Advent Children 2?

Zacks memory? well to think of it they need to do more on Zack... maybe a game when the main char is Zack?
Watch Last Order >.O - I heard it's based a lot on him.
I would only want an advent children 2 if it was like a documentary of the compilation of FFVII so that everything made sense. Because, it's not like new stuff is bad... Just when you can't back it up, then it's horrible. That's why I would wish for a documentary on the ENTIRE compilation of FFVII.

EDIT: A documentary that made sense.
I hope to god that they don't make another one of these, especially if it is anything like the first. I would much rather see a totally original movie, ala Spirits Within or based off a game with a better story like Tactics, FFXII or IV or VI (not that I think any would make a great movie, but at least the possibilities are there with the story that exists, unlike in VII...)
i wouldn't mind as long as there is more games to complete the series
I agree on that, apart from the Cloud's past idea. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure Cloud was created by Hojo, using the JENOVA cells, and then having Zack's memory? There was a flashback scene in the game kinda explaining this, and there are two anime episodes going into more detail on the flashback of Sephiroth going crazy, and the one with Cloud and Zack travelling to Midgar.

However, I think that if they did make an Advent Children sequel, it'll just end up with more loose ends, which we'll all want answered in the form of yet another sequel, or a game, or whatever. As for the Red XIII and Seto story Lady Aerith mentioned, I reckon that should all be in a nice big book.

Yea you're either confused or u dont remember. it explains that Cloud was a real person before that. When you're in his mind it tells you that he was a real person and that all those memory's are his.

yea um at the end of AC when it shows Aeris and Zack what is there connection and were they really there?

No Cloud wasn't just a creation. If he had been, he never would have tried to get into SOLDIER and he and Zack wouldn't have been best friends before Hojo performed experiements on him. He wasn't just a test tube creation. Cloud had real parents. Don't you remember Cloud was alive before all of that happened? Cloud had memories of his childhood. The whole Lifestream scene explained it a lot. Cloud was ashamed of himself so he created an image of himself in his mind as Zack and continued to carry on with that life, fully believing he was somebody that he wasn't. He really did see his mom die and he really was there when Sephiroth went crazy. Cloud died after Sephiroth impaled him and Cloud threw Sephiroth into the lifestream. That was when Hojo continued his further experiementation on him. Cloud was infused with the mako when he was trying to get into SOLDIER to see if he could cut it, but his body couldn't handle it, hence the mako poisioning.

Cloud died??? i dont remember that.....

Zacks memory? well to think of it they need to do more on Zack... maybe a game when the main char is Zack?

they are doing that with Crisis Core Zack is the main character
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as said before it's doubtful, if they were to make a next movie it'd be about the later series of FF, like 10 or 12 or even 13 perhaps... how popular it is, i think it's best to "promote" the later parts of the game with a movie istead of staying with the older parts

the real meaning behind a movie is really to promote a game me thinks... if they like the movie, they'll most likely start playing the game...
Meh, I don't think they'd make another one. Everything was cleared and it's time for them to move on, especially since PS3 just came out. I'm sure they're working on other stuff as we speak.

And um, if they do make one, I think the market will do well...that is, if they do well. Personally, I think they should just leave it as it is. Sure, I'd like to see more of Cloud and company, but I'm afraid they might ruin the storyline if they do make a second one.
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and do u think that square will make a ff movie for PS3? (blue ray i think)

people like movies, it's a fact, especially if it's about their favorite game.... comparing it to world of warcraft now, people are dying for Blizzard to make the movie they have announced to make

on their forums have been many many posts about "when is that god damn movie coming?" and all, it proves people like movies about their game, and no doubt square will know this and keep on movies every now and then about their games... but they will never make it their profession, they're making games in the first place, and that's what they'll keep doing... and if a game becomes such a hit as FF7? well no doubt there will be a movie... personally i'm hoping FFXIII gets a movie

but advent children 2?... not gonna happen i'm afraid
Remember when Tifa met Cloud off the train once before? It kinda looked as if it wasn't the REAL Cloud she was speaking to.
The thought of Advent Children 2 never crossed my mind. I doubt that it will be made, but it'd be cool if it was :)
Ah yes ad what about aierith? what is she? she dead? but if so how were they there at the end of the movie?
Ah yes ad what about aierith? what is she? she dead? but if so how were they there at the end of the movie?

Aerith is dead... but as you know, the worlds of the Final Fantasy games are extremely magical, and there's always a connection to the dead... she just appeared to talk with Cloud and guide him through his... pain, because of the "Sin" of letting her die...

it's much like the Fayth in FFX, dead people who were locked up into statues to guide summoners through their pilgrimage...

i guess this was a similar thing... not the same, but similar in a certain way...

be open minded and you shall understand