About the Story


Shion Kupozuki
Jun 6, 2006
Black Mage Village
How can people say it doesn't have a good story. Its about war and a princess thats trying to reclaim her throne but can't due to the certain circumstances and you have to make peace before utter war breaks out! It quite exciting actually. I'm enjoying the game. Any thoughts what you think of the story?
People got different tastes :/

Still, a lot of people still like the story - I think the Judges in this are so badass, they're becoming one of my favourite groups of people from FF history.
I think that`s precisely the worst part of the game. " A princess who wants to take back his stolen kingdom" is something pretty common, but ALL ( and I really mean ALL ) the other stuff and details that surrounds that , it's pretty damn amazing and I like it.

in other means, the "why?" about that main subject.
" A princess who wants to take back his stolen kingdom"
Anyone who can find the contradiction in that sentence, I'll give a nickel to. ^_^

I think the game's story was great. Yes as Aztec said the characters were very poorly backed up in terms of history. I think the most you get to know about is that Balthier has an intriguing past, and Ashe has a royal blood-line that flows farther back than the Nile in Africa.

Otherwise if we overlook the character's lack of development (which can be hard to do at times), I think the story is a very mature one that has passed the simplicity of previous stories in the series. It's not very hard to understand FFV, FFVI, FFIX, but now we get into a game where the scheming treads into Political waters but on a deeper level. Sure you had Maester Seymour scheming in FFX, and Kefka attempting to dictate in FFVI, but FFXII take it above and beyond the usual political scandel in FF games. Very intriguing to unravel it all towards the end of the game.

Great game.
Exactly right, Jimma. The story is fine. It's terrific. I don't think it has the history like Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy X do but as far as the FF games that concentrate on the here and now (Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VI) it really kicks butt. The political storyweaving is second to none. The magicite, nethicite, occuria, summons, and the three different kinddoms vying for power. You can't beat it. It really was great.

Unfortunately, the story only really concentrated on a few of the main characters. It covered Basch, Balthier, and Ashe fairly well. The rest you get pretty much screwed over on. And even though a few have good backstories, you really don't get to find out everything you wanted to about them... and certainly nothing in rapid succession. Both Baltheir and Basch pack a couple "Whoa! OMG! Are you serious?" info treats but they're delivered so far apart you feel like you're left starving.

Also, Ashe ain't a he-she.

EDIT: Don't think I won't take your nickels the next time I see you.
Anyone who can find the contradiction in that sentence, I'll give a nickel to. ^_^

I think you relate this sentence , too literally towards the game ;)

It's obvious that SE doesn`t want to show it like that, but Ashe ( sadly ) is the reason why the story of the game goes on. And what she wants is to be the queen of a kingdom which is in the hands of the Empire. With this, taking revenge and all that details who ends in the Judge, the nethicite and so stuff. There is so many good details envolving the main objective of the story, that they end hiding it, but if you take out all those details, there is no such originality there.

And I guess this situation is for almost every story that I see ( not just envolving final fantasy games or even just games. )

I still think we have to care about the "why's" of each story ( or objective).
Exactly right, Jimma. The story is fine. It's terrific. I don't think it has the history like Final Fantasy VII or Final Fantasy X do but as far as the FF games that concentrate on the here and now (Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy VI) it really kicks butt. The political storyweaving is second to none. The magicite, nethicite, occuria, summons, and the three different kinddoms vying for power. You can't beat it. It really was great.

Unfortunately, the story only really concentrated on a few of the main characters. It covered Basch, Balthier, and Ashe fairly well. The rest you get pretty much screwed over on. And even though a few have good backstories, you really don't get to find out everything you wanted to about them... and certainly nothing in rapid succession. Both Baltheir and Basch pack a couple "Whoa! OMG! Are you serious?" info treats but they're delivered so far apart you feel like you're left starving.

Also, Ashe ain't a he-she.

EDIT: Don't think I won't take your nickels the next time I see you.
Well I guess thats was one of the major things people didn't lie were the undevelpoed characters. Ashes is my character and I'm glad they go all into her past and stuff, and they kinda do for Fran. Penelo is just sorta their which kinda sucks for her.

And I must say the part where Vaan asks Fran how old she is, is like the funniest part of the game.
Haha I love that he does it twice. Once in Rabanastre and once in Fran's villiage. haha That was probably one of the best lines of the game. Especially since Balthier just complimented him two seconds before he said it.

Possibly the best since 7, havent finished yet so im not sure. But i think they could have gone into more detail about the characters.
Don't know about the people who said the story was no good, I thought it was an excellent story, even though I could swear I'd seen a similar type story somewhere in a popular George Lucas film Lol... ;) but all kidding aside, what I loved most about the story was it's the higher level of maturity in the storytelling and theme. It wasn't what FF fans where normally used to, but IMO, I felt it was well done.

If I had any complaints about this FF, It would be what I've said in several other post, a serious lack of character interaction, which truly surprised me for a FF, especially since the character development was so well done.

Again, IMHO, if it weren't for the lack in character interaction, I truly feel that any hate or disappointment threads would be extremely rare to find. This game would have been perfect!
People say there is a lack of character interaction, and still don't explain themselves. If people won't, then I'll explain why I see plenty of it, and why there isn't any some interaction:

1. Everyone works as a team - if the characters could not interact with each other, then there wouldn't be a team would they?
2. Some things are more important to characters, rather then forming close friendships with one another - Ashe had her Kingdom to save right? Still, she conversed with her party members. She may have seemed a bitch at times, but she wasn't downright ignorant.
3. Fran's temperament isn't meant to be that of Humes - she was born a Viera you know, and she's probably kept a bit of past nature with her.
4. Balthier is probably the most open character of all them - he is charming to Pennelo and Ashe, makes conversation with Vaan and Basch, and always jokes with his partner Fran.
5. Basch tried to interact with almost everyone - he seemed to have respect for Pennelo, he eventually built up trust again with Ashe, he was extremely sorry for Vaan when he first met him, and also built up trust with him again, and even he and Balthier seemed to be firm allies.

That's me done, and I think interaction in this game, even though it is lacking as some may say, has it's reasons for being like that. You just can't expect everyone to well..be pally pally, all amazing buddies, if that's what you're getting at.
People say there is a lack of character interaction, and still don't explain themselves. If people won't, then I'll explain why I see plenty of it, and why there isn't any some interaction:

1. Everyone works as a team - if the characters could not interact with each other, then there wouldn't be a team would they?
2. Some things are more important to characters, rather then forming close friendships with one another - Ashe had her Kingdom to save right? Still, she conversed with her party members. She may have seemed a bitch at times, but she wasn't downright ignorant.
3. Fran's temperament isn't meant to be that of Humes - she was born a Viera you know, and she's probably kept a bit of past nature with her.
4. Balthier is probably the most open character of all them - he is charming to Pennelo and Ashe, makes conversation with Vaan and Basch, and always jokes with his partner Fran.
5. Basch tried to interact with almost everyone - he seemed to have respect for Pennelo, he eventually built up trust again with Ashe, he was extremely sorry for Vaan when he first met him, and also built up trust with him again, and even he and Balthier seemed to be firm allies.

That's me done, and I think interaction in this game, even though it is lacking as some may say, has it's reasons for being like that. You just can't expect everyone to well..be pally pally, all amazing buddies, if that's what you're getting at.
Well put JR (could I call you Lisa still? :P)

Ashe sorta was a bitch at times, I catually thought she would be one of those good two shoes. But when she first poped up in that one scene I was like "uh, pms much?" lol

Balthier is so cool. I love him. I like how he's able to talk a lot. Him and Ashe are the best ^^
People say there is a lack of character interaction, and still don't explain themselves. If people won't, then I'll explain why I see plenty of it, and why there isn't any some interaction:

1. Everyone works as a team - if the characters could not interact with each other, then there wouldn't be a team would they?
2. Some things are more important to characters, rather then forming close friendships with one another - Ashe had her Kingdom to save right? Still, she conversed with her party members. She may have seemed a bitch at times, but she wasn't downright ignorant.
3. Fran's temperament isn't meant to be that of Humes - she was born a Viera you know, and she's probably kept a bit of past nature with her.
4. Balthier is probably the most open character of all them - he is charming to Pennelo and Ashe, makes conversation with Vaan and Basch, and always jokes with his partner Fran.
5. Basch tried to interact with almost everyone - he seemed to have respect for Pennelo, he eventually built up trust again with Ashe, he was extremely sorry for Vaan when he first met him, and also built up trust with him again, and even he and Balthier seemed to be firm allies.

That's me done, and I think interaction in this game, even though it is lacking as some may say, has it's reasons for being like that. You just can't expect everyone to well..be pally pally, all amazing buddies, if that's what you're getting at.

and that post should end the thread. hehe.

Lisa's right. maybe people who say there is little/no character interaction are looking for a different type of interaction. there's tons of interactions with the characters and to me most of them seemed so alive. they talked like intelligent people and they all worked together exceptionally well.

i see no issues with the story or with the characters in this game.
End the thread? One person said that. lol

The characters do interact well together but they're still underdeveloped. Ashe, Basch, and Balthier are the only ones with indepth histories. And even then you really don't know half as much about them as you'd like to. They did interact well and they were very driven characters... but I'd also like to know more about Basch, where he came from, what the attack on his homecountry was like for him, were his parents killed in the attack, how did he get into the employ of Dalmasca? They give you a lot more background on him and those other characters than they do Fran, Penelo, and Vaan... but it's still not a lot.

As far as the story goes, it was developed well and told well. They just didn't tell you enough about their past. Ashe had a father who we know nothing about. She had a hubby that we know nothing about. We know that his image was being manipulated by the Occuria but nothing more. Balthier had a father. Basch a twin brother. But we don't know much more about them except for these weak character developments.
i thought of the story to be not so special what i found wrong about it was that it was going to fast and there were flaws in the character devopment the story was not much realistic with strange turns and it was not much exiting either. although the story had no flaws in the character interaction it just lacked what the old ff titles had and that was romance.
it was good it had no romance and this made the plot seroius and thats what i liked they were concentrating on the problem. it still had some comedy aand thats the way i like it to much comedy would have ruined the game.
I didn't really like the whole plot in general, to overdone and bland. And the plot also lacked any super twists(like all the other final fantasies). The charectors as have already been stated were way underdeveloped and I just was never convinced by any of the dialougue. And unlike other final fantasies, they didn't make me hate the main bad guy in the game. One of my biggest gripes in the game though about the story was the whole "ashe wants the nethicite" thing, I thought that was just stupid, I wasn't convinced at all that she wanted it. I just kept imagining every time someone would ask her if she wanted it her just shrugging and going "no" and they just dropped it. And the summoning didn't play a very big role, actually, speaking of summonings, the summonings(with there paragraph bio) had about as much back story as most of the charectors.
Oh well, we can't please everyone. Many people liked it, many didn't. I have my copy today, and I can't wait to play it when I get home, and I'm going to enjoy the story.
for some reason all ff games have flaws big or small SE has never accomplished creating a game which has no flaws even ff12 turned out with flaws in the story. i wish ff13 will turn out to be the perfect ff game