Advent Children 2?

Well I think that the film's story was alright. I think there wasn't enough story-telling in between fight scenes. As fans of Final Fantasy we have come to love the famous dialogues and story telling parts that expand the story and engross players. The film didn't do this to me. Don't get me wrong it was great in terms of what it had; but it didn't have those crucuial moments in between the action scenes.

I wanted more of the scenes like when Tifa was talking with Marlene and Vincent was talking with Cloud. Those scenes with soothing FF melodies. Those would have engrossed me more into the film and made it a whole lot better for me. Without them the film is good but not as good as I had hoped. Perhaps they'll change that with the additional scenes they're gonna add in the Blu Ray version of Advent Children.

By the way has anyone heard of the limited edition of Advent Children that's gonna be released. I think it's gonna have all the extra features from the Japanese version, the Advent Pieces, I think theyre were called.
i dont think they will either. Because it's something like sephiroth will really never disappear until every last jenova cell is destroyed and that would mean cloud would have to die and something like hes a part of cloud.. but then wont that mean that Cloud could turn into Sephiroth????
I'm not too sure. Maybe Sephiroth was taunting Cloud. But who knows? The possibility of another film hasn't been ruled out just yet. Don't give up on it yet.
ya square enix has suprised us before. example:we werent expecting FF7 to be that good, and I didnt expect to see X-2 be so
I don't think they'll make AC2 either. I just don't see a good reason for them to do so. AC wasn't wildly popular among the general public and I don't think nearly as many people would want to see AC2 as AC.
if they do make a 2nd one then they might put it into game format, would be cool as long as they kept there origonal battle system.^_^
if they kept the battle system, made graphics cool, made it a pretty sweet game, id buy it.
I would love to see a sequel.

But it my opinion, square shouldnt do one unless they can bring in new elements about FFVII. I mean we've all been through the story a billion times, so they shouldnt do another one unless they a going to bring something new and inovative to the table.
I think the ff 7 remixes movies and sidestories r gettin kinda old =/ they should an 8 movie an some side games to that
F_ck no. This is the most horrible idea since an idea for a movie of FFVIII. Just dragging up the same characters for a finished sequel is retarded.
No no no NO to any other series being worked on. You say it's a "good" thing to basically turn the game into a compilation series but no - FFVII still had things to answer for - FFVIII doesn't need any extra coverage. If there was anything extra added, well, do it in a remake!

FFVIII finished perfectly. So did the other FF's. X..erm, I'll skip that. XD.

People also don't say their reasons why it would be good to have another FFVIII game/another FF based game. Do you want fillers in them?

(I still believe the FFVII Compilation has given us pointless fillers, like G and The Zvets - how convenient they were living underground all the time..that's what I heard anyway)


Has anyone actually thought about this - seeing as DoC takes place a year after AC, what's the point in making AC2? Or making a game for that matter?

They need to focus on Red XIII based games or something, much later on, for I would like to know what he witnessed when he saw Midgar like he did, 500 years after the original events of FFVII.

I do like FFVIII, don't get me wrong. I don't see the point in making more..stuff for it.

>:D I am done!
I think FF7AC2 whould be a waste it ended perfectly and remake on a newer system now that's a differnt story and i certaintly whould love to see more Red!! in most of the spin-offs he had some small roles.
o man no one knows the answer to my question.... >.< o well um yea DoC was pretty bad as a sequel.... if you didnt beat it then you wouldnt no but in like one of the last movies Cloud yells: "GO VINCENT!!!" with everyone and it was just not right to hear him yell like that but i was ok i think..... cause Cloud is just amazing soooo..........

O yea and i would defiantly buy a remake of FF7 or a sequel!!!!! considering it was my favorite game ever..... well so far..... and maybe forever or maybe not i dont no but anyway.... I digress.....
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I also don't think they will make a second, I hope to God they do, but square have too many projects going at the moment. But maybe in the not too distant future...
DEfinetly not. If you watch through the whole opening sequence of DoC, it will say, " And so the hound weaves the final chapter in this tale of life. " The hound, referring to Vincent, and tale of life referring to Final Fantasy VII. Hope that cleared things up.