offensive to anyone. (Opinions are definitely hurtful sometimes.) If anyone took offense to my post then I would like to apologize. So...Sorry about that. Okaaaay..... Bye.
I didnt take offense to your post i was merely alarmed about what you said im relieved you have changed you mindrape is a very serious matter and so is abortion the two coincide quite often more than you think actually
I didnt take offense to your post i was merely alarmed about what you said im relieved you have changed you mindrape is a very serious matter and so is abortion the two coincide quite often more than you think actually
Thanks, that is load off of my back. I never really think before I act and I didn't consider the topic from your point of view.
No probz mate and for those who talked to me about my friend who was pregnant she had the abortion today i skipped school to go with her and she's getting better now see ya